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Question for Democrats


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I was just wondering from Democrats only- Who out of the Republicans

do you think would pose the greatest threat to a Obama-Hillary-Edwards

in the race for the White House?


As a Republican, im really flustered as no Republican candidate comes close to all my views.


I was just Curious to see who The Democrats, think would be a tough candidate?

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QUOTE(soxwon @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 04:33 PM)
I was just wondering from Democrats only- Who out of the Republicans

do you think would pose the greatest threat to a Obama-Hillary-Edwards

in the race for the White House?


As a Republican, im really flustered as no Republican candidate comes close to all my views.


I was just Curious to see who The Democrats, think would be a tough candidate?

Can I answer as an independent?


Giuliani has the best chance to take votes from left of center, but I think his corruption and slime factor will come through and break him pretty quick. McCain could be a big threat. The further right ones, like Gingrich or Brownback, are unlikely to win a national election (though I could see Gingrich winning a GOP nomination, potentially).


Part of it depends on who the Dem front-runner ends up being. I think that is still a wide open question.


Here is a name that hasn't thrown the hat in yet, but who would have a real shot to win - Chuck Hagel. I don't like some of his views (environment, government oversight), but he does have that GOP but anti-Iraq thing going on.

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I think Giuliani is the most electable Republican candidate, although the more I see from Mike Huckabee, the more I think he'll emerge as a strong candidate. He is an evangelical Christian and can appeal to that portion of the Republican base, yet he seems to be politically more centered than you'd think.

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I think every one of these s***bags on both sides of the aisle aren't worthy of being president. And yes, I said that in 2000 as well.


In all seriousness, the best of the best don't ever run for president or government office, and it really saddens me to think that's the case.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 08:03 PM)
I think every one of these s***bags on both sides of the aisle aren't worthy of being president. And yes, I said that in 2000 as well.


In all seriousness, the best of the best don't ever run for president or government office, and it really saddens me to think that's the case.

On the other hand, I think looking at the field this year for both parties, I cannot remember the last election with a better field at this stage. There are multiple candidates in both parties that I do not hate completely.



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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 02:58 AM)
On the other hand, I think looking at the field this year for both parties, I cannot remember the last election with a better field at this stage. There are multiple candidates in both parties that I do not hate completely.



Oh really? Who on the Republicans (at least the esteemed frontrunners) is worth a s***? I don't think any of them are.


I'll say it again, the best canidate right now IMO is Bill Richardson, and he's got a pigs chance in crude oil to make it.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 09:28 PM)
Oh really? Who on the Republicans (at least the esteemed frontrunners) is worth a s***? I don't think any of them are.


I'll say it again, the best canidate right now IMO is Bill Richardson, and he's got a pigs chance in crude oil to make it.

I am not wholly offended by Mike Huckabee yet. I think McCain has his positive moments, though I think he's dead wrong on Iraq and some other things. And I keep hoping the groundswell of support recently will push Hagel into the race. I don't exactly love any of them, but compare those three to Bush, and some of the other recent primary candidates from the GOP or even the Dems. I think this race is better than any since i have been of voting age, at this point. That doesn't mean they are all great - there are just more candidates that don't entirely suck.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 08:09 PM)
Huckabee REALLY impressed me on the Daily Show.


That's probably the worst place to take an impression from of a politician, I think.


I like Huckabee (a lot, and for awhile) and Hagel from the Right as legitimate candidates to win the Presidency. Brownback's a good longshot. Giuliani would be an idiot to run and would never leave the primaries; McCain is going to be decimated in either the primaries or the general, but he'll be decimated.


I'm not really impressed by any of them, though.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 09:42 PM)
That's probably the worst place to take an impression from of a politician, I think.


I like Huckabee (a lot, and for awhile) and Hagel from the Right as legitimate candidates to win the Presidency. Brownback's a good longshot. Giuliani would be an idiot to run and would never leave the primaries; McCain is going to be decimated in either the primaries or the general, but he'll be decimated.


I'm not really impressed by any of them, though.


You're right. God forbid a candidate come across like a real person.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 09:42 PM)
That's probably the worst place to take an impression from of a politician, I think.


I like Huckabee (a lot, and for awhile) and Hagel from the Right as legitimate candidates to win the Presidency. Brownback's a good longshot. Giuliani would be an idiot to run and would never leave the primaries; McCain is going to be decimated in either the primaries or the general, but he'll be decimated.


I'm not really impressed by any of them, though.

A Brownback nomination makes for an automatic Democrat win in the national election. No way he gets nominated. He would have been ideal in 2000 or 2004, during the height of power for the religious conservatives. But that is on the downslope now. He may turn out to be a VP candidate though, if the P candidate is a moderate Republican.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 06:00 AM)
A Brownback nomination makes for an automatic Democrat win in the national election. No way he gets nominated. He would have been ideal in 2000 or 2004, during the height of power for the religious conservatives. But that is on the downslope now. He may turn out to be a VP candidate though, if the P candidate is a moderate Republican.

Here's the big problem I see in the Republican field (well, other than Bush's Iraq debacle...ok, second biggest problem, with a big gap between the first 2) the couple candidates who would have the best shot (looking 20 months out) in the General might have real difficulty with the Republican primaries. Giuliani, for example, has a ton of name recognition and so forth, but how many Republicans are going to vote in the primaries for a pro-choice, pro-gay rights candidate? Romney is running into similar problems. Their primary may well wind up producing a candidate like Brownback because he plays to the base quite well (aka the Karl Rove strategy)

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 10:49 AM)
Here's the big problem I see in the Republican field (well, other than Bush's Iraq debacle...ok, second biggest problem, with a big gap between the first 2) the couple candidates who would have the best shot (looking 20 months out) in the General might have real difficulty with the Republican primaries. Giuliani, for example, has a ton of name recognition and so forth, but how many Republicans are going to vote in the primaries for a pro-choice, pro-gay rights candidate? Romney is running into similar problems. Their primary may well wind up producing a candidate like Brownback because he plays to the base quite well (aka the Karl Rove strategy)

I think the GOP is going to adjust tactics. The "base" of the GOP had become the Christian Right. But their power is diminishing a bit (not a lot, a bit), and they I am sure see the reality that most folks want a more centered candidate right now. So, I think the person who makes it out of the GOP process will not be a social crusader like Brownback - they will be slightly less socially conservative (though not as liberal as Giuliani perhaps), and harken back more to the classic GOP principles that the party abandoned lately - small government, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, states rights.

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I'd vote for McCain over several in the Dem field, so I would consider him a "threat" to Dems. I'd have voted for The Hammer, but his career was smeared to death. Newt would be interesting, but the ethics stuff will kill him. Political bargained deals cling to you like the cheap perfume of a stripper. It may seem nice at first whiff, but soon it is a reminder of the slime.


But all in all, I want Jeb to run and continue the BFD*



*Bush Family Dynasty

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 01:42 PM)
He also supports teaching creationism on an equal weight with evolution.

Interesting. Huckabee now in a freefall.


See, I wish I had more time to research these guys. So many candidates this year, and I really haven't looked at the issues for some of these candidates yet. I will make sure to find the time before Iowa, though.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 11:41 PM)
That's right. Because their appearances on all shows are scripted and planned out completely and absolutely.


Right now ill rank the contenders

1 Obama

2 Hillary

3 Edwards

4 Biden



1 Mccain

2 guliani

3 romney

4 huckabee

5 brownback


just my opinion, who differs?

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