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Can anyone out their think of some other options of pitchers to acquire with Lee instead of Corey Lidle?


I know Lidle will cost about 4.5 million a year, so I tend to wonder why not just spend 4.5 mill on a free agent pitcher and try to land the likes of Paul Byrd(Probably will cost more of course) or go with someone else and then use Lee in a package to bring the big guy in, so we don't have to give up many prospects at all.

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One name i like as a consistent starter via free agency would be Chuck Finley. He's old yes, but he's a veteran that fights and would be solid to have as long as we acquired someone else as well.


Woody Williams is another guy that would be nice.


If we do have to trade, then I think I'd like to see us acquire Brian Lawrence of the Padres, but I wouldn't want to give up too much for him.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

were starting to get alot of holes to fill up here once again... now we need pitching (of course we needed it all along), another catcher would be nice to compliment olivo, and we are in need of someone at center with rowands latest fiasco............kenny cant handle filling all those holes at once... its way over his head..........

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To me our offense should hold onto Lee and Thomas till next season and then decide which one of them goes with Borchard stepping in the outfield slot and either Lee moving to DH or moving to another club.


Then the Sox would also know whether Rowand can cut it, if he can't, I'd look at Jeremy Reed who looks to be a real good player who may just shoot through our organization.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont know jas.. its alot to ask.......we have noone really ready to step up and be everyday player yet........see thats another thing that bothers me about kenny.. never looks beyond his nose.. you have to be prepared for the what if's like is the situation with rowand now.. what if he cant come back by the start of the season.........were f***ed............

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I think Rowand will be ready and then harris is right their in case he's not. Manos can also play a bit of center as can Borchard so the depth is there.


In left if Lee isn't their we have Liefer and Borchard as well. Of course that isn't near as solid and if Lee goes then I'd like to see the Sox sign someone to a one year deal to battle with Liefer for the job so Borchard can spend his time developing in the minors.


In the infield we are fine depth wise. We have Harris, Graffy, Jimenez, and Manos as well as Crede and PK as well as Thomas.


Then behind the plate we have 3 catchers. Olivo is the only one who has the shot of turning into something special, but the others are capable backups. They aren't capable starters though.


In the pen we are pretty deep as long as we have a good closer. I think Foulke is one of the best in the majors and should stay their.


If anyone else goes down we still have Almonte, Joe Valentine, Sanders, and Gary Majewski all waiting in the wings.


Royce Ring is another guy on the cusp, but he still needs more time.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

any way you look at it were sooooo screwed..........pitching is what we need cant win without it.......top that with the field positions we need to shore up and that only spells one thing.. we need help.......

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Jose Valentin should be traded before anyone.. get his ass-sucking brown nose out of here... all he's got is excuses as to why he sucks... I'd rather results.... now that he doesn't have royce clayton to hide behind his suckiness will explode...


does anyone know the status of vladimir guerro(sp?)??? ... that's the only expo we should be looking at... kenny cannot evaluate pitchers properly to allow him to go after colon... valentin and lee for vlad...

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn



In the pen we are pretty deep as long as we have a good closer.  I think Foulke is one of the best in the majors and should stay their.


If anyone else goes down we still have Almonte, Joe Valentine, Sanders, and Gary Majewski all waiting in the wings. 


Royce Ring is another guy on the cusp, but he still needs more time. 


sorry jason...our bullpen sux..its one of the worst in baseball...the only one that looks solid to me is marte...

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Originally posted by sec159row2

Jose Valentin should be traded before anyone..  get his ass-sucking brown nose out of here...  all he's got is excuses as to why he sucks...  I'd rather results....  now that he doesn't have royce clayton to hide behind his suckiness will explode...


does anyone know the status of vladimir guerro(sp?)??? ...  that's the only expo we should be looking at...  kenny cannot evaluate pitchers properly to allow him to go after colon...  valentin and lee for vlad...


Sec, I agree with you. As far as Vladimir, I think your confusing him with Vazquez the starting pitcher, unless the sp stands for something else?


Anyway, we need to get Manos out of here. He isn't starting material imo, and if Hummell keeps hitting and Jimenez can play like I know he can, then we will have 2 capable middle infielders and no need for Valentin and his salary, especially cause Harris and Graffy are capable backups.


I am just sick of hearing Valentin cry and cry and blame things on everyone but himself.

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Vladimir guerro their stud outfielder... forget about pitching... sorry, but my opinion is that the sox current pitching staff is the best we're gonna do... kenny already f***ed up the pitching staff, do you really want him to continue looking for a #2??... who is gonna deal with a guy who "wanted to keep Rowands injury quiet, in case something popped up at the GM meetings.." he was gonna screw some other team!!!!... he's a scumbag... his style of GMing would never allow for a trade for a stud outfielder like vlad, he simply does not how to trade...

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Well if the Sox could acquire Vladdy, I'd just say damn. It would definately cost us Lee, but it probably would also cost Borchard, Honel and Rauch, or something along those lines. Of course Vladdy isn't on the trade block and I know the Sox won't land him.


Right now I won't worry about that either, the offense is great, I worry about pitching and centerfield.

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Worst bullpen, what are you idiots smoking? Eventually, Valentine and ALmonte will be called up, which should stabilize the bullpen a bit. Also, don't forget that Sanders, Munoz, Ring, etc are only a little more than a year away.


I say in a few years we should have one of the best bullpens in MLB, hands down. As well as starting rotations.

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Our bullpen will be damn good and only get better as long as we have one guy that is a damn good closer. Foulke can do it, and I'd hate putting it in the hands of anyone else until they prove they can.


Stick with Foulke this year, if he dominates, lock him up for another couple years, and let the young arms learn under him, then eventually deal him off.


I like Ring, Valentine and Almonte, although Almonte may not make it because he's more of a soft tosser. Sanders is good though.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Stick with Foulke this year, if he dominates, lock him up for another couple years, and let the young arms learn under him, then eventually deal him off.


I like Ring, Valentine and Almonte, although Almonte may not make it because he's more of a soft tosser. Sanders is good though.


Why would they pay Foulke 8-10 million per year when there are cheaper options?

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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime

Why would they pay Foulke 8-10 million per year when there are cheaper options? 


Foulke can't be getting $8-10 mill a year, can he? That's horses***. No bullpen pitcher should get $8-10 mill. None. Period. End of story. Starters are the only pitchers that should get that much money.


Only the Yankees could pay a bullpen pitcher over $10 million.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

you can foreget about lidle hes gone to tronto as of tonite..... shoulda woulda coulda..... always a day late and a dollar short in our case............

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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime
Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Stick with Foulke this year, if he dominates, lock him up for another couple years, and let the young arms learn under him, then eventually deal him off.


I like Ring, Valentine and Almonte, although Almonte may not make it because he's more of a soft tosser. Sanders is good though.


Why would they pay Foulke 8-10 million per year when there are cheaper options?



Cerb is 100% right on this one....... Our Bullpen is pretty damn good.... I'd say upper half of the league and only going to get better.


Ginter is weak.....so is Porzio..... Rauch or Ritchie is gonna take 1 of their spots..... and Almonte might take the other..... were fine there. We need The COLON! plain and simple.

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Originally posted by Murcielago

Any way we pry Castillo from the Marlins???? 


Maybe packege Manos? 


Am I dreamin?


I think so.......


I hate what the team appears to be doing.


It's possible. Rumors floating around say that Marcus Giles could be part of the Hampton package which means they could move Castillo. Of course Lopez has also been mentioned, so who knows.

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