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Texas Ordering all girls to have cancer vaccine


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By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents' rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.


People value their faith over health? Serious question here...

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 03:33 AM)
People value their faith over health? Serious question here...


In some cases yes, in most it is a medical belief that all vaccinations and inoculations are bad. They point to the number of people who have tragic side effects to the shots. What is most troubling to many in Texas that have been watching this




Merck could generate billions in sales if Gardasil - at $360 for the three-shot regimen - were made mandatory across the country. Most insurance companies now cover the vaccine, which has been shown to have no serious side effects.


The New Jersey-based drug company is bankrolling efforts to pass state laws across the country mandating Gardasil for girls as young as 11 or 12. It doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and has funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country.


Perry has ties to Merck and Women in Government. One of the drug company's three lobbyists in Texas is Mike Toomey, Perry's former chief of staff. His current chief of staff's mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state director for Women in Government.


The governor also received $6,000 from Merck's political action committee during his re-election campaign.


A top official from Merck's vaccine division sits on Women in Government's business council, and many of the bills around the country have been introduced by members of Women in Government.


Merck spokeswoman Janet Skidmore would not say how much the company is spending on lobbyists or how much it has donated to Women in Government. Susan Crosby, the group's president, also declined to specify how much the drug company gave.


Basically you have a drug company, with a proprietary drug, getting it passed as state law that you have to use their product. There are proiviusions for free vaccinations for the poor and under insured.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 11:33 AM)
I'm with Perry on this one.



As is almost anyone with a cervix and uterus. I like how those with a penis are hootin and hollerin' about it being a bad, bad thing...


I wonder how those dolts would deal with 1/100th of the pain that comes with cervical or uterin cancer.



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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 05:09 PM)
Are you serious or being sarcastic? Do you agree with this or not?



QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 10:17 PM)
As is almost anyone with a cervix and uterus. I like how those with a penis are hootin and hollerin' about it being a bad, bad thing...


I wonder how those dolts would deal with 1/100th of the pain that comes with cervical or uterin cancer.



I sure hope you're not labeling me in that bunch... I was trying to figure out what Balta was saying because I couldn't tell.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 02:24 PM)
I sure hope you're not labeling me in that bunch... I was trying to figure out what Balta was saying because I couldn't tell.

Even if there is some underhandedness or lobbying or whatever involved in this...it appears that Gov. Perry just made a decision that may save quite a few lives of the population of his state, and all he had to do was annoy the same small group of religious folk who delayed the approval of that vaccine for a number of years. At least as far as I can tell, he deserves quite a bit of applause.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 12:48 AM)
Even if there is some underhandedness or lobbying or whatever involved in this...it appears that Gov. Perry just made a decision that may save quite a few lives of the population of his state, and all he had to do was annoy the same small group of religious folk who delayed the approval of that vaccine for a number of years. At least as far as I can tell, he deserves quite a bit of applause.

Gotcha. Couldn't tell from your original post.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 04:17 PM)
As is almost anyone with a cervix and uterus. I like how those with a penis are hootin and hollerin' about it being a bad, bad thing...


I wonder how those dolts would deal with 1/100th of the pain that comes with cervical or uterin cancer.




Well I'm with the girls on this one. :)

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The appropriate course was for the state to make the drug available to every female in the state. Those that can't afford it, should receive it for free or a reduced cost. For the Governor to decide what should be injected into any person's body is wrong.


I believe medical decisions ought to be made by the patient along with their Doctor, not the Governor. With minors, the parents should also be involved, especially an eleven year old. But here we have the Governor, with heavy ties to the one company that will receive huge financial gains, deciding that every eleven year old in the state should be injected with that company's vaccine.


What other medical decisions do you want your Governor making for you and everyone else in the state? Do you not trust yourself and your Doctor, so you need the Governor to make the decision?


And before someone points out polio, mumps, measles, TB, etc. Those are communicable diseases and a clear public health danger. This is a private health danger.


I agree that most every woman should receive this vaccination, I just disagree that the Governor should be making the decision.


Interesting that the majority here would not risk upgrading to Vista because it is too new, but a brand new drug should be forced into every eleven year old female in the state. FDA approval hasn't been a 100% assurance of safety. Waiting until the vaccination has been rolled out on a wide scale and injecting your daughter in a couple years, when she is fourteen, may be wise for some children. But that decision has been taken away.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 08:58 AM)
The appropriate course was for the state to make the drug available to every female in the state. Those that can't afford it, should receive it for free or a reduced cost. For the Governor to decide what should be injected into any person's body is wrong.


That's my position as well.


Allowing universal access to a drug that really seems like it can save many lives is the right course, and making sure that personal economics don't stop someone who wants the drug from getting it is an ethical emperitive. Even launching a huge state-funded public awareness campaign would be great.


But legislating that every girl be forced to take the drug is the wrong approach.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 04:17 PM)
As is almost anyone with a cervix and uterus. I like how those with a penis are hootin and hollerin' about it being a bad, bad thing...


