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LaRussa busted for DUI


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Maybe this is off topic, but I despise how acceptable DUI is becoming in our country. More and more people are doing it, and nobody seems to give a damn. I'm sorry, but if your dumb enough to drive a car while drunk, maybe you deserve to end up in a single car accident or something. It's not too hard to NOT DRIVE if you get drunk. I'm sure nobody will remember this happened in 2 or 3 weeks though, so it's not really a story long term.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 09:24 AM)
Maybe this is off topic, but I despise how acceptable DUI is becoming in our country. More and more people are doing it, and nobody seems to give a damn. I'm sorry, but if your dumb enough to drive a car while drunk, maybe you deserve to end up in a single car accident or something. It's not too hard to NOT DRIVE if you get drunk. I'm sure nobody will remember this happened in 2 or 3 weeks though, so it's not really a story long term.


That's terrible.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 08:28 AM)
That's terrible.

Endangering everyone on the road with an alcohol-guided 3000 pound missle is worse.


I think we need to take Germany's stance on DUI, or something similar. First offense - no driver's license for 5 years or so, probation/supervision over any other crimes during that period, and if an accident is involved, some short jail time. Second offense, a year in jail minimum (more if accident involved), and no driver's license again, ever.

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I don't think it's becoming more acceptable, I think more people are getting caught and not let off the hook. For instance, I dont' think this is happening as much..."Oh, um, hi Mr. Larussa. Look, let me call someone to come get you and we'll just let this be a warning, ok?" Cops are cracking down on this more.

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Historical perspective


In the 40s and 50s it would have been a ride home and a slap on the back. In the 60s and 70s more than likely you would have received an improper lane usage or similar. At worse a small fine and 30 days without your license. Then in the late 70s into the 90s things became tougher and tougher. I think the pendulum is swinging a bit back to the middle.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 09:38 AM)
Endangering everyone on the road with an alcohol-guided 3000 pound missle is worse.


I think we need to take Germany's stance on DUI, or something similar. First offense - no driver's license for 5 years or so, probation/supervision over any other crimes during that period, and if an accident is involved, some short jail time. Second offense, a year in jail minimum (more if accident involved), and no driver's license again, ever.


I'm not against that at all. I'm just saying the thing he said was over the top.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 08:49 AM)
How much of a difference is a .08 to a .093? Roughly how many more drinks is it?

Assuming Tony is a 200 pound man, it's roughly 1 to 2 drinks depending on the bartender. But it's also several drinks beyond when your reflexes start being impared. Quick BAC chart found at the top of a google search.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 12:02 PM)
I don't think that losing your license is a stiff enough penalty.


If you're stupid enough to drive drunk, you're stupid enough to drive without a license.

I'm OK with it on a FIRST offense, as long as no one (or their property) was hurt. But if it happens a second time, its no longer a freak incident, and its time to drop the hammer.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 11:14 AM)
BAC drops approximately .01 per hour.

I think there's also a weird flux in certain matters, it really is an inexact science. The chart link has a "fact" that says it peaks 60-90 minutes after ingestion

Edited by SoxFan562004
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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 10:11 AM)
I think there's also a weird flux in certain matters, it really is an inexact science. The chart link has a "fact" that says it peaks 60-90 minutes after ingestion

There's a lot of variables i'm neglecting. How much food is in the stomach, how concentrated the drink you take is, how much damage you've already done to your liver, the size of your body, etc. A decent estimate is that it's going to drop .01 per hour from a point a short while after you have your last drink.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 08:38 AM)
Endangering everyone on the road with an alcohol-guided 3000 pound missle is worse.


I think we need to take Germany's stance on DUI, or something similar. First offense - no driver's license for 5 years or so, probation/supervision over any other crimes during that period, and if an accident is involved, some short jail time. Second offense, a year in jail minimum (more if accident involved), and no driver's license again, ever.


Thanks for backing me up man. Good to see people have brains. :headbang


QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 09:26 AM)
I'm not against that at all. I'm just saying the thing he said was over the top.


