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Mini Blogs Anyone?


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It seems that the humble floppy disc has died, and is leaving without any fanfare or notice. Ah the joy, the freedom of the 5 1/4 inch massive storage device. 640K of information could be stored on one. Entire programs, unzipped, fit on them. I large, bloated, program might occupy a half a dozen.


Then the nearly indestructibility of the hard plastic 3 1/2 inch appeared. Double the capacity, half the space. A person could actually stick on of these in your pocket. Take entire documents home. Operating systems would fit on a few. Apple ones didn't talk to PC ones, but they all loked the same. The sound of the floppy thunking into the drive, the electronic whirl and dance, the light popping on. It is now going the way of a true modem. The device that actually modulated and demodulated signals allowing a digital signal to be transmitted over an analog phone line.


Now it's a flash drive or cd. It's blue toothing a file, a wireless home network. The sneakernet, putting on your sneakers and running a floppy to a coworker, is gone.


I have an external floppy drive buried in my notebook bag. It's gathering dust, but I hate to throw it away. Maybe it reminds me of old timers. We don't want to throw them away.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 10:25 AM)
I was thinking of a thread of small essays, almost a mini-blog thing.


this would have been a nice preface to your first post :D :P


I have one on my mypace that I am going to post when I get home tonite, its about my basset hound clark.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 11:37 AM)
this would have been a nice preface to your first post :D :P


I have one on my mypace that I am going to post when I get home tonite, its about my basset hound clark.


Since I feel kind of lame not blogging and using Myspace to its fullest extent, I thought I would blog on something(someone) close to my heart. All of my friends know who this is(well, except for Tom). He is cute, stubborn, funny, has a mean streak, long, good-hearted, lazy, fun, and all around stinky. Yes, I am talking about Clark.


So Clark has figured out how to open my fridge. We have two swinging doors to my kitchen, kind of like two pantry doors instead of a real door, and now when we leave the house, we have to tie these two doors together with a shoelace to prevent Clark from being in the kitchen when we are gone. I know, I know, totally ghetto to the max. Anyhow, Me being the resident idiot, this story ends pretty much how you expect it to end. I was in a hurry to run up to the store and get some food for dinner and get back to watch the game, so I forgot to tie the doors together.


I ran up to the store, and I left at approximately 3:12 PM(for the strangest reason I checked the clock when I left) and ran up to the Dominicks Foods up the street from me. I walked in the door at 3:27 with an armful of groceries, and there is Clark, right next to the door, with that "Oh yes I did something really bad and I know I did it" slick look on his face. At this point I had no idea what was going on, other than that I knew something was up because he was acting funny. He was looking for a place to hide, but he couldnt find anything suitable, so he just kind of danced around a little bit in front of me and looked scared.


I walked up the stairs and see Culprit #2, Sunny, scrambling to find her own place to hide. Something is definitely not right. I turn to my right and see that I left the kitchen door open. The first thing that runs through my mind is "They got into the garbage.". But no, that is totally wrong. They walked right past the garbage and went directly for the good stuff.


Now before you ask the question "How did you know Clark opened the fridge and not Sunny?". Fair question. You have to know these dogs. Sunny has no problem being the accomplice, but I have serious doubts about her ability to be the master tactician and the true criminal based on the fact that she is a very meek and scaredy-cat dog. Clark is bold, stubborn, has a nose for good food, and he can be an asshole. The glass slipper fits this Cinderella.


So, back to the story, in the 15 minutes that I was gone the dogs consumed 1 pound of raw ground beef(that I was going to make into hamburgers), about 1 pound of meat ravioli in meat mushroom sauce, and the rest of the Macaroni and cheese that I had made for lunch. In 15 minutes, all of this was consumed by two dogs.


The first thing that ran through my head was when Clark initially learned how to open our refridgerator, about 4 months ago. That time he consumed 2 pounds of raw ground beef, all by himself. But we were not sure who ate it all, so we punished them both by putting them downstairs in a room by themselves for a few hours. When they finally were let upstairs they acted fine, like nothing was bothering them, so I figured the raw beef wasnt bothering them. Wrong.


Clark found his normal position asleep behind my computer chair, and I was at my computer just like I am right now. I heard a strange noise behind me(a slimy sound, its the only way to describe it), turn around just in time to see Clark vomit 2 pounds of raw ground beef onto my carpet. It was like someone dropped an animal brain onto my carpet, I dont think Clark even chewed this stuff when he ate it, it still had the ripples in it. And dont even get me started on the smell, lets just say I had a "sexy" date with Oxyclean and Fabreeze. For two straight days.


Through some divine intervention, it seems that the ground beef agreed with the Hound this(most recent) time. It has been a day and a half, and there have been no disastrous consiquences, so i think I am out of danger now.


Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed my first blog(ever). I enjoyed writing it. And my muse enjoyed the raw ground beef.



you can view the culprit and his accomplice here, post 292 and 293


Edited by kyyle23
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OK. I'll bite.


Almost two years ago I ran into a blogspot blog that a few of my high school (some even grade school) buddies were running. They are good lifelong friends but the blog was absolute conservative hogwash and of course I needed to chime in to tell them such. Trouble is you have to register at blogspot to post so I had to do that. When you register you get set up with a free blogsite which I didn't particularly want becasue I knew I'd not keep up the care and feeding on the thing. But I did post one lone entry back in March 2005, and this was it:


Look at all the Shiny Buttons!

Hey Kids!


I was pretty sure I didn't want or need one of these Blog sites. And I'm pretty sure nobody out there has a big cavernous emptiness inside them that can only be filled by the, er..., pearls of wisdom I'll no doubt prove to be the source of.


But then I wandered onto someone's BlogSpot page and wanted to make a comment in a thread an it appears the only way to do that was to register and get a username and all that claptrap. So, Zip! Bang! Kapow! I'm in the Blogosphere.


OK, so the inaugural post on one of these here Blog site thingies is supposed to be a tone-setting, get-it-rolling thing of beauty and substance. Well, I'm screwed then, because I'm going to lead off by sharing the epic story of... the 4 Million Dollar Fart.


This is a true story that I encountered while looking up some historical coral reef grounding restoration information for a work project. There was a research vessel named the Columbus Iselin that was owned and operated by RSMAS, the marine science school out of the University of Miami. They grounded on a Florida Keys coral reef back in 1994, causing major structural damage to the 1,000-year old reef spurs and destroying several hundred square feet of living reef. Oops.


I was aware of the accident when it happened, and in fact the Iselin came back to the oceanographic institute I work at to be repaired afterward. What I never knew was the real reason for the grounding. Apparently, the ship's captain had an extremely severe case of flatulence that evening and was slowly but surely asphyxiating the poor first mate with each bilious blast. Eventually, the captain let fly something so vile that he and the first mate had to clear out of the wheelhouse for several minutes to get some fresh air.


And, of course, that is when the ship ran aground on the reef.


The captain originally was too embarrassed to tell the true story and instead said he passed out in the wheel house for several minutes leading to the accident. Ultimately he came clean and, ashamed, resigned and turned over his captain's license. The University was assessed nearly $4 million in damages, much of that sum to go toward restoration efforts such as described here. No reference on that site to the gas that grounded the vessel, but that aspect of the story is related here.

Now, don't you all feel better (or is that dumber?) for having learned all of this?


The good news for me is I figure I have nowhere to go but up with future entries on this site


Later Days.

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