I wonder how those dolts would deal with 1/100th of the pain that comes with cervical or uterin cancer.



Are you saying that women can't decide what to do with their bodies, that the Governor has the right to make the decision on what must be injected into them? Is it because women can not understand the risks and benefits of the vaccination, so a Governor with a penis must decide?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 10:03 AM)
Are you saying that women can't decide what to do with their bodies, that the Governor has the right to make the decision on what must be injected into them? Is it because women can not understand the risks and benefits of the vaccination that a Governor with a penis must decide?


When I read this, why is it that all I can think of is the movie "Female Trouble?"


Say it with me, liquid eyeliner!

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 08:22 AM)
That's my position as well.


Allowing universal access to a drug that really seems like it can save many lives is the right course, and making sure that personal economics don't stop someone who wants the drug from getting it is an ethical emperitive. Even launching a huge state-funded public awareness campaign would be great.


But legislating that every girl be forced to take the drug is the wrong approach.

But you always side with the religous groups.


Now that women in Texas can't decide what goes on with their bodies, maybe conservatives can revisit Roe v. Wade. After all, you know how terrible a botched abortion is. In fact, at least half of the people involved die from the procedure. ;)

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 04:17 PM)
As is almost anyone with a cervix and uterus. I like how those with a penis are hootin and hollerin' about it being a bad, bad thing...


I wonder how those dolts would deal with 1/100th of the pain that comes with cervical or uterin cancer.




how bout we look at the other side of the issue then huh? Sure at face value it seems like a great idea and great concept. And really, the fact that Texas is requiring it free of charge for girls 9-18 is really pretty cool. Here's the thing though... REQUIRING it can be a slippery slope. Will all the girls react the same way? what if some experience side effects? potentially serious ones? I just think that Texas should make it free to whomever wants it but SHOULDNT REQUIRE it... I'm no doctor, but i just think we should be a little bit more careful with a vaccine that prevents cancer... after all, a vaccine is a little bit of the disease being injected in you. I just say we take some time to see how it will really affect people down the road before we start REQUIRING it.


just my take.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 09:03 AM)
Are you saying that women can't decide what to do with their bodies, that the Governor has the right to make the decision on what must be injected into them? Is it because women can not understand the risks and benefits of the vaccination, so a Governor with a penis must decide?



I said nothing of the sort thus proving that some with a penis can't read.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 11:16 AM)
I said nothing of the sort thus proving that some with a penis can't read.


I can read and you called people idiots who opposed the idea. So which is it Steff, women should decide for themselves or the Governor should diecide for them?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 11:41 AM)
I can read and you called people idiots who opposed the idea. So I guess I'm an idot for suggesting that women should decide for themselves, not the Governor.

I can read and you called people idiots who opposed the idea. So which is it Steff, women should decide for themselves or the Governor should diecide for them?




I called people who are screaming about it idiots - aka "those with a penis who don't know s*** about what a female with cancer feels"


I didn't say one word about the Gov and his ruling. Go measure pp's with someone else.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 11:46 AM)
I called people who are screaming about it idiots - aka "those with a penis who don't know s*** about what a female with cancer feels"


I didn't say one word about the Gov and his ruling. Go measure pp's with someone else.


right. i forgot. steff doesnt think people are allowed to have opinions.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 11:46 AM)
I called people who are screaming about it idiots - aka "those with a penis who don't know s*** about what a female with cancer feels"


I didn't say one word about the Gov and his ruling. Go measure pp's with someone else.

No one is screaming, the opposition are the ones that think the Governor shouldn't have made it a law. So I guess you are complaining about people who don't exist. :lolhitting


Don't bother answering who should make the decision , the Governor or the individual. It was rhetorical.

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 12:57 PM)
right. i forgot. steff doesnt think people are allowed to have opinions.



If you're going to type cast me, get it right.

Steff thinks people are allowed to have whatever they want to have, and doesn't attack them when they do.


And she also doesn't cry to the higher up's when she feels wronged... :crying


And regarding your earlier response, for those comprehensively challenged, I did not offer support for MAKING all females get vaccinated.

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 11:01 AM)
how bout we look at the other side of the issue then huh? Sure at face value it seems like a great idea and great concept. And really, the fact that Texas is requiring it free of charge for girls 9-18 is really pretty cool. Here's the thing though... REQUIRING it can be a slippery slope. Will all the girls react the same way? what if some experience side effects? potentially serious ones? I just think that Texas should make it free to whomever wants it but SHOULDNT REQUIRE it... I'm no doctor, but i just think we should be a little bit more careful with a vaccine that prevents cancer... after all, a vaccine is a little bit of the disease being injected in you. I just say we take some time to see how it will really affect people down the road before we start REQUIRING it.


just my take.


That's a great idea. When I first heard about this yesterday I thought it was a good idea to give them out for free and I still think that is. If they want it, that's great, if they don't, that's ok too.

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