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What are your pet peeves?


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I ask you all this, because one of my biggest pet peeves has been recently violated. Let me explain...


The girlfriend of a guy of whom I USED to call a friend of mine claims to be a Packer fan. When I asked her to name just five players on the team, she couldn't get past Brett Favre.


This REALLY got to me. How clueless can she be, calling herself a fan of a team and being unable to name more than their star player (WHEN THERE ARE ABOUT 55 PLAYERS ON A FOOTBALL TEAM!).


You should NOT be able to call yourself a fan of a team if...


1.) You don't know your s*** about the current team (how trades would help your team, different game-day situations your team might face, stuff about your team's players, and be able to name at least in the double digits of players on the team).


2. You don't know stuff about your franchise's history (a great deal of that being stuff that happened eras before you were born).


3. You don't know s*** about the sport the team you say you're a fan of plays.



When I started to whip my Bears s*** out at her, she was TOTALLY clueless and unable to respond! She IS NOT a Packer fan.



And so, one of my biggest pet peeves is how loosely the word "fan" is thrown around.


What are some of yours?

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My pet peeves are:


1) people who talk in the 3rd person a lot

2) racists & separatists of any race

3) people who listen to Christina Aguilera & Britney Spears and think that is the epitome of good music

4) people who claim dubbed versions of anime are better than subtitled

5) any stupid f*** that tries to tell me that the Cubs are the best team in Chicago by saying "Well, Sammy hits lots of homeruns."


:**** them!

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Oh, and when I asked what made this girl the Packer fan she is, she said it was because she lived in Milwaukee for three years.


WHAT KIND OF f***ING ANSWER IS THAT! Just because you live somewhere DOES NOT make you a fan of a team that plays in your home area!



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Guest hotsoxchick1

my pet peeves...... everything pisses me off..... i am an equal opportunity discriminator.. i hate it all...............that way there everything is covered and i dont leave anyone out..............lol

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1. people who dont keep their word ( if you cant keep your word you are totally useless to any friend or family)


2. watching an NFL player who thinks a tackle is running full speed into someone using his helmet as a weapon...what the ever happen to "stick , wrap , lift and drive" ????..you know..proper tackling techniques????


3. people who take credit for others hard work (im sure all of us have had a boss take credit for research or hard labor others have done - insecure ass holes)


4. people who are friends to your face but put a knife in your back the minute you turn around (again im sure all of us have been in the situation..and if you havent..dont worry you will someday)


5. opportunist (if the only way you can suceed in this world is by taking advantage of another's tough times..then youre loser and your day is coming soon)



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1) Crazy squirrels in the Quad that play dumb and are a hoot to chase around, but then run up a tree, jump and latch onto you and start biting...


2) Dogs that can't distinguish the difference between your leg and a fire hydrant.


3) Music Elitists


4) People that claim to be big baseball fans but know JACK s*** about the game, the strategy, etc.


5) Cute girls who won't go along with you playing dumb in the Laundry Room and let you to wash your whites with your red sweatshirt like the idiot you are.


6) Anyone who claims that Clerks, Chasing Amy, and Dogma aren't landmarks of American cinema.


7) The fact that the lava lamp channel doesn't have a lava lamp anymore.


8) Sprained knees


9) Employment. So much more fun to be unemployed and living on your wits.


... and last, but certainly not least...


10) When your snooty butler says he washed your sock garters, but when you put them on, you find they're still full of shmootz.


You know what I'm talking about.

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Originally posted by sideshowapu

My pet peeves are:


1) people who talk in the 3rd person a lot

2) racists & separatists of any race

3) people who listen to Christina Aguilera & Britney Spears and think that is the epitome of good music

4) people who claim dubbed versions of anime are better than subtitled

5) any stupid f*** that tries to tell me that the Cubs are the best team in Chicago by saying "Well, Sammy hits lots of homeruns."


:**** them!


I hope its not wrong to think Spears and Augelera are hot, or however the heck you spell her name. She's a naughty girl now!!!

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1. Assholes. No one pisses me off more then someone thats an ass or snob to others.


2. People who are drug addicts and end up becoming bums that leach off society.

Drunk Drivers fit in this category


3. I'm with Baggs on this one. People who act like your friends and then say s*** about you when your not their.


4. Liars...Not white lies, but people who just lie about everything and make up s***.


Oh ya, as far as that whole thing with the fan. I say who cares, you have thought way too into this and well if she likes the Packers who cares if she knows the team. Thats why their are die-hard fans and just fans.


Then again why would it bother me, it ain't my pet peeve, lol.

