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I am amazed at the support for Harry Potter.


For some reason I did not like the books (I read the first and the first 150 pages of the second before losing interest). Everyone I talk to can not believe I did not like them, but I just couldn't get my self interested.


Some people say that the books are sacreligious, I for one say they are definately not.


CW, I know you are clergy and have good input on things like this. What is your take on Harry Potter's relationship with religion?

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I am amazed at the support for Harry Potter. 


For some reason I did not like the books (I read the first and the first 150 pages of the second before losing interest).  Everyone I talk to can not believe I did not like them, but I just couldn't get my self interested.


Some people say that the books are sacreligious, I for one say they are definately not. 


CW, I know you are clergy and have good input on things like this.  What is your take on Harry Potter's relationship with religion?

Harry Potter is a story that has magical elements like any number of stories. There are any number of people who love to attack things because it is a great way to raise money: pronounce something the devil's tool and you can sell a lot of books, get media time, and get results from fund raising letters to fight this new horror. And it is all bulls***, in my opinion. Harry Potter is a story and nothing more, nothing less. Just like Cinderella.


Whenever money can be made by bombastic crusades against this latest new work of the satanic one - whether it be rock in roll in its day or whatever the topic de jour - there will be some idiots right there bashing and trashing and pocketing money all at the same time.

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That is a perfect CW-style religious analysis. Couldn't have asked for a better one. :D


So is this also the case with drugs and Alice in Wonderland, or is that just more BS, from money hungry radicals?

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Adults shouldn't find the books to be as exciting as kids. IMHO they are written for the 9-13 age range. I applaud any series that could have the kids this excited.


As far as the religous angle. I have a very good friend who is a youth minister and doesn't allow his kids to trick or treat, avoids fairy tails, etc. I find it to be amusing. My kids were mature enough at age 8 to figure out and understand the difference between stories like Harry Potter and our religous beliefs. I assume that most 8 year olds can as well. Teaching kids to think and differentiate will do more to instill a sense of being and religion than hiding Harry Potter from them. Can you imagine this conversation "Daddy, do you really believe Nancy is going to hell from reading Harry Potter? Then all my friends are wrong."

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Adults shouldn't find the books to be as exciting as kids. IMHO they are written for the 9-13 age range. I applaud any series that could have the kids this excited.


As far as the religous angle. I have a very good friend who is a youth minister and doesn't allow his kids to trick or treat, avoids fairy tails, etc. I find it to be amusing. My kids were mature enough at age 8 to figure out and understand the difference between stories like Harry Potter and our religous beliefs. I assume that most 8 year olds can as well. Teaching kids to think and differentiate will do more to instill a sense of being and religion than hiding Harry Potter from them. Can you imagine this conversation "Daddy, do you really believe Nancy is going to hell from reading Harry Potter? Then all my friends are wrong."

I know people liike Texsox - I grew up in a family of people like that - does your friend have a master degree in divinity or theology? A lot of youth ministers do not and I am not veryu comfortable with things they tell kids in churches.


It is exactly right that kids are taught the difference between fantasy and reality. Imagination is a wonderful thing and it can take one in a lot of places. That is why some are afraid of it, because they can't control it.


We never did Santa Claus in my house - my kids were well of all the Santa stuff in the culture and we taught them the story of St. Nicholaus and also told them not to tell their friends there was no Santa... - but we didn't prohibit the kids from doing the Santa thing at school, that is just a part of culture. It was just that my kids knew that all of the gifts came from someone, and they should thank that person, and avoided the confusion of having them wonder if Santa Claus is a lie, then maybe Jesus is too.


But then you have those who think Santa is a tool of Satan because if you just change one letter...


1549, I cannot make out what you mean in your comment. If there were money to be made in denouncing Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland, it would be done. In my lifetime it was Elvis who was the spawn of Satan... then the Beatles... then Kiss... then Alice Cooper... then Rocky Horror Picture Show... then AC/DC (you know that stands for After Christ, the Devil Comes)... then Marilyn Manson... then Eminem... people playing records backwards to look for satanic messages - it is all so much of a fundraising con. You can only make bucks in a crusade by scaring people with some new horror and being against something.


Back to Tex, I don't even buy the origins of Halloween having negative connotations but then I don't seen devils lurking behind every bush as the world view of some is. Ask your friend what October 31st is in Church history - I'll bet $10 he can't tell you - half my family is that way, they know what they are against but they don't know why, they just know they are against it.


I like what you say Tex. It is so important that kids know the difference between fantasy and reality and that only comes by spending time with them in real conversation. Once you teach a kid about blue screens and matte backdrips and special effects, the magic of Hollywood is just as fun but it no longer is considered reality. The fun of make beleive stories albeit Harry Potter or Wizard of Oz or any fairy tale is just that, in the fun of make beieve and fantasy.


