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Da REverand had a dream


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Da Rev Had a Dreama

I dream't i was high on the Mountain of baseballdom

When out of the Sky- I heard A boomin Voice

That Voice louder den a thousand Jenks Fastballs

Hittin A.J.'s Mitt-a


As images of baseball greats, apeared before me

The Voice said-" REVERAND, You must Lead your Flock

To the Throne that your Team sat upon 2 seasons HENCE

It is up to continue, to preacha Da word

That youa have done for many years past.


I dropped to my knees- and said" OH BASEBALL GODS"

The media, will not allow me to preach dat word.

The voice it a boomed- "FABERSHAM"-you have overcome

much greater obstacles, than the BLASPHEMY from

The mouths of the Evil serpent- The media!!!!


i rose with a thunderous , feeling of a POWERFull Anxiety

that i knew i must, DEliver to my Team far below

The Strength of a million Sox Fans

Clearing my path- to the Temple of Baseball

U.S. Cellular Field- home of the once

but SOON TO BE- World Champeens- ONCE AGAINA


My eyes filled with tears of JOY

Knowing that My Sox, Your Sox, Chicago's Sox

Are the Anointed ones, ready to reclaima deir throne

To be seated upon Baseballs highest Legacy.


"GO" SAID THE VOICE-" But first you need more cowbell"

Then i was suddenly picked up by Angels Of the Baseball God's

I was den a carried down da Mountain

And i suddenly appeared, before The Cell.

And it GLOWED, like a thousand points of lighta


So spectacular, like nothing ever seen before

on this earth

Then out of the night came a chariot

that read CHARTER- Did this a mean I must

Charter the path to History?


No it meant it was a Charter bus

And out of this Bus, came the Gladiators of Baseballs God's

There was AJ and Crede, Paulie and Erstad

Buehrle and Garland and Danks and Dye

All the Mighty soldiers- Known as OUR WHITE SOX


i was lifted again by a cloud of strength

and i stood in front of MY men, your men, Our TEAM.

Ozzie came up to me and said

"We have been waiting for you Reverand"

Our journey has just begun"


I proclaimed "I shall Anoint you with the Holy water, from the stream

by the FIELD OF DREAMS, the Water of Virility and prosperity"

Each player came up to me and i anointed their

heads with the water- in the name of Jerry

and Nellie and Bill veeck, To rise higher than ever before.


The guys all gathered around me

and said THANK YOU REV, With You as our LEADER

Ozzie said "Hey wait a minute"

Then He looked in my eyes

and understood the Brilliance of My words

and saida "oh nothing Rev sorry"


Now begin- baseball in da year 07

The year endeared to me, by the highest of baseballs powers

Dont be fooled by da north side crapola

Dont be fooled by the meandering media

In Da long Run- Our Boys will prevail over all


And with the Sword of Baseball Gods

i now present and bequeeth to you

to you all my FLOCK- the Future Champeens

May nothing stand in our way



and so it begins......

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Give ya props for taking the time to write down some s***, but what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent speech were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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QUOTE(soxwon @ Mar 26, 2007 -> 06:17 PM)
Da Rev Had a Dreama




QUOTE(CryptviLL @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 02:25 PM)
This is the greatest thing ive ever come across in my existence of life. Thank you soxwon.


I wish I could tell if IW4P was being serious or not......


Cerbaho, I almost spit my water on my keyboard after reading your post :D

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