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Brian Anderson's Injury

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While generally I would agree Addison, but in this situation with Ozzie there are always questions.


All Im going to say is Timo Perez.


Because we have all seen him make erraticate roster choices and play favorites. Hes the manager he can do what he wants, but he has shown that he will let emotions/etc get in the way of strategic thinking.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 12:48 PM)
So, rather than place the blame on the organization--as so many loyal Soxtalkers/prospect-martyrs have--can we please start to place at least some of the blame on Anderson? Brian Anderson need not look any further than the mirror for a reason as to why he is being thrown to the way-side at the age of 24. This was a once-heralded top-prospect who is in serious threat of losing significant playing time to a very suspect, injury-prone, declining thirty-year-old center-fielder. Is this because the organization had it out for Brian Anderson? No...a resounding no. Brian Anderson finds himself in the position he is in today because of Brian Anderson--no one else.

So, I'm willing to accept that all of the rumors about the Sox being unhappy with Anderson's work ethic and everything last season are true. Now I have to ask...what does Anderson have to do to redeem himself? As far as I can tell, Anderson went to winterball because the team wanted him to, left the team after losing 20 pounds with a stomach virus...then went straight to work. Spent the winter regaining those 20 pounds, supposedly spent most of the winter working with Konerko and Walker trying to improve his swing, and seems to have made some strides at fixing problems.


So...if Anderson goes out and does everything we've asked over the offseason, comes back, and looks better in ST, seems to be saying all the right things, doesn't complain about having to earn his spot, doesn't bash anyone...what exactly does he have to do to make the team happy with him? Quit baseball?

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:20 PM)
So...if Anderson goes out and does everything we've asked over the offseason, comes back, and looks better in ST, seems to be saying all the right things, doesn't complain about having to earn his spot, doesn't bash anyone...what exactly does he have to do to make the team happy with him? Quit baseball?




Am I to understand that because Brian Anderson has got himself into playing-shape, adopted a professional attitude, and stopped disrespecting his employer to the media, the White Sox are to make-nice and hand him a starting position? Imagine such preposterousness in any other profession. That would be the equivalent to a mid-level-manager getting dismissed for two weeks because of office misconduct, only to return after the two weeks with a positive attitude and a public-adoption of professionalism and asking for a promotion.


There are no hand-outs here. If you want to start for a Major League ballclub, earn it. Don't speak it. He might be talking the talk, but he is not yet walking the walk and that is why veteran competition has been brought in. The cream is going to rise to the top. If he earns a starting spot with his play on the field and has been absolved of his previous indiscretions by his superiors in the organization, I can not imagine the organization blackballing the kid.


All he has done thus far in 2007 is what should be demanded from any minor league player vying for a spot on the Major League roster. These are not insurmountable odds...quite the contrary.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:32 PM)


Am I to understand that because Brian Anderson has got himself into playing-shape, adopted a professional attitude, and stopped disrespecting his employer to the media, the White Sox are to make-nice and hand him a starting position? Imagine such preposterousness in any other profession. That would be the equivalent to a mid-level-manager getting dismissed for two weeks because of office misconduct, only to return after the two weeks with a positive attitude and a public-adoption of professionalism and asking for a promotion.


There are no hand-outs here. If you want to start for a Major League ballclub, earn it. Don't speak it. He might be talking the talk, but he is not yet walking the walk and that is why veteran competition has been brought in. The cream is going to rise to the top. If he earns a starting spot with his play on the field and has been absolved of his previous indiscretions by his superiors in the organization, I can not imagine the organization blackballing the kid.


All he has done thus far in 2007 is what should be demanded from any minor league player vying for a spot on the Major League roster. These are not insurmountable odds...quite the contrary.


Where are the examples of Anderson disrespecting his employer again?

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 01:32 PM)
All he has done thus far in 2007 is what should be demanded from any minor league player vying for a spot on the Major League roster. These are not insurmountable odds...quite the contrary.

Ok, fine, so Anderson is playing for a roster spot. I'm more than willing to accept that this season he should have to earn the spot instead of having it handed to him.


