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Dice Undisputed

The Critic

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I have to say, of all the channels pumping out dumb reality TV, VH1 has at least given me some shows I have enjoyed.


Examples being Breaking Bonaduce, The White Rapper Show, and Bands Reunited to name just a few.


The list promises to grow this Sunday with the premiere of "Dice Undisputed", which follows noted 1980's poet, Fonzie aficianado and leather jacket spokesmodel Andrew Dice Clay on his journey to stop being a pathetic punchline from the 80's and to become once again a pathetic CURRENT punchline.


SEE Dice apply dark hair coloring to his grey sideburns!

WATCH in amazement as Dice manages to find EVEN BIGGER bedazzled leather jackets!

ADMIRE Dice's flip-flopping between delusional bravado about his talent and legacy and the spirit-crushing reality that is his current place in the pecking order of showbiz today!

GAWK at Dice's "so wacky and madcap that you'd ALMOST think they were made for TV" circle of friends!!

GAZE at the unwashed legions (small, small legions, but legions nonetheless) of Dice's leftover fans who cheer him on in his unlikely quest to draw mid-level crowds once again!


SEE IT ALL, starting THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 4TH at 9:00 PM Central time!

Only on VH1, where "Celebreality" just got a little bit meaner......


Who's with me????


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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 11:38 AM)
As much as he's a joke now, for about 3 years in late 80s, Dice, was the biggest thing in comedy ever. He was absolutely huge.


Jack and Jill went up the hill ....... oh she needed the money.

A few years ago Dice did a tour and some friends of mine asked if I wanted to go.

I said "Yeah, who's going to be the designated driver for the time machine?"

:lol: :lolhitting

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Just watched the "speak preview" of the first two episodes of the show.

My first impression? It's not bad.

Contrived (of course), but nowhere near as contrived as Hogan Knows Best.

I'm not expecting anything spectacular from this show, but I will keep watching.


"You got a f***in' PROBLEM wit dat???"


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