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QUOTE(knightni @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 12:07 PM)
The 'Hawks losing in '92 was the last time since '59 that a Chicago team lost in the title game, IIRC.

And to make it all that much better, the Hawks blew a 4-1 lead in game 1 of the Finals to get that ball rolling downhill.

I'll never forget Jagr's tying goal - he went around 3 Hawks from the side boards to the slot and backhanded one past Belfour. Unreal.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 09:19 AM)
I know people don't like to blame one person for a loss but Rex was with out a doubt the main reason the Bears lost this game. The Bears defense wasn't great at all but they were keeping the Bears in the game before Rex completely gave Indy the game. I mean Rex had 3 turnovers, he was absolutely pathetic.

Rex's Super Bowl effort was in a class of its own.


People, ideally those with limited football knowledge, will probably blame him alone for losing. While it's obviously false, he IS to shoulder the largest percentage of it.


Think about it like this -- years from now, will the public consciousness remember how the defensive linemen couldn't touch Manning; or will they remember the exploits of Grossman?


If we fail to reach another superbowl within a reasonable amount of time, this town will never forgive Grossman. Never. Personally, I've already lost all hope he'll progress into a decent, consistent quarterback. I suppose all those who think otherwise, including the Bears organization, will have to go through this all again next season. They'll learn eventually.

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 01:06 PM)
I'm personally surprised Rex isn't getting more large scale heat, maybe sleeping for 14 hours I missed it.

I haven't picked up a Sun-Times or Tribune yet, so I can't be for sure. Daily Southtown justly criticized him, but it wasn't plastered over the front of the Sports section.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 12:28 PM)
And to make it all that much better, the Hawks blew a 4-1 lead in game 1 of the Finals to get that ball rolling downhill.

I'll never forget Jagr's tying goal - he went around 3 Hawks from the side boards to the slot and backhanded one past Belfour. Unreal.

I still remember that like it was yesterday. That's the flashback i was referring to in my earlier post. Ugh...

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I love how Dick's sporting goods is now taunting me with their radio ads. They are the home for all your Bears Super Bowl celebration gear, I can now own all the s*** I saw my favorite Bears players wear as they celebrated after winning super bowl XLI.




Well f*** you too Dick's.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 01:04 PM)
Rex's Super Bowl effort was in a class of its own.


People, ideally those with limited football knowledge, will probably blame him alone for losing. While it's obviously false, he IS to shoulder the largest percentage of it.


Think about it like this -- years from now, will the public consciousness remember how the defensive linemen couldn't touch Manning; or will they remember the exploits of Grossman?


If we fail to reach another superbowl within a reasonable amount of time, this town will never forgive Grossman. Never. Personally, I've already lost all hope he'll progress into a decent, consistent quarterback. I suppose all those who think otherwise, including the Bears organization, will have to go through this all again next season. They'll learn eventually.


Most teams don't touch Manning. I don't exactly fault our D for that.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 04:25 PM)
Most teams don't touch Manning. I don't exactly fault our D for that.

i fault the front four and coaching staff for not adjusting to the team they were playing. The bears defense is predicated on getting pressure from teh front four. They have to disrupt the opposing QB, because if they dont, he will have time to find the soft spots in teh zone and/or dump the ball off. Watch the replay, the bears forced mannign to make 1 bad throw all game. all the rest of his throws were easy. The solution is to blitz more to get pressure, somethign the bears rarely do. If i learned anything from this game its that you need to be versatile in teh NFL. You must scheme for the otehr team when you play a team the calibur of the colts. The colts game planned by running right at the bear LBs. The stretch play teh colts run all the time, they hardly used. They werent going to let the Bears LBs run side to side, because thats a game the colts can't win. Instead they ran draw plays to get the LBs thinking pass, and dropping into coverage, creating holes in teh line with only 4 rushing. The bears tried to blitz early, but abandoned it after Danieal Manning's blown coverage on Wayne. The colts adjusted to the bears, and the bears thought they could walk in, play their own game and win. When you are missing the best DT in the league and a probowl safety, you can't walk in with Ian Scott and Chris Harris and not have a few suprises, because frankly without those 2 guys , the bears D doesn't have the talent to beat the best offense in the league playing straight up.


I also am extremely disappointed in Lovie and Turner for not incorporating Hester into offense this year. They used him one time against TB and tried to throw a quick slant that didnt work, and that was it. The guy is simply a special, special player and his ability in the open field is unparalleled. They really blew an opportunity to at least use him to draw attention away from teh defense, and I am disappointed in that.