To clarify, I don't wish an accident on them. However if they get into one while drunk, they deserve it for their decision. If that's too mean, then I'll agree to disagree.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 08:24 AM)
Maybe this is off topic, but I despise how acceptable DUI is becoming in our country. More and more people are doing it, and nobody seems to give a damn. I'm sorry, but if your dumb enough to drive a car while drunk, maybe you deserve to end up in a single car accident or something. It's not too hard to NOT DRIVE if you get drunk. I'm sure nobody will remember this happened in 2 or 3 weeks though, so it's not really a story long term.


I can tell that your mr. straight edge.

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Can any of you hardasses say that you have never had one or two drinks at a Sox game or a bar, or a glass ot two of wine with a dinner, and then driven somewhere afterwards? Depending on the circumstances, such as food, your weight, time, etc, you could have been drunk. You could be more impared driving while tired than some people with .08. Should your license betaken away unless you had 8 hours of sleep? You could be more impared from cold medication. Wanna lose your license over a sniffle? I am all for locking up people who make you wonder how they made it INTO the car, much less driving the thing somewhere and killing people. But it is the average Joe who gets screwed by the constant lowering of the BAC levels, roadblocks, etc. There are planty of penalties now for people who do this. As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, it just appears that cops are not letting it slide anymore, so it is reported more often. Enforce what you have, quit letting repeat offenders get off, and the wolrd will survive.

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I for one will say that I have never had a couple of drinks and then gotten behind the wheel of a car.


And if you want to argue that a .08 BAC does not significantly impair most people, you are simply wrong. Whether or not they even realize it, they are many, many times more dangerous than an average driver. Even a BAC of .05 is dangerous.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 04:42 PM)
I for one will say that I have never had a couple of drinks and then gotten behind the wheel of a car.


And if you want to argue that a .08 BAC does not significantly impair most people, you are simply wrong.

You are creating an argument where I didn't make one. i didn't say most people weren't impared at .08. I said you could be as impared, or more, from cold medicine, or paint fumes, or lack of sleep, and asked if you should have such draconian measures taken against you for those as well? 2 beers in a hour can put you up to that legal limit. I have a few friends that are cops, we have tested the roadside breathalizer, and it has said I was legally drunk after 2 beers in one hour. Thats bull. I can tell you that I am not drunk, nor impared, after 2 beers, even if i were to chug them. Sure, if you weighed 110lbs and hadn't eaten in 7 or 8 hours, you might react different. My point is that alot of people more impared at other times in their life than at .08, and it is those people that wil get screwed. Some people are really messed up at .08, some are not.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 22, 2007 -> 07:24 AM)
Maybe this is off topic, but I despise how acceptable DUI is becoming in our country. More and more people are doing it, and nobody seems to give a damn. I'm sorry, but if your dumb enough to drive a car while drunk, maybe you deserve to end up in a single car accident or something. It's not too hard to NOT DRIVE if you get drunk. I'm sure nobody will remember this happened in 2 or 3 weeks though, so it's not really a story long term.



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In my view, there is


1) Driving drunk (when you feel drunk)

2) Driving buzzed (when you aren't drunk but can tell you've been drinking and are close to being drunk)

3) Driving after consumption (when you have had a drink or two but are not even close to drunk)


1 and 2 are illegal and dangerous, whereas 3 can just be illegal. That doesn't seem right to me.


To relate baseball and drunk driving, you should not use solely statistics, and you should not use solely judgement, but rather you should use both. A person can act drunk as hell if they want to, and be able to blow a .000. Along the same lines, a person can blow a .012 and be almost perfectly sober, atleast to the point where they can drive safely (and that's a point I know I won't get across, but it's true for some people, and false for others). If a cop pulls a person over, that person should have to pass both tests to get off scotch free. If they only pass 1, they are fined. And if they fail both, their license is taken away for a long time and you fine them some extraordinary amount.


Those're my thoughts on it anyways.

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