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Is the threat of a Surge already paying dividends?


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Sadr backs Baghdad deal

Initiative could avert showdown between militia, U.S. troops


By Liz Sly

Tribune foreign correspondent

Published January 30, 2007



BAGHDAD -- Radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr has ordered his militia not to confront U.S. forces and has endorsed negotiations aimed at easing the deployment of American troops in his strongholds, according to Sadrist and other Shiite officials.


Ahead of a planned surge of 21,500 U.S. troops intended to secure Baghdad, Sadr has instructed his al-Mahdi Army, recently described by the Pentagon as the biggest single threat to a stable Iraq, to keep a low profile and stay off the streets, Sadr officials say.


A deal with the supporters of the fiercely anti-American cleric would temper U.S. military commanders' concern that any attempt to secure Baghdad will inevitably lead to a showdown with Iraq's biggest private army. In 2004, the U.S. military fought bloody battles with the Mahdi Army in Najaf and in Sadr City, a sprawling Shiite enclave in Baghdad, and has since steered clear of direct confrontations with the militia.


The Sadrist movement has given its blessing to an initiative led by one of two mayors of Sadr City to negotiate terms under which U.S. forces will be able to deploy freely there.


If the negotiations succeed, U.S. forces will be welcome in Sadr City, the Mahdi Army stronghold that has witnessed two previous battles between U.S. troops and the Shiite militia, said Rahim al-Daraji, the mayor of the southern half of Sadr City. Al-Daraji said he has been authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Mahdi Army and other Shiite factions.


"It will mean any U.S. soldier will be as welcome in Sadr City as any Iraqi citizen," said al-Daraji, who said he is politically independent. "He will be able to walk safely in Sadr City, sit in any restaurant he likes, and he can help in reconstructing the city."




`Strict orders' not to fight U.S.


Al-Daraji says he has met with coalition military and U.S. Embassy officials three times since President Bush's revised strategy for Iraq was announced. The U.S. Embassy declined to confirm or deny that the meetings had taken place.


"U.S. Embassy officials meet with those who have an interest in Iraqi affairs on a routine basis. We do not generally disclose the substance of those meetings," embassy spokesman Lou Fintor said.


Jamal al Shammari, a senior Sadr official in Baghdad, said the Sadrist movement refused to enter into direct negotiations with the U.S. but approved of "indirect negotiations" that would avert confrontation between the Mahdi Army and U.S. forces.


"There are strict orders to Sadr followers by their leaders to support the new security plan and not to clash with U.S. or Iraqi security forces," he said.


If Sadr orders his militia to lie low, there is a good chance his largely volunteer militia will survive the latest threat to disband militias, enabling it to re-emerge once U.S. troops start to leave, said Joost Hiltermann, who is based in Amman with the International Crisis Group.


"Moqtada's playing it clever," he said. "The Mahdi people are just going to melt away."


Iraqi Sunnis worry that any settlement with the Shiite militia will leave Sunnis as the chief targets of stepped-up security operations, thereby deepening the vast sectarian divide. The Shiite militia is suspected of being behind most of the death-squad killings that have driven Sunnis out of many Baghdad neighborhoods, helping fuel Sunni support for the insurgency.


"This is a new thing. The security plan doesn't talk about deals with militias," said Naseer al-Ani, a parliamentarian with the Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party who said he was unaware of the negotiations. "The security plan aims to chase down and eliminate all militias. The Mahdi Army is a militia, so they have to chase it down."


Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is allied with the Sadrist movement, whose parliamentarians were instrumental in securing his election to the premiership, and most Sunni politicians say they don't trust government security forces to treat Shiites and Sunnis equally.


Shammari, the Sadr official, said al-Mahdi Army fighters won't surrender their weapons but would leave their guns at home and return to their normal lives for the duration of the new security plan.


"If the security plan works and terrorism ends, there will be no need for the Mahdi Army," he said.




Disagreement among Sadrists


The Mahdi Army controls numerous Shiite Baghdad neighborhoods beyond Sadr City, and some residents say they have noticed fewer gunmen on the streets recently. That may be because hundreds of thousands of Shiites are converging on the holy Shiite city of Karbala for the annual Shiite Ashoura festival.


But there has been no discernible change in the violence in the capital. Each day the police recover dozens of bodies killed by death squads, and a surge in bombings against mostly Shiite civilian targets killed more than 150 people last week.


It is still not certain the negotiations will succeed. The mayor of Sadr City's northern sector, Hassan Karim, a Sadrist appointee, said he supported al-Daraji's efforts to negotiate the entry of Iraqi security forces into Sadr City, but hoped he would not agree to the deployment of U.S. troops.


"If the government sends troops, police or army, they will be most welcome and there will be great cooperation by the people of the city with these forces," he said. "But not with the American forces, absolutely not. We reject their presence, not only in Sadr City but all over Iraq.


"Rahim al-Daraji is an official . . . of the city. He knows what he's doing, and we're not against him having negotiations," Karim said. But, he cautioned, "he does not represent the Sadrist tendency, and he doesn't represent all of Sadr City."


A list of conditions drawn up by Sadr City's elected municipal council and presented to Iraqi and coalition officials includes a request for the formation of a rapid reaction force dedicated to Sadr City, compensation for the victims of U.S. and terrorist attacks, a halt to all U.S. raids in the neighborhood and for jobs in government ministries to be distributed to Sadr City residents.


Prisoner release at issue


The Sadrist movement is also demanding the release of imprisoned loyalists, which has proved to be one of the most contentious issues in the talks, al-Daraji said. U.S. and Iraqi forces have detained hundreds of Sadr loyalists in recent weeks, including a top Sadr aide in Baghdad, Abdul Hadi al-Daraji, who is not related to the Sadrist mayor.


For now, Rahim al-Daraji said he is pressing for the release only of the "dozens" of Sadr City residents detained by U.S. forces and the Iraqi government.


"Sadr City is full of people, and people make mistakes," he said. "We are hoping that the government will forgive them."


Shammari said there are more than 1,000 Sadrist supporters in detention and that the Sadr movement wants all of them released or brought to trial.




[email protected]

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It's not the "surge", it's a part of the strategy that Bush was crystal clear on... the government of Iraq needs to crack down on these assholes and there is no forgiveness. But somehow, "surge" and "escalation" and all those pretty words get entangled in the mess, and it shouldn't be separated from the fact that Bush was VERY clear that the government needs to step up NOW.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 08:00 PM)
It's not the "surge", it's a part of the strategy that Bush was crystal clear on... the government of Iraq needs to crack down on these assholes and there is no forgiveness. But somehow, "surge" and "escalation" and all those pretty words get entangled in the mess, and it shouldn't be separated from the fact that Bush was VERY clear that the government needs to step up NOW.

There has been nothing about BushCo's tactics in this war that could ever be remotely described as crystal clear, or even for that matter, described as a strategy. There has been a complete lack thereof.


Though I certainly do agree that we cannot make the peace. If there is to be a peace at all, Iraqis have to make it.

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