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Guillen responds to McCarthy's comments

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Ozzie's comments. McCarthy's are his right before, but I'm excerpting Ozzie's specifically to show how much of a monster he truly is.


He pitched for me, pitched good for me. He was one of my players. The comments I hated were the ones he made. When you play, you have a teammate for 162 games plus two years, when you hang around with those guys for – I think he has more years than me in this organization – and all of a sudden you have a couple of friends there and we were negative. It’s one thing about me, I can be a (bleep), I can be the biggest (bleep) in the game, the biggest mouth, whatever you can call me, I’m not a negative guy. I think one of my jobs is to be positive with everyone in the ballclub. I’m the type of guy, when you’re down I try to extend my hands to try and get you out of there. I’m not the type of manager, when you’re down, I turn my eyes, not even look at you and say hi. When my guys are playing good, that’s when I don’t even care about them. You can ask Cliff Politte, you can ask anybody that played under my management how I treat people when they don’t perform well and when he make the comment like we were negative with him – I know he has his hopes to pitch for us, be in the starting rotation, that was our hopes, too. If Brandon was our fifth starter last year, was he better than what we had? We might be wrong, but I believe we had five starters better than him at that particular time. We tried to accommodate him in the bullpen, something I won’t say he was against us, but I know we know it wasn’t the best for him but it was the best for the ballclub to keep him in the big leagues . . . When you make comments about how you feel when you go to another clubhouse and all of a sudden Ozzie’s lying. They think we’re fake. We’re not fake. We treat people here fair, we treat people here with honesty. We try to do the best for them and for us. The one thing about me, like I said, call me anything you want, but don’t call me a negative person. I’m not a negative person. Never. I never will be. I think somebody kicks me down, I’ll get up and fight. I’m not going to sit there and say ‘oh my God, why did this thing happen?’ I try to get the positive things out of my players.”


On Anderson and McCarthy going out too much:

I treat my players like they’re my own kids. I don’t care if you go out because I go out. I don’t care if they’re kids because that’s human nature. In the meanwhile sometime you have to take care of business. You’re a drunk and you hit .350, you know how to play when you’re drunk. But if you beat your wife or drive your wife crazy, but if don’t perform well you might go out with your wife and have a cup of wine and they’ll tell you you were with another girl getting drunk. Like I told Bobby, I said ‘Bobby, you perform, you’re the strong guy. When you don’t perform, you’re overweight.’ I told people, I talk to them about it. I never say anything negative about Brandon. I was blaming myself because we put this kid in the position he shouldn’t be in. In the meanwhile we needed him in the bullpen to make us stronger. It’s the type of comments, if you don’t feel comfortable or you don’t feel – if I don’t talk to my players or treat them that way, okay. But when I know from the bottom of my heart I always open, I’m always talking to them, always hugging them, always asking how they’re doing, then it surprised me when he made the comment.


On Ex-Sox making disparaging comments about the team:

I did it too. When I left the White Sox, 19 whatever, I made a couple of comments about I’m a better shortstop than (Mike) Caruso was. Well, that’s true. But I made comments, too. My feelings were hurt. I wasn’t talking about my teammates. I was talking about the club in general, (former GM Ron) Schueler, I said about Ron Schueler ‘well if you’re going to release me why are you going to bring this kid to play? My comments weren’t against the teammates. I said I’m better than Ray. I’m better than Benji Gil. I was better than those guys. But Schu didn’t want me here, that’s a different thing.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 03:39 AM)
No, not context. Backpedaling later in the day. These aren't the 670 comments.


I think anyone trying to defend Ozzie for not being malicious in his comments should listen to the interview. I read about the interview, but it's totally different when you hear it directly from his mouth.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:46 PM)
I think anyone trying to defend Ozzie for not being malicious in his comments should listen to the interview. I read about the interview, but it's totally different when you hear it directly from his mouth.

Completely agree.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 09:33 PM)
Hey guys!





Ozzie's comments. McCarthy's are his right before, but I'm excerpting Ozzie's specifically to show how much of a monster he truly is.