This team simply played too Vanilla against the best team in the league and honestly got dominated. Hester scored 10 of the 17 teams points (the TD and simply his presence giving the bears great field positioning after teh colts penalty leading to the FG), because the D couldnt keep the colts off teh field, and when they managed to the offense gave it right back. The bears got outcoached in this one badly.

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:24 PM)
I also am extremely disappointed in Lovie and Turner for not incorporating Hester into offense this year. They used him one time against TB and tried to throw a quick slant that didnt work, and that was it. The guy is simply a special, special player and his ability in the open field is unparalleled. They really blew an opportunity to at least use him to draw attention away from teh defense, and I am disappointed in that.

I agree with most everything you say in your post except this part, I don't fault them at all for not using him on offense, I don't mean to be crass but the guy is borderline retarded, he can barely say his own name let alone learn an offense. Even with that said he'll likely be used on the offensive side of the ball just because he's too damn explosive to not take full advantage of those skills. If they really pound the playbook into his head this season and Training Camp next year he could maybe pick up enough to where he wouldn't be a liability out there. But I can not blame them for keeping him away from the offense in his first year as a pro.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:34 PM)
I agree with most everything you say in your post except this part, I don't fault them at all for not using him on offense, I don't mean to be crass but the guy is borderline retarded, he can barely say his own name let alone learn an offense. Even with that said he'll likely be used on the offensive side of the ball just because he's too damn explosive to not take full advantage of those skills. If they really pound the playbook into his head this season and Training Camp next year he could maybe pick up enough to where he wouldn't be a liability out there. But I can not blame them for keeping him away from the offense in his first year as a pro.


He shouldn't be an every down, every drive, or even every quarter type of player, but when you are playing as mediocrely as the Bears were last night, they should have just tried to get him in on a reverse or a quick screen or split backs or some such feat. His presence alone - even as dumb as he is when not returning kicks - scares the other team.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:51 PM)
He shouldn't be an every down, every drive, or even every quarter type of player, but when you are playing as mediocrely as the Bears were last night, they should have just tried to get him in on a reverse or a quick screen or split backs or some such feat. His presence alone - even as dumb as he is when not returning kicks - scares the other team.

yeah i feel like he can learn 3 or 4 plays, just as wrinkles to break out. i think we will see it in teh future, i do realize hes a dope and cant learn teh playbook, but he should be able to manage a screen or reverse just like you said

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:58 PM)
yeah i feel like he can learn 3 or 4 plays, just as wrinkles to break out. i think we will see it in teh future, i do realize hes a dope and cant learn teh playbook, but he should be able to manage a screen or reverse just like you said

Sure he could be used on reverses, end arounds or any other mindless plays that sounds realistic but to expect much else out of him could be a pipe dream, the guy seems to know one thing and that's run as fast as you can towards the other end zone. He's basically the black Forest Gump.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 09:44 AM)
The Bears D was on the field for almost 40 minutes against the friggin' Colts, who had 7 drives that started in Bears territory or between the 40's, and still gave up just 22 points (not 29, since 7 of that was on an INT return).


Defense was not the problem.


I agree, and give the D a lot of credit for hanging in there for so long. They held a powerful offense to 22 points. Not bad at all.


Rex is who he is, an inconsistent guy. There is no good or bad, just a guy who is both to varying degrees depending on the defense he's facing.


This current Bears team has a very good chance of putting itself in the same position next season. But they'll need a quarterback to bring home the hardware, and his name is not Grossman.

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I still have faith in Grossman. And we say it every game, but he just needs to make better decisions. I hope he works long and hard this offseason and comes out firing next season.


He needs to learn to move around in the pocket and he needs to learn not to force things. When he does check down, its too late or he leads his guy right into the defenders.


We all know he has the capabilities to be a realluy good NFL quarterback, he just needs to get some things straight in his head.

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QUOTE(zenryan @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 08:43 PM)
Grossman will never be more than what he is now

I strongly disagree. It's all in his head. We've seen him make throws that few in the NFL can. He just needs to get his head straight. Those who disagree either just hate Rex or are still sour over the Super Bowl loss. Or in your case, Hurricanes fans. ;)

Edited by SoxFan1
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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 08:45 PM)
I strongly disagree. It's all in his head. We've seen him make throws that few in the NFL can. He just needs to get his head straight. Those who disagree either just hate Rex or are still sour over the Super Bowl loss. Or in your case, Hurricanes fans. ;)



