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All of the Momentum.....


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All of the momentum the Sox were generating before today's "Ill-Advised BP Adventures with Jerry Manuel" is gone.


Sox will be lucky to win 1 in Minnesota.



Even if we won this game and swept the cubs, it would have been so WHITE SOX to go into in Minny and get swept....nontheless...today's game was also so White Sox...., should have won this game and kept it at 41/2 games back, now its back to 51/2 and now EVEN if we win 2 of 3 we'll only gain 1 game in the standings to 4 1/2...


This whole sit sucks! :fyou

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While Colon wasn't nearly as mediocre as Garland and Burly were last couple of games, he was far from unhittable, he literally fell behind every single hitter he faced after 5th.


I didn't blame Manuel for SF loss nor am I blaming him now. It all goes to Colon and Marte respectively as well as 4-5 particularly anemic Sox hitters...this time honor goes to Ordonez, Lee, Jimenez and Crede

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I don't know how much more I can say except....


I agree.


Go to church and pray that we win the series...because we're going to need a f***ing MIRACLE to win this series against the Twins.

actually-the solution is much easier than invoking divine intervention.........


fire Manuel now-and God can work on bigger problems.




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All of the momentum the Sox were generating before today's "Ill-Advised BP Adventures with Jerry Manuel" is gone.


Sox will be lucky to win 1 in Minnesota.





I can't wait to hear the press con when Jerry comes on to hear this...I have it on ESPN,so I'm getting ready to kick my shoe in into the radio when I hear the lame excuse Jerry comes up with...Unless Colon said I want outta here or he's hurt, whe he comes up to talk to the press, he should f***ing resign :fyou

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I don't know how much more I can say except....


I agree.


Go to church and pray that we win the series...because we're going to need a f***ing MIRACLE to win this series against the Twins.

actually-the solution is much easier than invoking divine intervention.........


fire Manuel now-and God can work on bigger problems.




K-Y, I do realize that is the easiest solution.


You think the White Sox would use some common sense? I don't think so.


The smartest thing to do right now would be to fire Manuel. I think even KW(whether or not he is GMing, and I don't believe he is) realizes that this is a do or die year. So what are we going to do? Sit with a s*** manager and watch him do nothing to help us, and only hurt us?


How much would it cost for us to fire Manuel and then hire Wally Backman? It's the cheap way out and I personally believe Backman could put us over the top. And it couldn't cost that much more. We better bring him up quick, because I think that someone else is going to steal him away from us. The AA team has NO offense whatsoever, yet they have got to be hovering right around the .500 mark. How? Maybe because Backman is a hell of a manager?

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While Colon wasn't nearly as mediocre as Garland and Burly were last couple of games, he was far from unhittable, he literally fell behind every single hitter he faced after 5th.


I didn't blame Manuel for SF loss nor am I blaming him now.  It all goes to Colon and Marte respectively as well as 4-5 particularly anemic Sox hitters...this time honor goes to Ordonez, Lee, Jimenez and Crede

A few things brando. Garland wasnt mediocre. He actually did well. And Colon only gave up three hits. Who cares how many batters he fell behind? He was still darn near unhittable, not to mention that all the hits were rather weak. And Colon shouldnt take the blame for the loss. When Marte came in no one was on base. The blame goes to Marte who, even tho he has pitched well this season, just sucked today. And Crede shouldnt be blamed. Did you see how well he did to advance Val to third and help him score our only run? He hit a low and outside pitch, exactly what he needed, and just squibbed one down to first. It wont win him any Silver Slugger awards and, as shown by your criticism, it goes largely unnoticed, but it is something weve been lacking. FUNDAMENTALS! Geez, even Chimp and Stone were applauding him on that one...

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All of the momentum the Sox were generating before today's "Ill-Advised BP Adventures with Jerry Manuel" is gone.


Sox will be lucky to win 1 in Minnesota.



I don't think this loss loses the momentum. What I've noticed is the Sox aren't pulling the ball near as much anymore and because of that they are able to get guys over, etc. I really see a difference in the fact that the players must know, you screw up on a play that needs to be done (Little Ball Type Stuff) then your going to get benched, etc.


I also think Walker's stuff is starting to come into effect a bit.

