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Slapped upside the head with reality


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My Doctor finally convinced me that I needed to lose some weight. I'm 6'1" 220, and he felt I should visit the lighter side of 200 and keep moving. So, this former college cross country runner started walking. Found a nice city park with a 1.5 mile loop and I quickly discovered excellent eye candy at lunch. ;) One lady in particular caught my eye every time she passed. Perfect balance, great stride, easy arm glide, and beautiful to boot. Not wanting to be the creepy old guy in the park, I would only sneak a peek as she moved by, but would always be certain to be on the opposite direction for the twice a lap visual. :D I'm certain most of the guys here understand the strategy. And before you reply Soxy and QP, read the rest.


Well the park got boring and I decided that a new park should be added to the mix. There is a great birding park that I've heard about and went over there a couple days ago. I noticed that there were several people sitting in their cars and just seemed to be hanging out. I assumed that it was lunch time and everyone was having lunch. Almost immediately a guy came up to me and said hello, asked me if I had been on the trails before, and some other small talk. The guy was weird and looked rather sleazy. I was worried he would mug me as soon as I was alone and down the trail and decided to skip the walk that day.


Today I went back and sure enough there were people sitting in their cars. I noticed it was all guys. I also noticed that everyone stared as I walked by. I started to stretch a bit ands sure enough a guy wandered over and asked if I came there often. After a few moments I realized I was being hit on.


Now a couple reality slaps came my way. Number one, both those guys were really creepy, sleazy, looking. Damn, I can't attract a better looking guy? Maybe if they had been better groomed, better dressed, lose the really bad facial hair and I wouldn't have felt so degraded. Walking back and feeling the eyes on me was really a s***ty feeling. An unwanted gaze is probably an unwanted gaze, regardless.


So back to that runner I saw in the park. Sorry. I think I know a little better what she must go through.

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An interesting experience you had there.


There's nothing wrong with a glance or a smile and a hello in my opinion. It's when it goes beyond that and they do not understand what "not interested" means.

Edited by Queen Prawn
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