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What the hell is wrong with "people"???

Kid Gleason

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 01:23 PM)
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say it's someone she knows. Either a girl who is jealous of her, or a boy she wouldn't date.



Either way, I go back to my original question: What the hell is wrong with people???


I've been dumped, I've suffered jealousy. I never said to myself "I know, I'll chop her dogs head off!"

Edited by Kid Gleason
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Two weeks ago, Saturday, my cat got out because of my uncles who were visiting, are irresponsible and negligent. I don't believe in letting my cats out because I don't want them to get FIV or Leukemia (I have three cats) and so I keep them indoors and they're damn good inside. Happy, warm, safe, well-fed, all that -- and I've told them, "Don't let me cats out."


I already don't like them. My uncles are some of the worst people in the world. But I've always thought I'd go nuts if they let the cats out.


Well, they accidentally let one of them out. The youngest one, and I spent thirty six hours searching for her (two days, but I got a little sleep here and there). For the last ten hours, I was really losing my mind because I remembered that in my neighborhood, there are a lot of gangs, and I know they have dogfights and that to train them they sometimes use "cats" as bait.


So, I got on a crusade. I tracked down all the cat footprints I saw on the block, went through yards, talked to people until I finally wound up at the garage of my old house (I moved just right down the block) and I had to crawl in through a small hole in its side and I found my Lina.


Moral of the story is, It is wrong to mess with a person's pet. Just wrong.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 01:29 PM)
Either way, I go back to my original question: What the hell is wrong with people???


I've been dumped, I've suffered jealousy. I never said to myself "I know, I'll chop her dogs head off!"

Yeah but that voice in some people's heads say, go kill that b****, go key his car, kidnap him, etc etc.


Some people are just crazy.

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We brutally execute millions of animals each day to feed the populace in assembly lines. Pigs, cows, and chickens have the same feelings that dogs do and are considered just as smart. Only a small handful of people seem to care about those animals.


*awaits to get pummeled by Soxtalk nation*

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 02:47 PM)
We brutally execute millions of animals each day to feed the populace in assembly lines. Pigs, cows, and chickens have the same feelings that dogs do and are considered just as smart. Only a small handful of people seem to care about those animals.


*awaits to get pummeled by Soxtalk nation*

So, slaughtering an animal for food (which, is admittedly sad but governed by many federal regulations that include provisions for their care) is equivilant to beheading a pet dog and delivering its head to its owner?


Best Soxtalk Strawman argument of the day!


PS: I'm a vegetarian and I still think your argument holds as much water a colander.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 01:55 PM)
So, slaughtering an animal for food (which, is admittedly sad but governed by many federal regulations that include provisions for their care) is equivilant to beheading a pet dog and delivering its head to its owner?


Best Soxtalk Strawman argument of the day!


PS: I'm a vegetarian and I still think your argument holds as much water a colander.

I think killing all animals is immoral including the beheading of a companion animal. I was just making an observation that one method of murdering an animal is despicable yet another method is brushed off.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 01:47 PM)
We brutally execute millions of animals each day to feed the populace in assembly lines. Pigs, cows, and chickens have the same feelings that dogs do and are considered just as smart. Only a small handful of people seem to care about those animals.


*awaits to get pummeled by Soxtalk nation*

Odd slant coming from Soxtalk's "godless killing machine"....


I think the difference in the two scenarios is the ADDED cruelty of sending a head to a girl who was papering the neighborhood looking for her missing pet.


Oh, and dogs aren't delicious....if they were, they'd be on that assembly line.....(wouldn't it be a DISassembly line?).....that's the other difference.... :P :D

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 03:08 PM)
Dogs just dont taste as good as cows and pigs.



\reopen thread


Depends on which asian country you are in. Dogs are a delicacy in plenty of places





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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 01:58 PM)
I was just making an observation that one method of murdering an animal is despicable yet another method is brushed off.


I can agree with that observation. It's the "cute" animals that people are so sad over. Although there's that argument that there's rules and regulations for slaughterhouses, it's still a brutal action of killing animals, and I'm sure not all rules and regulations are followed thoroughly anyways (according to what I remember from reading The Jungle and Fast-Food Nation :P ). But we need to eat...


Also, not saying I condone that despicable action in the news story. Not at all. It's sick and disgusting and should and probably will be punished by law. It's just, I can't bring myself to react as I would when I hear about horrible and horrific actions on humans, which I think are a million times worse.


With that said, poor dog and I sympathize with the little girl for her loss.



Maybe kinda random but somewhat related: I just find it odd when people react the same way to hearing about a popular race horse being put down, for example, as they do to, say, hearing about a friend's family member passing away or something like that. I mean, people were sending cards and flowers and crying over a horse...I'm probably more saddened and worry more about a younger brother getting sick than, say, some celebrity I never knew passing away...


But I'm a good person. Honest. :D

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 12:58 PM)
I think killing all animals is immoral including the beheading of a companion animal. I was just making an observation that one method of murdering an animal is despicable yet another method is brushed off.


This is your own personal morality. Eating animals for food is considered okay by a majority of humans on earth. If you choose to be a vegan, hey more power to you. But if you are going to have a chat with me eating chicken, make sure you have a chat with Mr. Wolf, Mr. Bear, and Mr. Lion. They are also not eating a lot of celery and tomatoes these days.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 05:52 PM)
'Killing an animal' is not the story here, at all. It's the fact that the animal was killed for no respectable reason, and the cruelty of intentionally traumatizing the dog's owner.


The person that did this is pretty freakin sick. And a group of shrinks can figure out why this person is nuts, while they rot in jail for a while.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 05:52 PM)
'Killing an animal' is not the story here, at all. It's the fact that the animal was killed for no respectable reason, and the cruelty of intentionally traumatizing the dog's owner.





Someone's playing head games with the owner.

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