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Hey all I'm back from Florida, happy to see the Sox taking two of three from the Cubs, I don't know what to expect for the Minnesota series.....we've seen it time and time again where the Sox just fall flat on their face after gaining some momentum. Hope this time is different.




Cuck the Fubs!!!! :headbang



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In 2000, JM made a few decisions that seemed odd in dealing with the pitching - cubs won late in game and we took series 2-1. But it turned out he had a plan about using certain pitchers and players in such a way to have well rested and ready for the next set of game: the glorious week in Clevemand and NY. Might have lost the one game, but the team was in prime shape for its big games. I ususpect JM is working something here and we shall see great results in twinkie town

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In 2000, JM made a few decisions that seemed odd in dealing with the pitching  -  cubs won late in game and we took series 2-1.  But it turned out he had a plan about using certain pitchers and players in such a way to have well rested and ready for the next set of game: the glorious week in Clevemand and NY.  Might have lost the one game, but the team was in prime shape for its big games. I ususpect JM is working something here and we shall see great results in twinkie town

I hope you're right.



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I hope you're right.



I shall ignore the rant of CK, a great man and tremendous Sox fan who has a rare blind side or two showing. But I love my bro anyway.


Ihope I am right too. I remmber wondering why JM made some moves he did that Sunday game against the cubs, which we lost late, and then we had 7 huge games ahead - Cleveland and NY. Found out he had set up his pitching ahead for games we needed (in that we already taken that series) and he followed his plan and we were 7-0 that week. Taking the next three series is very important.


So based on the past, I am guessung this is JM's plan and I hope it comes to pass.

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I shall ignore the rant of CK, a great man and tremendous Sox fan who has a rare blind side or two showing.  But I love my bro anyway.

I meant that in the nicest light possible Vince ;)

as of course, I took it that way and my reply was meant in the same spirit! :lol: :usa :cheers

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While Colon wasn't nearly as mediocre as Garland and Burly were last couple of games, he was far from unhittable, he literally fell behind every single hitter he faced after 5th.


I didn't blame Manuel for SF loss nor am I blaming him now.  It all goes to Colon and Marte respectively as well as 4-5 particularly anemic Sox hitters...this time honor goes to Ordonez, Lee, Jimenez and Crede

A few things brando. Garland wasnt mediocre. He actually did well. And Colon only gave up three hits. Who cares how many batters he fell behind? He was still darn near unhittable, not to mention that all the hits were rather weak. And Colon shouldnt take the blame for the loss. When Marte came in no one was on base. The blame goes to Marte who, even tho he has pitched well this season, just sucked today. And Crede shouldnt be blamed. Did you see how well he did to advance Val to third and help him score our only run? He hit a low and outside pitch, exactly what he needed, and just squibbed one down to first. It wont win him any Silver Slugger awards and, as shown by your criticism, it goes largely unnoticed, but it is something weve been lacking. FUNDAMENTALS! Geez, even Chimp and Stone were applauding him on that one...

OldRoman I am on your side on this one. Colon may have been falling behind, but he is a battler and that's what we need a person who goes out there and busts his rear end trying to win. He never gives up even when he doesn't have his best stuff. Crede did a heckuva a job to advance the runner to third and the scrubs announcers were praising him for his effort.

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I agree with Roman again; Garland did pitch well and so did Colon.

He was great.


2 of 3 is pretty nice, but don't you wish we could sweep some people?

We ain't ever gonna get on the roll we need if we don't start sweeping some people when we get the chance.

Let's just hope we can win the series in Minn. somehow.

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I agree with Roman again; Garland did pitch well and so did Colon.

He was great.


2 of 3 is pretty nice, but don't you wish we could sweep some people?

We ain't ever gonna get on the roll we need if we don't start sweeping some people when we get the chance.

Let's just hope we can win the series in Minn. somehow.

If we can score some damn runs we should easily take two of three, and it doesn't have to be 10 runs a game. 5 or 6 will possibly do.



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While Colon wasn't nearly as mediocre as Garland and Burly were last couple of games, he was far from unhittable, he literally fell behind every single hitter he faced after 5th.