Back to 1549, there was a time in this nation when the Vice President of the United States was running around denouncing "White Rabbit" because the Jefferson Airplane song, based on Alice in Wonderland, was obviously a drug song and procliaming his political party was against that evil seducing our children. (That was Spiro Agnew.) No difference between Lynn Cheney and Joe Lieberman taking everything Eminem says at face value and then crusading against him as the latest act of the devil - and how their political party will crush this evil menace. Yeah, and Lewis Carroll may have had an unhealthy obsession with little Alice (to say the least). That doesn't make the telling of stories evil or Alice in Wonderland the devil's tool. But there is money to be made by the newest "christian" author writing the newest book exposing the devil's work in Harry Potter, and then of course, come the paid speaking engagements, and the publicity and media time, and one can make a nice piece of change.


J. K. Rowling has written some wonderfully fun tales. They are not even all that original - they have their roots in every fantasy story that I can think of. But she tells them well, and makes them fun, and kids like to read stuff like that, and it is written well enough to not be literature by any means but fun for adults to read too in a very light summer reading at the beach sort of way.

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Back to 1549, there was a time in this nation when the Vice President of the United States was running around denouncing "White Rabbit" because the Jefferson Airplane song, based on Alice in Wonderland, was obviously a drug song and procliaming his political party was against that evil seducing our children. (That was Spiro Agnew.)


Lewis Carroll encoded all of the gruesome details of Jack the Ripper's murders in Alice in Wonderland...dddddd-duh!




(I lurve apocryphal crack-pot nonsense, it's hysterical...imagination is damn right!)

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Lewis Carroll encoded all of the gruesome details of Jack the Ripper's murders in Alice in Wonderland...dddddd-duh!




(I lurve apocryphal crack-pot nonsense, it's hysterical...imagination is damn right!)

I agree 100%. Can't people be happy that their kids who won't get off of the internet and Playstations are reading something? Of course not. This woman wrote books for her kids to read. It is narrowminded to think that this is some of of intro to evil for teens and preteens. I can only imagine what these idiots would say if Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were were written today. But once again people are trying to tell others how to live their lives...

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i have yet to read the books.... i did manage to get a special edition copy for the kids though .. who by the way have read each and every word of the prior books..... i on the other hand usually wait till the movies are out..lol... i know im lazy when it comes to reading but i spend most of my summers at the park and the winters at work so that leaves little time to take on a novel.........

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No my friend was not schooled in theology and yes it scares me also. He is quite the fundementalist. Still overall he's well meaning. I love debating poloitics and religion with him.


One thing I've noticed with many of this type is the need to exagerate how bad their lives were before being saved.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

No my friend was not schooled in theology and yes it scares me also.  He is quite the fundementalist. Still overall he's well meaning. I love debating poloitics and religion with him.


One thing I've noticed with many of this type is the need to exagerate how bad their lives were before being saved.

im still waiting to be saved..........but my life is pretty darn good.........

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No my friend was not schooled in theology and yes it scares me also.  He is quite the fundementalist. Still overall he's well meaning. I love debating poloitics and religion with him.


One thing I've noticed with many of this type is the need to exagerate how bad their lives were before being saved.

im still waiting to be saved..........but my life is pretty darn good.........

I am going to save you, HSC.

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My son is on page 425 after receiving his via the Fed Ex guy on Saturday morning.

I'll say this, I never once remember reading any book near 800 pages as a kid. The longest books I would read were the Hardy Boys. I used to read a book a week at least. That was before video game systems were widely out though.

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I am amazed at the support for Harry Potter. 


For some reason I did not like the books (I read the first and the first 150 pages of the second before losing interest).  Everyone I talk to can not believe I did not like them, but I just couldn't get my self interested.


Some people say that the books are sacreligious, I for one say they are definately not. 


CW, I know you are clergy and have good input on things like this.  What is your take on Harry Potter's relationship with religion?

Harry Potter is a story that has magical elements like any number of stories. There are any number of people who love to attack things because it is a great way to raise money: pronounce something the devil's tool and you can sell a lot of books, get media time, and get results from fund raising letters to fight this new horror. And it is all bulls***, in my opinion. Harry Potter is a story and nothing more, nothing less. Just like Cinderella.


Whenever money can be made by bombastic crusades against this latest new work of the satanic one - whether it be rock in roll in its day or whatever the topic de jour - there will be some idiots right there bashing and trashing and pocketing money all at the same time.

Its getting children to read 800 page books, so I'm all for it. Kids should read more anyway.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

No my friend was not schooled in theology and yes it scares me also.  He is quite the fundementalist. Still overall he's well meaning. I love debating poloitics and religion with him.


One thing I've noticed with many of this type is the need to exagerate how bad their lives were before being saved.

im still waiting to be saved..........but my life is pretty darn good.........

I am going to save you, HSC.

save me baby... Lord knows i need it....... :D

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