I would settle for out of his ass at this point. Rex has been schooled time and time and time again. He's not getting it - likely thanks to the s***ty Florida school system. Yes he can play, the problem is he knows it and his nose is too far up in the air afraid to smell his own s***. What he needs is a good ass kicking, or a humiliation in the SB hopefully, to bring him back down to earth. And I don't hate him, nor am I sour about the SB. What I am is sick and tired of watching him continue to struggle with s*** he should be doing in his sleep coming out of camp. He's a pro football player. He needs to start acting like one and since i'm on a roll here he also needs to stfu to the media when he gets deservingly razzed.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 09:04 PM)
I would settle for out of his ass at this point. Rex has been schooled time and time and time again. He's not getting it - likely thanks to the s***ty Florida school system. Yes he can play, the problem is he knows it and his nose is too far up in the air afraid to smell his own s***. What he needs is a good ass kicking, or a humiliation in the SB hopefully, to bring him back down to earth. And I don't hate him, nor am I sour about the SB. What I am is sick and tired of watching him continue to struggle with s*** he should be doing in his sleep coming out of camp. He's a pro football player. He needs to start acting like one and since i'm on a roll here he also needs to stfu to the media when he gets deservingly razzed.


God damn I love when Steff gets aggressive. I get excited.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 09:04 PM)
I would settle for out of his ass at this point. Rex has been schooled time and time and time again. He's not getting it - likely thanks to the s***ty Florida school system. Yes he can play, the problem is he knows it and his nose is too far up in the air afraid to smell his own s***. What he needs is a good ass kicking, or a humiliation in the SB hopefully, to bring him back down to earth. And I don't hate him, nor am I sour about the SB. What I am is sick and tired of watching him continue to struggle with s*** he should be doing in his sleep coming out of camp. He's a pro football player. He needs to start acting like one and since i'm on a roll here he also needs to stfu to the media when he gets deservingly razzed.

Holy s*** that is an awesome post.


Another thing that really bothers me...



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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 08:45 PM)
Those who disagree either just hate Rex or are still sour over the Super Bowl loss. Or in your case, Hurricanes fans. ;)

Yeah that's bulls***, after giving him the benefit of the doubt for a full 19 game season and backing him the whole way I'm putting his tools on the table, taking a look at his body of work and I'm not liking what I'm seeing, I'm really starting to doubt whether Rex can be a franchise QB or not. I'm leaning toward not.




- He throws a great ball, the ball often comes out of his hand with explosion, great velocity and a tight spiral, he throws an incredibly catchable ball.

- He has a a canon, enough said he can bomb the damn ball.

- He does have moments of incredible accuracy on the deep ball, he's hit Berrian for a few of the best passes I've ever seen, he is capable of hitting his man in stride.

- He is fairly accurate throwing to the post and seam routes when he doesn't have someone in his face, he's especially proficient at hitting the tightend/slot receiver down the seam but that's only when he has some time to work and a clear view of the receiver

- He inspires confidence from his teammates and coaches, they seem to love the guy and his teammates seem to have a lot of confidence in his abilities, judging by the playcalling the Super Bowl however I wonder if the coaching staff trusts him in the big game, I'm guessing not.

- He's a pretty tough guy, when he is taking a beating he tends to get back up and is ready to take some more

- He's incredibly ballsy, good and bad




- He's short, 5'11"-6'0" he's one of the shortest starting QBs in the NFL, I believe Vick is the only one who is shorter

- He's slow as s***, the guy can't run at all

- Can not throw on the run with any accuracy

- He has very small hands

- He is terrible at identifying the rush and avoiding the blitz, on top of his lack of speed he has a terrible pocket presence and no scrambling ability.

- He's prone to major lapses in judgment such as tossing the ball up in the air 3-5 times a game often leading to picks.

- When the pocket collapses he tends to panic which leads to terrible passes and fumbles. He needs to calm the f*** down when the defense gets in the backfield.

- He has trouble securing the ball, this leads to even more turnovers, when taking a sack he needs to just wrap up the ball and go down instead of allowing it to come out as he often does.

- When he gets jittery in the pocket he tends to release the ball at odd angles and takes a lot of velocity off his passes leading to wounded ducks and lob passes.


How many QBs can you think of had these shortcomings but have still succeeded at the NFL level?


Do those positives outweigh the negatives? Can he over come his short comings and become one of the first short, slow QBs of all time to actually find success in the NFL? I'm starting to think he can't.

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I just read through real fast so I may have missed it but another negative...reading the field, period. It takes him an incredibly long time to make all his progressions (if he even makes them). Even though he did check down a few times yesterday it was way to late as his check down receiver was hit immediately.


He doesn't make the right throw a lot of the time, and has lots of trouble checking down. He is incapable of taking what the defense is giving.

Edited by WHarris1
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