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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 11:29 PM)
But if the Astros turned down Garland for Buchholz, Taveras (when we wanted to include Hirsch as well), how can you argue that KW would have gotten anything close to that for Garcia?


Excellent point.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 10:29 PM)
It's all kind of a mystery, why the Astros would want Jennings over Garland, perhaps simply because he's left-handed, they were more familiar with him and Jennings' contract was more reasonable from a financial perspective, giving them more room to go after Clemens, etc.

There's no mystery here.


Houston rejected our proposal because Williams demanded Purpura include Hunter Pence, in addition to Jason Hirsh and an additional player.

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What Flash said...KW wanted Hirsh, Pence, Buchholz, and Taveras for Garland, and HE turned down Hirsh, Buchholz, and Taveras for Garland. Getting 2 top 5 prospects, a capable 5th starter, and a 3 tool CFer would have been a heist. Purpura would have gladly traded Hirsh, Buccholz, and Taveras for Garland.


and FWIW, Colorado's Park Factor last year was 107/107, per br.com. That's hitter friendly, but not nearly what it's been in the past (113/112 in '05, 120/117 in '04, 112/111 in '03, 121/119 in '02, 122/119 in '01 and then 131/128 in 2000 cuz like everybody in the league hit 40 homers). They've started putting balls in humidifiers there, and as a result, the ball has become heavier and doesn't carry as well.

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