So, if Brian Anderson came out and was hitting .150 during the spring, or was putting up a .620 OPS, I'd be more than happy to say that he hadn't done what he needed to do and should be on his way back to AAA until Erstad gets hurt.


But...so you're saying Brian Anderson should have to earn his spot. Why exactly should Darin Erstad NOT have to earn his spot? What about the .635 OPS Erstad has put up this spring in 50+ at bats says that he is has earned the starting spot and Anderson hasn't?


I'm willing to say that Anderson should have to earn the starting spot. But I think Erstad should certainly have to earn it too. And the reason I'm making such a big stink about this is...every single thing we've heard so far suggests that Erstad is having it handed to him.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 03:57 PM)
But...so you're saying Brian Anderson should have to earn his spot. Why exactly should Darin Erstad NOT have to earn his spot? What about the .635 OPS Erstad has put up this spring in 50+ at bats says that he is has earned the starting spot and Anderson hasn't?

I'm willing to say that Anderson should have to earn the starting spot. But I think Erstad should certainly have to earn it too. And the reason I'm making such a big stink about this is...every single thing we've heard so far suggests that Erstad is having it handed to him.


Balta, if you will review my previous posts (especially my first in this discussion), you will see that I am not advocating handing anything to anyone--including Erstad.


My biggest bone of contention with the Anderson issue is this: the perception that the organization is stacking the odds in favor of someone else. You will counter by saying (as you already have) that everything we have seen thus far suggests the organization is handing the starting position to Darin Erstad. You must remember that Darin Erstad has the advantage of being a veteran with a proven track record and a proven ability to contribute on and off the field--the same can not be said for Brian Anderson (this much is a fact).


In my opinion, better competition should have brought in. Erstad should have to earn his roster spot just as Brian Anderson should have to earn his. In my humble opinion (which really has no effect on this discussion either way), Erstad was not the proper choice. However, he was the choice of the Chicago White Sox. Now, if Anderson hopes to be this team's starting center-fielder (as he was once projected to be), he is going to have to shoulder the burden himself, make no excuses, and earn such a distinction--so far, everything I have seen suggests the playing-field is level and not tilted to the degree some posters would have you believe.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 04:31 PM)
Anderson has done everything the Sox have asked of him and is out-playing Erstad in ST thus far -- how has he NOT earned the spot?



QUOTE(Craig Grebeck @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 04:48 PM)
Erstad hasn't proven s*** except that he's a terrible ballplayer.


Two perfect examples of meatballs that have missed the gravamen of the argument.


In no time, the prospect-fanatics will arrive and complete the obliteration of intelligible baseball discussion.


I have finished here.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 09:19 PM)
Balta, if you will review my previous posts (especially my first in this discussion), you will see that I am not advocating handing anything to anyone--including Erstad.


My biggest bone of contention with the Anderson issue is this: the perception that the organization is stacking the odds in favor of someone else. You will counter by saying (as you already have) that everything we have seen thus far suggests the organization is handing the starting position to Darin Erstad. You must remember that Darin Erstad has the advantage of being a veteran with a proven track record and a proven ability to contribute on and off the field--the same can not be said for Brian Anderson (this much is a fact).


In my opinion, better competition should have brought in. Erstad should have to earn his roster spot just as Brian Anderson should have to earn his. In my humble opinion (which really has no effect on this discussion either way), Erstad was not the proper choice. However, he was the choice of the Chicago White Sox. Now, if Anderson hopes to be this team's starting center-fielder (as he was once projected to be), he is going to have to shoulder the burden himself, make no excuses, and earn such a distinction--so far, everything I have seen suggests the playing-field is level and not tilted to the degree some posters would have you believe.

Do you believe, despite all the media chatter, that Anderson has a legitimate shot at taking the CF position? From everything we have heard it seems that Erstad is the one who is pretty much walking away with it. Do you have inside information we don't? (I am just curious as to why you think the playing field is more level than we seem to think) I sure hope so because I would really not enjoy seeing Erstad in center every day.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 05:06 PM)
Do you believe, despite all the media chatter, that Anderson has a legitimate shot at taking the CF position? From everything we have heard it seems that Erstad is the one who is pretty much walking away with it. Do you have inside information we don't? (I am just curious as to why you think the playing field is more level than we seem to think) I sure hope so because I would really not enjoy seeing Erstad in center every day.

