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billy the poet


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most of you don't care, but there are some who've shown interest...(ok, feigned interest)


I'm halfway through my june recording project. 5 new songs entitled among other things the "June Project" EP.


Drop me a line on the message board if you listen and have an opinion. Hope you enjoy. There are also another 10 or so early demos of other songs, they aren't so bad either.


Thanks for your time.



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Oh cripes more spam PA? He, he... :finger


I will make sure to take a listen and tell you exactly how bad it sucks. :lol:


BTW Did you figure out who is going to the game the 4th of July? There was a slight change of plans and a few more people are going to be going, so I need an exact number so that we can get tickets ordered. Thanks man.

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summer song



Review: there is much that I like about this song - it is very evocative, the termpo and tune match the lyrics, the music is perfect in suiting the mood and feeling of being hot in the summer so a bit more laid back; I realy liked not using the song title in the lyrics because given the title, the tempo makes sense and it was easy to picture myself singing that sing in the right circumstance. Lyrics are quite well written. Beautiful marriage of words and music and that is great when it fits so well. The sound of the sung lyrics was in accord with and evocative of the tune itself, so that passes a major test with flying colors.


Critique: I'd drop the additional singer(s), or the overdubs, on those few notes you have them on - takes away - realize you have moved in a "we" voice there rather than than the singular voice of the rest, but that piece should be sung singular too as it represents only his plainitive hopes, and thus should stay in the singular voice.


Suggestions: could you slow it down a tad more, or underplay soundwise the guitar on some of the verse, usingit at the current volumn in the transitions have no idea if these will work, but my arrangment suggestions. An occasional low played tambourine or harmonica used sparingly as in early Dylan Or not. Play around and see what happens. These are only suggestions I'd have you try were I your producer just to see and accept or reject after hearing. Which I ain't so you can blow me off totally. The bridge was short if there was one - did I miss bridge and am a fool, or that intentional? I note Eminem dropped the bridge total in his last song.


Overall, I give it, and a 1-10 scale, a 9.25, very high. I will relisten tomorrow and amend these comments as needed.


I can only do one song at a time - I really liked it, that is a high score for me to give, I hope you know that.



edit note: listened to it again and really like it more than before - love waht you did with lyrics, loved the drop of the second "summer" in the lines "this is one of those summer days, this id, this one of those days." Was much more powerful because you chose not to repeat, to mirror totally, and that dfference adds meaning and depth to the lyric. Usually only secure knowledgable singer-writers know that, so I am impressed highly.

Edited by cwsox
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just thought I'd bump this up for anyone that didn't catch it.


I remixed the songs today...so, they're a tad different. you know, a little more 5k-25k mhz...left pan, 50-50 reverb.




thanks for the comments so far.



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