I didn't blame Manuel for SF loss nor am I blaming him now.  It all goes to Colon and Marte respectively as well as 4-5 particularly anemic Sox hitters...this time honor goes to Ordonez, Lee, Jimenez and Crede

A few things brando. Garland wasnt mediocre. He actually did well. And Colon only gave up three hits. Who cares how many batters he fell behind? He was still darn near unhittable, not to mention that all the hits were rather weak. And Colon shouldnt take the blame for the loss. When Marte came in no one was on base. The blame goes to Marte who, even tho he has pitched well this season, just sucked today. And Crede shouldnt be blamed. Did you see how well he did to advance Val to third and help him score our only run? He hit a low and outside pitch, exactly what he needed, and just squibbed one down to first. It wont win him any Silver Slugger awards and, as shown by your criticism, it goes largely unnoticed, but it is something weve been lacking. FUNDAMENTALS! Geez, even Chimp and Stone were applauding him on that one...

1. Garland allowed, what, 12 base runners in 6 inning? That's mediocre regatrdless of whether Cubbies came through with that one big hit or not...Get real.


2. Colon was bailed out by two DPs, he also had a couple of screaming line-drives outs early on. Did he pitch extremely well before the 5th? Yes, but when you are talking about whether to release Fatolo for the 8th, against O'Leary who's had success again him....let's just say that after SF meldown, JM made a great call. Not only that, but Colon fell behind Alou, Karros and Sosa early on and 97 pitches is not 77 pitches Colon had against San Fran either. (That moron Baker let Zambrano go almost 130 pitches by comparison...) Too bad Marte proceeded to fall behind Martine f*** 2-0, effectively allowing him to sit on an inside fastball and hammer it into the gap...the rest is history.



3. Lessseeee: Crede hits into a DP, he basically should have had an error in the 7th and went 0-3. Yes, his advancing Val was commendable all things considered, but it it's not like he hit a 2-run homer here, he still had a lousy night. I don't need that pretentious moron Chip and Cubbie homer Stone to tell me that, either.

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You have some good points. But who makes the great pitch which causes the hitter to drill one into the ground for an easy DP ball? The pitcher! Youre just biased against Bartolo, because if you can honestly blame this loss on him, youre biased against him or just plain nuts...

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But who makes the great pitch which causes the hitter to drill one into the ground for an easy DP ball? The pitcher! Youre just biased against Bartolo, because if you can honestly blame this loss on him, youre biased against him or just plain nuts...


1. I am biased against Colon? Get the f*** out of here, baby jerk...I am not like you and Mark Burly whom you hate with a passion of 10,000 suns. Pitiful.


2. Easy DP's? What game were you watching, pal? Corey Patterson was absolutely flying and that last one by DJ was pure luck because rangeless Jiminez just happened to be playing up which he doesn't normally do, it even surprised him a bit that he could just step on a bag like that. Anything BUT easy....Besides, my non-reading amigo, I did mention that Colon was clearly the best of 3 (Galrand and Burly), and that he was cruising until middle innings where he began falling behind hitters like crazy, struggling with his release, barely even throwing his splitter, curve or slider in addition to trips from Cooper...BUT at almost 100 pitches (as oppossed to about 80 against SF, the team he absolutely shut down) and knowing how he falls behind Cubs big guns who were due up and how poorly he faired against O'Leary, letting him come out for the 8th would have been a clear-cut mistake. Marte was supposed to be our BEST closer and he hasn't seen any action since, what, Thursday? He sucked against weaklings Gruzie/Martinez, and CLee/Valentin didn't bail him out.


Finito la comedia.

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Fatolo? Blaming him for a loss when he goes 7 innings and allows three freakin hits? Yeah, Id say you were biased.


And my point is, who induces the DP? The pitcher. You make it seem as tho the fielders are totally responsible...

When did I blame him for the loss, you little twat?


I blamed Crede, Lee, Maggs, Jimenez and Marte for the loss...but Fatolo didn't help his chances to come out for the 8th as I mentioned above all things considered....Reading is a skill, my faithful companion...and so is watching games.

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Fatolo? Blaming him for a loss when he goes 7 innings and allows three freakin hits? Yeah, Id say you were biased.


And my point is, who induces the DP? The pitcher. You make it seem as tho the fielders are totally responsible...

In some cases, the fielders help bail out the pitcher by making good plays on balls that could either be hits(Miller's DP) or balls that should be fielder's choices and would be, but a SS makes a very strong throw and gets the runner by half a step(Patterson's DP).


The pitcher induces the DP, but if we aren't lucky or have someone with a weaker arm then Jose at SS, we are dicked.

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