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this is the pic that got corg banned from mlb

Guest hotsoxchick1

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i noticed...........im sure there are many more out there........its ok.. plan one into effect.. new names.. plan two a complete shut down of those boards........

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yup...HSC is right..im banned over there too..


this is a good example of politcal correctness run amuck...some dips*** gets offended by a stupid cartoon characature of KW and complains to the sox...in this pc world of today we cant have any of that..god forbid someone gets offended by words or pictures of another...so they trample all over the 1st amendment to make sure the dont piss off the PC crowd...its sickening to me....the rights that thousands of americans in the past have given their lives for so we can enjoy them and all we do today is just piss those rights away without even a whimper...


i am 100% certian that if KW was white and corg put up a similiar characature of him as a white guy with the phrase "klueless wonder" under it nothing would have been mentioned...nothing at all...


please dont tell me that since its a private site its not a 1st amendment issue...anytime people feel they must surpress their real feelings for fear of retaliation it is a 1st amendment issue...atleast im my eyes


to paraphrase ben franklin...those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little security deserve neither...


now ill get off my soap box..thanx to the boys at this site for understanding the bigger picture..hey i wonder if the guy who created that cartoon figure knows what a ruckess he has started???..lol

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I think at the very least, the coward(s) that cried that it was offensive could have at least addressed it on the board. And MLB should at least have a valid reason as to why something is offensive. According to them, someone can just make a few names and then use each of them to say something is offensive and have it banned. The part that really cracks me up is how MLB is so worried about offending fans, but didn't worry about it last year with the strike, contraction, and the biggest blunder of all, the All-Star game.

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Originally posted by sideshowapu

Things are going to get interesting on WhiteSox.com....Yours truly has registered.....:metal


:bringit KW 

:**** KW


I've registered a new name already. I can still read the deleted posts too. If you want to read them baggs, do this:

1) Note the number of the deleted post

2) Hit "Reply" on another post in the thread

3) On the reply page, change the address in the address field on your browser so that the number after "ptsn=" is the number of the post that was deleted. Hit enter

4) when the new page loads, scroll down under the reply section to see the deleted post. It is as if you are now replying to the deleted post. In fact, you can reply to it and have a conversation with the other invisible members like HSC and I were doing.


Oh what fun it all is!

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Guest Ncorgbl

Thanks to everyone who made the 'ultimate' sacrifice today!! LMAO! The MLB board moderators, and Sox front office people were certainly a bit busy!


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Originally posted by Mike South24

What the hell is going on over there? Why all this control freak s*** now?


It's the offseason Mike. Istead of KW landing a Colon or Lidle, his constant paranoia and necessity for control has gotten the best of him..... thus, he's banning all the, as KW would so eloquently phrase it, "b****es" from the WhiteSox.com boards. :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1

believe it .. it was that little gif that caused all the comotion.......some have come back under different names....some have been restored to their regular names but all in all it was that gif that started the whole thing.......funny isnt it......

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