Tonight there was an interview with John Paxon about the Tyson Chandler move. They asked him a question that painted Tyson in a bad light, and John said "I like Tyson, and I am not going to go there. Some players need a change of scenery to reach their potential. And I am happy for Tyson that he is." Now I am not naive enought to think that the bulls or John has answered this correctly before. But this is how management should answer a question in an interview. You thank the player for being a part of the team, you thank them for their efforts, and then you talk about your team and how its good. You dont go into character assassination. Anyone who is in management in any field has to be able to put aside their emotions and talk in a professional manner. I have had people tell me f*** you to my face at work, and I have acted in a professional manner because that is what you do. I would of liked to have jumped across the table gave them the double bird, and then bashed their face in. However I have a responsibility to be professional, for me, for my employer, and for my family who enjoys the money I bring home. The same should be for any person of management. You dont lower yourself to other people. Someone says something, you just calmly and collectively answer it and state facts. You dont have to get into a yelling match, or character assassination. You dont get into a tit for tat with someone. The more you make of it, the more it gets played in the press. If Guillen shuts up, and says something like "I thank Brandon for what he gave the Chicago Whitesox. I pride myself in having a good clubhouse, and would like to think that everyone was a part of a family. I feel saddened that Brandon felt that way, and hopefully in the future we can talk about it. I wish him well in his endevors as we look to move forward with the 2007 Chicago Whitesox." by tomorrow its old hat and the press has moved onto something else. However now for the next few weeks we are back on Ozzie watch.


Just dumb. A man who claims he is as smart as Guillen tells people should be able to have a buffer on how to check things.





I heard the interview in its entirety. Guillen spouted off without thinking.

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I would counter that most of you who hate Ozzie or think he's a garbage manager are in the minority of Sox fans as any visit to US Cellular Field will attest to.


Hell, I know a lot of smart baseball people who think he's one of the best at dealing with a pitching staff, mainly for his old-school approach.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 03:58 AM)

I would counter that most of you who hate Ozzie or think he's a garbage manager are in the minority of Sox fans as any visit to US Cellular Field will attest to.


Hell, I know a lot of smart baseball people who think he's one of the best at dealing with a pitching staff, mainly for his old-school approach.


Please tell me we're not going to judge people by the reaction they get at games!!!! If so, then Scott Podsednik is the greatest player in history. Next thing you know, people will say that X player is good because his parents think he is.

Edited by fathom
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I just don't understand the disconnect between some Sox fans online and those at the games, and I don't understand the Ozzie-hatred over pitching when he's actually quite good at it. Or the "veteran-loving" distaste of him as if he's doing anything particularly new or as if Brian Anderson is some sort of future superstar.


Ozzie Guillen's one of the better managers in the game. So what if he's eccentric or talks a lot sometimes? Doesn't bother me.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 04:03 AM)
I just don't understand the disconnect between some Sox fans online and those at the games, and I don't understand the Ozzie-hatred over pitching when he's actually quite good at it. Or the "veteran-loving" distaste of him as if he's doing anything particularly new or as if Brian Anderson is some sort of future superstar.


I love when the people defending BA turn into people who "think he's going to be a superstar".


Point out ONE post where someone says that Brian Anderson is going to be a consecutive All-Star, borderline HOFer.


The fact is this -- the fact that you seem oblivious to -- Ozzie acted like an ass, AGAIN, when he shouldn't have. He apparently blamed games on ONE player. Please, TRY and make a defense for that. Just so I can have something to laugh at -- please.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:05 PM)
I can't understand the nonsense Ozzie gets on Sean Tracey and Brian Anderson's and Brandon McCarthy's behalfs.


Maybe because he should learn when to shut his goddamn mouth. He's in the third biggest market in America. Maybe he can keep thoughts to himself once in a while.

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I'm not defending everything he said. I just think it's ultimately not a big deal.


It's not like he called him a piece of s*** or anything like that -- like with Maggs.

Some of you are far too eager to jump all over Osvaldo.


And while we're getting into this, I love the suggestions or the first few pages that Ozzie would like, say, BA or McCarthy or Tracey or whoever more if they were Perez' or something.


Guess nobody told him that Jon Garland's white.


QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:07 PM)
Maybe because he should learn when to shut his goddamn mouth. He's in the third biggest market in America. Maybe he can keep thoughts to himself once in a while.



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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 04:05 AM)
I can't understand the nonsense Ozzie gets on Sean Tracey.


Okay, let me explain it to you.


Javier Vazquez was in the game when the batters were hit. Vazquez had MULTIPLE chances to throw at a Texas batter. Did he do it? No. Did he get berated? No.


Even if you think Tracey was wrong for missing (because he did throw at a batter) -- you yell at him in public. There's absolutely no need to do it to him in public for all the cameras to see.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:10 PM)
I'm not defending everything he said. I just think it's ultimately not a big deal.


It's not like he called him a piece of s*** or anything like that -- like with Maggs.

Some of you are far too eager to jump all over Osvaldo.


