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Ugh, today was ugly


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Well, we did help start the fall of the 2003 Scrubs, but Id have preferred a sweep. Today was just ugly. Colon was pitching great, we manufactured a run using nothing but fundamentals, and then JM struck. He took out a workhorse throwing a three hitter because he got scared of a washed up bum who happened to be hitting .324 against that pitcher. Then ironically, that dreadful hitter turned out to be the least of our problems that inning. I like Oleary but hes no reason to take out a dominant pitcher like Colon. Marte just stunk today. It also seems he hasnt been on top of things the last couple of outtings as well. In his last 5.2 IP, equaling 6 different outtings, hes given up 5 runs. Well, Im happy we knocked the Scrubs down and out, and that we took the series, but we coulda done better... :angry:

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Both Marte and Koch haven't been good lately. Gordon has struggled a bit. Rick White is coming around and pitching much better. I think Manuel must have some faith in White again since he brought him into the 8th with 2 runners on and two in. If White had blown it we might of well cancelled the 9th inning. At least he delivered.

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If we won a pennant with him, Id have said he would. I mean, its every players dream (well, excusing SamME) to win right? Its peoples ambition to win! But since weve got a ways to go before we get there, Im really not sure. What is the meaning of life?

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