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Predict the FutureSox Top 25


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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 12:55 AM)
We were doing the Top 25 last year, and Gage said we needed Woodson. Neither Dan nor I had heard of him. Its become a running joke, because Jason slobbers over him and we never hear diddly.

Yeah, I don't understand Jason's fascinations sometimes.

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I don't know about you guys, but Adam Russel has quickly raised on my list.


right now my updated top 10 would look something like this...


1. John Danks

2. Ryan Sweeney

3. Josh Fields

4. Gio Gonzalez

5. Adam Russel

6. Lance Broadway

7. Charlie Haeger

8. Kyle McCulloch

9. Aaron Cunningham

10. Chris Carter

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 06:15 PM)
I threw this together really quick, and I must admit, I am not happy with the overall outcome.


1. John Danks

2. Ryan Sweeney

3. Josh Fields

4. Giovany Gonzalez

5. Lance Broadway

6. Adam Russel

7. Kyle McCulloch

8. Aaron Cunningham

9. Chris Carter

10. Heath Phillips

11. Casey Rogowski

12. Robert Valido

13. Anderson Gomes

14. Oneli Perez

15. Sean Tracey

16. Jerry Owens

17. Dewon Day

18. John Shelby

19. Kanekoa Texeira

20. Paulo Orlando

21. Ray Liotta

22. Wesly Whisler

23. Matt Long

24. Pedro Lopez

25. John Lujan



1. Danks

2. Sweeney

3. Fields

4. Gio

5. A. Russell

6. Broadway

7. Haeger

8. Cunningham

9. Carter

10. McCullogh


11. Valido

12. Shelby

13. O. Perez

14. Owens

15. Egbert

16. Whisler

17. Clayton Richard

18. J. Rasner

19. Lujan

20. Carlos Vazquez


Need to be traded: Lopez or Angel Gonzalez, Phillips, Rogowski

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 07:31 AM)
It'd sure be great to have our distinguished minor league experts release the Top 25 in time for opening day. :)

I'd imagine it will be. I know Heads and I have all our stuff turned in, and I'm sure the rest of the guys do too.

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QUOTE(dasox24 @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 02:37 AM)
I'd imagine it will be. I know Heads and I have all our stuff turned in, and I'm sure the rest of the guys do too.

Don't hold your breath. We are waiting on Jason to e-mail Alex the stuff once he looks it over. It will get out, more likely before minor league opening day, but it will get out.

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