And while we're getting into this, I love the suggestions or the first few pages that Ozzie would like, say, BA or McCarthy or Tracey or whoever more if they were Perez' or something.


Guess nobody told him that Jon Garland's white.


Maybe if there weren't accusations of such a bias coming from within the organization.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:12 PM)
Okay, let me explain it to you.


Javier Vazquez was in the game when the batters were hit. Vazquez had MULTIPLE chances to throw at a Texas batter. Did he do it? No. Did he get berated? No.


Even if you think Tracey was wrong for missing (because he did throw at a batter) -- you yell at him in public. There's absolutely no need to do it to him in public for all the cameras to see.


Javier wasn't told to hit the batter or he would've, I'm sure of that, and he wasn't told to because he was and is a valuable piece of the organization's short-term and intermediate plans. Tracey was a brief call-up who disobeyed his manager OR is just so bad he can't hit the broadside of Hank Blalock's ass.


I'm not sure I'd have yelled at Tracey in public but I'd have definitely been pissed and I don't blame Guillen for taking offense that a kid who was, at the time (and for the foreseeable future) a minor league scrub -- I can't blame him for being upset and letting Tracey know.


Tracey shouldn't have sit there sobbing into his hands.


And Guillen wasn't necessarily yelling at him in public. It was in the dugout. Maybe he should've taken it in the dugout but he has the right to let his players know what he wants them to know in the dugout at any time he wants.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 04:12 AM)
Guess nobody told him that Jon Garland's white.


WTF are you talking about?


You said that Manuel mishandled Garland. You said that Ozzie, in some way, 'stuck with' Garland like Garland was a bad pitcher before Ozzie came here. He wasn't. Garland was a perfectly acceptable league average starter from his second year in the bigs till now.


He was bound to have a fine year, Ozzie or not. Your comment makes ZERO sense.


QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 04:16 AM)
Javier wasn't told to hit the batter or he would've, I'm sure of that, and he wasn't told to because he was and is a valuable piece of the organization's short-term and intermediate plans. Tracey was a brief call-up who disobeyed his manager OR is just so bad he can't hit the broadside of Hank Blalock's ass.


He wasn't TOLD? Didn't two Sox batters get hit? Shouldn't t be an 'instinct' thing? At least Tracey tried to hit him...

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:05 PM)
I can't understand the nonsense Ozzie gets on Sean Tracey and Brian Anderson's and Brandon McCarthy's behalfs.


So, it's OK for Ozzie rip someone in the media apart if they aren't performing well? I don't care if a player is complete crap, Ozzie should be able to represent the Sox organization in a professional manner and not lay missing the playoffs at McCarthy's feet on the radio. Does Ozzie going off on Magglio Ordonez bother you more? Magglio actually has some talent, so maybe that's not OK.


If an employee isn't performing well, you try and fix it in-house. You don't rip them apart in public. And if performance doesn't improve, terminate the employment and move on. Don't lay into them after they've left the organization. It's classless and unprfoessional.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:58 PM)

I would counter that most of you who hate Ozzie or think he's a garbage manager are in the minority of Sox fans as any visit to US Cellular Field will attest to.


Hell, I know a lot of smart baseball people who think he's one of the best at dealing with a pitching staff, mainly for his old-school approach.


How can you say after last year, he was good in dealing with a pitching staff? If by "old-school" approach you mean tiring out arms so they can't perform in August and September when it really mattered, I guess you're right. If it means bringing up a green kid from AA or AAA when a starter's injured to keep the guy who GOT you in the playoffs in 2005 by pitching clutch as a rookie in the bullpen, I guess you're right.


GP, we fundamentally disagree here because from Game One as a Big League Manager - I've seen a guy who never knew when enough was enough from his guy on the mound.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:17 PM)
WTF are you talking about?


You said that Manuel mishandled Garland. You said that Ozzie, in some way, 'stuck with' Garland like Garland was a bad pitcher before Ozzie came here. He wasn't. Garland was a perfectly acceptable league average starter from his second year in the bigs till now.


He was bound to have a fine year, Ozzie or not. Your comment makes ZERO sense.

He wasn't TOLD? Didn't two Sox batters get hit? Shouldn't t be an 'instinct' thing? At least Tracey tried to hit him...

After the second bean, both teams were warned.


There's no way that Ozzie would've had Javier suspended over it. Just wouldn't be worth it and there's no reason to when you've got a minor leaguer there.


As far as Garland -- it's general knowledge that Ozzie stuck with Garland longer into games while Jerry "dicked around" with him, taking him out at the first sign of trouble and messing with his confidence.

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