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UFO's here...there...and everywhere!!!

Kid Gleason

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 08:05 PM)
The closest star other than the sun is 4+ light years away.


The human-made object traveling the fastest at the moment is Voyager 1, which in 30 years has gone 0.002 light years. Those aliens better have faster ships because WE ARE SLOW.

Also, how disappointing would it be to finally get a probe to some other solar system and then find nothing?

didn't know that...that is far as hell

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I'll sound like a total nut for saying this but on at least 3 different occasions I've seen UFO's. Go ahead and laugh. The first time was in 1967. I was with my mom somewhere near Crystal Lake driving east. Out on the horizon I saw this light looking much like a distant airplane. All of a sudden, it just zoomed straight south and was gone in an instant. My mom says, "Did you see that?!". So, she saw it too.

The second time, about 15 years ago, I was with my wife driving very late at night just outside Lake Geneva, WI . Exactly like the other incident we both saw it and both exclaimed, "Did you see that?!".

Then, approximately 6 or 7 years ago, I had a security job in Lake Geneva where I sat in a patrol car and watched a parking lot from midnight until six in the morning. I spent a lot of time star gazing and I saw some peculiar things. One night in particular, I saw not that far away, a light that seemed to be a helicopter. It was only maybe 100 yards away. I unrolled the car window and didn't hear a sound. After a few seconds the "thing" went shooting overhead and disappeared. It never made a sound.

When I tell people about this stuff, which isn't very often, people think I'm nuts or making this up. Oh well, who cares? I know what I saw.


Just for the record too. I grew up in a very old huge house in Elmhurst. I heard things often and was with a few friends once on the front porch when we all saw this guy who kinda looked like a bum. He was just walking through the yard and suddenly he wasn't there. It was like he walked behind a tree and vanished. It was real weird. And again, I wasn't the only one who witnessed this. We (my family) would often hear footsteps on the front porch but no one would be there when you opened the door. My dad said he saw people on the front porch on several occasions dressed in like early 1900's clothing. That house was totally creepy and very definately haunted. So, yeah, I believe in ghosts too.


Edited by BigEdWalsh
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QUOTE(BigEdWalsh @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 11:05 PM)
I'll sound like a total nut for saying this but on at least 3 different occasions I've seen UFO's. Go ahead and laugh. The first time was in 1967. I was with my mom somewhere near Crystal Lake driving east. Out on the horizon I saw this light looking much like a distant airplane. All of a sudden, it just zoomed straight south and was gone in an instant. My mom says, "Did you see that?!". So, she saw it too.

The second time, about 15 years ago, I was with my wife driving very late at night just outside Lake Geneva, WI . Exactly like the other incident we both saw it and both exclaimed, "Did you see that?!".

Then, approximately 6 or 7 years ago, I had a security job in Lake Geneva where I sat in a patrol car and watched a parking lot from midnight until six in the morning. I spent a lot of time star gazing and I saw some peculiar things. One night in particular, I saw not that far away, a light that seemed to be a helicopter. It was only maybe 100 yards away. I unrolled the car window and didn't hear a sound. After a few seconds the "thing" went shooting overhead and disappeared. It never made a sound.

When I tell people about this stuff, which isn't very often, people think I'm nuts or making this up. Oh well, who cares? I know what I saw.


Just for the record too. I grew up in a very old huge house in Elmhurst. I heard things often and was with a few friends once on the front porch when we all saw this guy who kinda looked like a bum. He was just walking through the yard and suddenly he wasn't there. It was like he walked behind a tree and vanished. It was real weird. And again, I wasn't the only one who witnessed this. We (my family) would often hear footsteps on the front porch but no one would be there when you opened the door. My dad said he saw people on the front porch on several occasions dressed in like early 1900's clothing. That house was totally creepy and very definately haunted. So, yeah, I believe in ghosts too.


I won't call you crazy and the stories were neat. Love hearing this type of stuff.

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Of all the various conspiracy theories and edge stories, about ghosts, aliens, asassinations, etc., the one that is most intriguing to me is the whole thing in Roswell in the 40's.


On the surface, it looks pretty obvious - that area was (and still probably is) the place where some of the most experimental military toys are tested. Something went wrong with something in the sky, crash happens, military claims its a weather balloon. Clearly it wasn't, but, that could be the military covering up one technology with another.


What sticks in my craw though, are the rancher and the colonel. The rancher who owned the land where these aliens supposedly crash-landed, and the general who was first to get there, both swear by the same thing they saw. I've seen the interviews, and I have a hard time not believing them. I mean, the colonel pretty much ruined his military career saying this stuff. Why? The rancher probably could care less, so why would he then spout the same exact story?


I don't know. Maybe I just don't know enough about it, but, I can't dismiss it entirely either.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 04:44 PM)
I saw a UFO up in rural Michigan two summers ago. I really don't like to tell the story in person, because, well, people think I'm nuts. Luckily I was with a family member at the time so atleast there is one person who believes me. Anyway, I guarantee you what I saw was not of this earth. And judging by the actions of others in that area, we were not the only people to see something that night. I'll go ahead and use the typical "I wasn't a believer until I saw one for myself" line.


I saw one too - when I was 11 with my Mom and step dad. We lived near a lake and coming home one night we saw lights over the lake. We couldn't see it because we were still behind trees. When we turned onto our street we stopped and got out of the car. It was huge, round and full of lights. It moved to our left out of view behind some trees. We ran to the right to watch it, but it wasn't there anymore. I remember my parents up most of the night discussing it while I tried to sleep. There was a story in the paper the next day about a UFO being reported in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan - all at 8:45 pm.