Read the Sun Times article posted earlier today about Erstad and Anderson. Despite all the positive talk about Erstad, there are clear signs in Ozzie's words that Anderson still has a chance. No one knows how much of a chance though.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 04:53 PM)
Two perfect examples of meatballs that have missed the gravamen of the argument.


In no time, the prospect-fanatics will arrive and complete the obliteration of intelligible baseball discussion.


I have finished here.


Your argument seems to be that Anderson is getting a fair shake.


He's out-performing Erstad, is younger than him, has potential to be this teams CF for a long time, and has a pretty high ceiling. Yet, he's going to be sitting in AAA.


How does your argument that he is getting a fair shake account for this?

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 04:53 PM)
Two perfect examples of meatballs that have missed the gravamen of the argument.


In no time, the prospect-fanatics will arrive and complete the obliteration of intelligible baseball discussion.


I have finished here.


I get what you're trying to say here Addy - there's a state of morals and ethics that players have to live up to, and Anderson may or may not have ever accomplished/completed/otherpasttenseverb'ed. I understand that. But what you also need to acknowledge is that Ozzie Guillen, more than almost anyone else in baseball, has played favorites when favorites should not have been played. In 2005, why was Timo Perez ever presented the opportunity to leadoff, let alone be in that position for almost a month? Last year, why was Podsednik not moved down or out of the lineup when the Sox had 3 superior options within the system itself in Gload (as bad defensively and twice the offensive player), Mackowiak, and Sweeney (and perhaps even Fields and Owens as well)?


Basically I ask, what is the priority within the Chicago White Sox organization right now? to win? or to be a high character, give 110%, no bulls*** organization, favoring the veteran, regardless of the record on the field? Ken Williams has told me and the world that the White Sox want to win; why is Ozzie putting the White Sox in the poorest position possible to win?

Edited by witesoxfan
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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 05:55 PM)
I get what you're trying to say here Addy - there's a state of morals and ethics that players have to live up to, and Anderson may or may not have ever accomplished/completed/otherpasttenseverb'ed. I understand that. But what you also need to acknowledge is that Ozzie Guillen, more than almost anyone else in baseball, has played favorites when favorites should not have been played.


Do we really know that? I know we all follow the Sox closer than anything in the world, but there are situations where guys are starting when they really shouldn't be doing so. Organziations fall in love with their own guys, force managers to play higher priced players over younger players, jettison troublemakers etc on a regular basis. I think we also get more focus on these kind of things for a few reason, such as playing in a larger market, with an active media, and having outspoken guys as GM and MGR, vs other organizations who would have covered up Anderson's transgressions.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 06:00 PM)
Do we really know that? I know we all follow the Sox closer than anything in the world, but there are situations where guys are starting when they really shouldn't be doing so. Organziations fall in love with their own guys, force managers to play higher priced players over younger players, jettison troublemakers etc on a regular basis. I think we also get more focus on these kind of things for a few reason, such as playing in a larger market, with an active media, and having outspoken guys as GM and MGR, vs other organizations who would have covered up Anderson's transgressions.


I've seen the Twins favor the veteran over the prospect; almost every organization does except the Marlins. However, what I've seen the Twins do that the White Sox have not is realize their mistake and make changes. The Twins had Kyle Lohse and Scott Baker in their rotation to begin last season; Lohse was sent down to AAA and eventually traded, while Baker was just sent down. The White Sox will have the ability to send down Danks or Floyd or Haeger or whomever, and that I don't doubt. But what if Buehrle has an absolutely horrendous start to the year, and he continues it into mid-May? Is the organization willing to take the bullet and the risk by trading him and inserting one of the many AAA pitchers the Sox now have?


Beyond that, if Erstad and Podsednik look unhealthy, is the organization willing to place them on the DL even if they wish to and are able to play through the pain? The Twins have taken advantage of that over the years, gotten experience to younger players while letting their veterans get healthy.


That last scenario is more likely to play out, but the Buehrle situation scares me. I would assume they'll have but no other choice than to trade him, but part of me doesn't see KW being able to do that.

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