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Folded pages in books, including dog eared pages. Writing in books, even highlighting them. Numbers that aren't round. Traitors. Fake people. Players who celebrate after tackling a guy for a 3 yard gain. People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Being on hold. Rain when it's below freezing. People who use their horn too much. People who drive slow. People who walk slow. People who don't listen...I could go on forever.:headbang

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Oh ya, as far as that whole thing with the fan.  I say who cares, you have thought way too into this and well if she likes the Packers who cares if she knows the team.  Thats why their are die-hard fans and just fans.

I know I didn't put this in my original post, so you didn't know this but...The thing is...she doesn't even take the effort to find out what is happening in the Packer world. She lives down here in IL now, which means she can't watch many games, but in the age of the Internet, sports ignorance is not allowed. When the Packers are able to be viewed down here, she's not watching the game. This girl couldn't even tell you ANYTHING about what even has happened THIS SEASON with the Packers. She is definitely not even a casual fan.

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maybe not everyone follows sports and she was just mentioning the only team she knew. who the f*** cares, why would you get all bent out of shape? it's not like she said I KNOW MORE ABOUT FOOTBALL THAN YOU DO b****. she probably doesnt know the first thing, who the f*** cares? you might as well hate 75% of females because it's not like it is uncommon to hear that from them. man and i thought i hated people for petty stuff, but that was just ghey as s***.

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Wow, lets see.


-Stupid people. Grow a brain, and if you already have one, trying using it!!


-People who walk like they have all day. Maybe you do, but Im sure as hell don't! Get the f*** out of the way!


-People who drive slow. See People who walk like they have all day.


-People who walk aimlessly, without a purpose. If you are going to walk, please have a direction and an ultimate destination in mind.


-People who drive aimlessly. See above.


-People who think it's funny to say that your team sucks and not back it up with any proof. Am I missing something?


-Ass kissers. Spineless people. Brown nosers. Whatever you want to call them. Grow some damn balls and act how you want to act, not how you think someone else wants you to act.


-People who think they know a lot about sports and then say something stupid to prove that they really don't, but don't realize how stupid the thing they just said was.


-People who have to brag about everything they've done, even though have of the stuff is nothing that big.


Im sure there are more. Those are the ones I could think of right now.

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I just remembered another pet peeve of mine.....


Going to the video store and renting a porn with a hot chick on the box only to find out, after you get home, that the video doesn't have that chick on the box anywhere in it. And, usually, the cast consists of crackheads doing porn for a rock..... thus, bruised, scabbed, and generally beat up women. :mad:

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I hate talking to girls who have no clue. I used to talk to a lot of those kind girls. They would space out and say "uh-uh" and you would just kinda want to knock on their heads and see if anythings in there...


But right now, my biggest pet peeve is myself. Recently, a hot varsity cheerleader at my school started flirting with me. We would always wave at eachother and recently Ive tried to get her number but I never got the right timing. So yesterday I came out of lunch and headed off towards my study block while singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" at the top of my lungs. She passed me in the hall and smiled and in midst of my mini orchestra I gave a mere nod in response (not a smiling nod, just a nod, like you would nod at a teacher). I was truly pissed at myself after realizing what I had done. So earlier today I was walking towards my 4th block class and I was just about to enter the room when I peered over my shoulder and saw her. She was with some other guy and we made eye contact. It was about 2 seconds long but it seemed like an eternity. I finally ended it by spinning and thowing open the door and leaving her in the hallway. Im going to try to apologize tommorrow but does anyone else have any advice? Should I apologize and then get her number or should I wait til a later date to get the number?

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Originally posted by theoldroman

I hate talking to girls who have no clue. I used to talk to a lot of those kind girls. They would space out and say "uh-uh" and you would just kinda want to knock on their heads and see if anythings in there...


But right now, my biggest pet peeve is myself. Recently, a hot varsity cheerleader at my school started flirting with me. We would always wave at eachother and recently Ive tried to get her number but I never got the right timing. So yesterday I came out of lunch and headed off towards my study block while singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" at the top of my lungs. She passed me in the hall and smiled and in midst of my mini orchestra I gave a mere nod in response (not a smiling nod, just a nod, like you would nod at a teacher). I was truly pissed at myself after realizing what I had done. So earlier today I was walking towards my 4th block class and I was just about to enter the room when I peered over my shoulder and saw her. She was with some other guy and we made eye contact. It was about 2 seconds long but it seemed like an eternity. I finally ended it by spinning and thowing open the door and leaving her in the hallway. Im going to try to apologize tommorrow but does anyone else have any advice? Should I apologize and then get her number or should I wait til a later date to get the number? 


Uh. I don't know what you'd be apologizing for, but I think you overanalyze. Just talk to her.

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