I don't know if it was the same one or multiples. I do know what I saw and remember it like it was yesterday. Was it aliens? I don't know. Was it the government? I doubt it because there aren't any govt air fields near us and it's been 20+ years and they've haven't come out with anything close to this.


I don't like to tell people in person either. I told my wife once and she looked at me like I was nuts. Neither of us has brought it up again. My Mom still confirms the story and has the article in a scrap book.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 12:18 PM)
Interesting how so many people here have their own stories.


Here's a recent news story worthy of this thread -- UFO sighted at O'Hare airport.



I have a feeling that this thread just might hang around a little while.


Another interesting site.

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QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 09:58 PM)
didn't know that...that is far as hell


And that is exactly the point. It's a somewhat disappointing thought to have a high degree of confidence that there is other higher life out there, but to also know that there is a vanishingly small probability that we will ever get there to verify it.


QUOTE(BigEdWalsh @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 02:05 AM)
I'll sound like a total nut for saying this but on at least 3 different occasions I've seen UFO's. Go ahead and laugh.


Teee Heee Ha Ha Ha Bwaahh Hahaha. . .


:D :fight



QUOTE(BigEdWalsh @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 02:05 AM)
Just for the record too. I grew up in a very old huge house in Elmhurst. I heard things often and was with a few friends once on the front porch when we all saw this guy who kinda looked like a bum. He was just walking through the yard and suddenly he wasn't there. It was like he walked behind a tree and vanished. It was real weird. And again, I wasn't the only one who witnessed this.



Damn, the drugs really were that much better back then, huh??


I Kid Because I Care®

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One of the most fascinating things about moving out here for me has been how huge and how close the stars look at night, so I spend a lot of time looking up at night. On a couple of ocassions I've seen some really inetresting things moving around in the sky. Not just the speed at which they move, but also the patterns in which they move.

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Thanks for sharing the stories gang! This is the type of stuff that has to make you believe somewhat. What does anybody achieve by telling these tales if they are all BS, especially here on a site like this?


Two good videos:





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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:50 PM)
Thanks for sharing the stories gang! This is the type of stuff that has to make you believe somewhat. What does anybody achieve by telling these tales if they are all BS, especially here on a site like this?

I've read comments in the past where skeptics respond, when that question is asked, that UFO's fulfill a collective need people have for a higher being. Something out there which is bigger than us.


For example, Mexico -- why the HELL would any UFO want to visit that craphole? Yet, you'd think it's the center of the universe with all the alleged sightings. Could these people, many of who are devote to their religion, be

more willing to attribute any strange object as an alien spaceship?


Personally, I don't subscribe to this idea. It makes sense, but really, wouldn't the existence of UFO's only prove we're not unique? We're not the creation of a devine power? Anyways, none of that really applies when you're looking at the sky and notice something moving in ways no known aircraft moves.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 11:26 PM)
This is how I've always seen it:


We find alien life and it looks like us = More proof of a God.


We find alien life and it looks nothing like us = Goodbye religion.

If you believe alien abduction stories, they have similar anatomical parts.


Makes you wonder if there is a sort of universal design for intelligent life. If maybe two arms, two legs (with bipedal movement), two eyes, relatively small stature is what necessitates all advanced life forms. When you reflect upon our evolution, humans become more intelligent in response to observing their environment and adapting.


I remember thinking to myself in sixth grade science class, how is it humans develop so much in a relatively short time (2milYrs), yet prehistoric dinosaurs which existed for 50 times our length exhibited little increases in intelligence? If nothing changes, as it didn't, little was needed to survive other than brute strength. Alien creatures, as I see it, would have to have gone the same evolutionary process as humans. Thus, probably have similar features.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Believers might have a friend in Bill Richardson




New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson: a UFO Buff?


So I asked why New Mexico governor Bill Richardson hadn't made much of a splash yet, and a reader pointed me in the direction of this story from 2004:


Ten years after the U.S. Air Force closed its books on the claim that a UFO crashed in Roswell, N.M., in 1947, a top Democratic Party figure wants to reopen the investigation into the cosmic legend.


Despite denials by federal officials, many UFO buffs cherish the notion that in early summer of 1947, a flying saucer crashed in rural Roswell, scattering alien bodies and saucer debris across the terrain.


Now Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who chaired the recent Democratic convention in Boston, says in his foreword to a new book that "the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained — not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government. ... There are as many theories as there are official explanations.


"Clearly, it would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows," says Richardson, who served as Energy secretary under President Bill Clinton. "The American people can handle the truth — no matter how bizarre or mundane. ... With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July 1947."


The passage appears in a paperback titled "The Roswell Dig Diaries," published in collaboration with TV's SciFi Channel by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. The "dig" of the title refers to an archaeological dig at the supposed crash site.


A Richardson aide, Billy Sparks, confirmed the governor's remarks. Richardson "is interested in either debunking the story or (encouraging) full disclosure" of any unreleased records on the case, Sparks said.


My, that's... unusual. The story also notes that the then-executive director of the New Mexico Republican Party, Greg Graves, is a native of Roswell who suspects the crashed object was "something more than a weather balloon," wants to know what really happened.


It's hard to see this unusual interest on Richardson's part single-handedly hindering his bid. But it is easy to picture this stand spurring some scoffs among his rivals. What's that old saying, hang a lantern on your problem? "Bill Richardson: A President For Americans of All Colors, Including Little Green Men."


(Dear readers: While I am a skeptic, I do not want this posting to launch a big debate on whether aliens exist; please do not send me your "I was abducted" stories.)

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