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Sisco and Aardsma Complete Bullpen

Dick Allen

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 05:01 AM)
I still point back to the potential downfall of this era for the Sox as the second we traded Chris Young for Vazquez.


But Chris Young hasn't proven s***! And he's a prospect, and prospects suck!


On a separate but semi-related note, anybody see how Andruw Jones lately? He looks like he's dropped several pounds and looks to be in much better shape. Somebody wants to get paaaaaiiid...

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 05:07 AM)
But Chris Young hasn't proven s***! And he's a prospect, and prospects suck!


On a separate but semi-related note, anybody see how Andruw Jones lately? He looks like he's dropped several pounds and looks to be in much better shape. Somebody wants to get paaaaaiiid...


I'll take him.....and I believe you were being sarcastic about C. Young?

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:08 AM)
I'll take him.....and I believe you were being sarcastic about C. Young?


Isn't it obvious.. :P, even though I hated C. Young as a spect when he was here so that trade doesn't bother me but that's another chat entirely.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 05:08 AM)
I'll take him.....and I believe you were being sarcastic about C. Young?


Oh heck yeah.


I don't dislike Vazquez. In fact, I think I like him more than any of our 'veteran' starters other than Garland (maybe Contreras -- probably a toss-up). I like that Kenny locked him up, too -- at worst he'll give you 200 innings of a 4.90 ERA which is still valuable, and maybe one of these years he'll actually live up to the projection systems that continually peg him for an ERA around 4.00.


But that trade... well, bad. Wasn't Arizona more or less backed into a corner, too? Maybe I'm being extremely naive, but I really think the Sox could've gotten the deal done without giving up Young.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 10:58 PM)
Quite ironic that some of us have been fighting all Spring Training for Logan and Anderson to make it, as I'm sure others are like me in not exactly thinking these guys are world beaters. For me personally, it's all about the message the organization is sending, as well as the incompetence of our manager to evaluate personnel.

Even without tangible proof available (other than statistics), I believe Williams entered spring training with the preconceived notion that atleast four of his offseason acquisitions (via trade) would make the ballclub.


You have:









He probably felt Floyd would earn the 5th starters spot (and was anointed the favorite early) and Massett, Aardsma, Sisco would enter the bullpen. Danks earning the position in the 5th role allowed Williams to somewhat save face and send down Floyd.


Can anyone seriously suggest anyone aside from Danks earned a roster position? In a perfect world, Aardsma and Sisco would be in AAA and Haeger and Logan would be preparing for Chicago. I'm still wondering how Massett was basically handed a bullpen spot last week...


Doubt me if you will, but it sure wouldn't look good for Williams if only a couple names from the offseason were to make the ballclub.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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I just want to say I think the Sox are going to handle Sisco the way Minny handled Johan. They feel it's best for him to stay with Coop for now to work on somethings. He will be sent down either this year or all of next year to then work on what Cooper wants fixed with him and he'll be doing that as a starter.


In other words, expected time of actual contribution for Sisco is about 2 years from now if you ask me. At least this is the only way I could explain it.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:03 PM)
HA! I'm sorry but I had to chuckle from this sentence. Depth my ass. There's no many question marks up and down that.... well... I suck at telling jokes, just being goofy is my style.

Last season, after the starting five it was McCarthy and Haeger. Bullpen options in the minor leagues weren't very pretty, and Logan wasn't going to be immediately considered after his bed wetting. Broadway wouldn't have been rushed from AA, either.


This season, after the starting five you have Massett (probably as a last resort), Haeger, Floyd, Broadway. The bullpen depth, atleast based upon potential, is noticeably deeper. All of 2006's additions are available for opening day. Haeger may have also thrown himself into the mix as a bullpen piece with his September performance from last season.


Point is, we could have easily allowed Sisco an opportunity to stretch out for a rotation spot. Judging from spring training, he still has quite a ways to go. It just doesn't seem to me this current White Sox team would lose much short-term with such a decision.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:17 AM)
I just want to say I think the Sox are going to handle Sisco the way Minny handled Johan. They feel it's best for him to stay with Coop for now to work on somethings. He will be sent down either this year or all of next year to then work on what Cooper wants fixed with him and he'll be doing that as a starter.


In other words, expected time of actual contribution for Sisco is about 2 years from now if you ask me. At least this is the only way I could explain it.

Johan learned the changeup from the AAA pitching coach.

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Let's just get the season started. We've had 6 months to curse Ozzie; deem Kenny an unfit GM who gets ripped off in trades and praise the Indians, a team that underachieved worse than the Sox last year. I'm pissed that Logan didn't make it, and I too question some of the things we've done of late. But it's time to stop b****ing, crying and whining everyday about stuff we have no control ever. It all starts Monday. Let's see how it plays out.

Edited by Jordan4life_2007
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If I know what I know, there are members of the media who read this message board.


Please, anyone -- if you have an opportunity to interview Guillen, can you just ask him one simple question -- "you've said last week that those who perform well will make the team. How is it someone with a 0.00ERA didn't?"


Maybe someone did and we'll read about it tomorrow. I just don't think a decision like this should pass without serious questioning. Hell, even DJ mentioned on the broadcast yesterday that Logan is the obvious favorite for one of the two spots.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:35 PM)
If I know what I know, there are members of the media who read this message board.


Please, anyone -- if you have an opportunity to interview Guillen, can you just ask him one simple question -- "you've said last week that those who perform well will make the team. How is it someone with a 0.00ERA didn't?"


Maybe someone did and we'll read about it tomorrow. I just don't think a decision like this should pass without serious questioning. Hell, even DJ mentioned on the broadcast yesterday that Logan is the obvious favorite for one of the two spots.


I'm not defending Ozzie or the move, but we did see this movie last year. Maybe they're not confident in his ability to get major leaguers out yet? Maybe they want him to get a little more run down at Charlotte? It's not out of the question.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:32 PM)
It all starts Monday. Let's see how it plays out.

Difference beginning Monday is if the White Sox are bad, all our criticism onto the team will be justified. :P



QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:39 PM)
I'm not defending Ozzie or the move, but we did see this movie last year. Maybe they're not confident in his ability to get major leaguers out yet? Maybe they want him to get a little more run down at Charlotte? It's not out of the question.

It's not, although I would say Logan looks far more ready for major league competition than Sisco.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:32 AM)
Let's just get the season started. We've had 6 months to curse Ozzie; deem Kenny an unfit GM who gets ripped off in trades and praise the Indians, a team that underachieved worse than the Sox last year. I'm pissed that Logan didn't make it, and I too question some of the things we've done of late. But it's time to stop b****ing, crying and whining everyday about stuff we have no control ever. It all starts Monday. Let's see how it plays out.

Well technically we have no control over any of this s*** at any time during the season so we should really cut out b****ing and moaning for any time of year.


If we weren't aloud to b**** and moan I'm pretty sure I'd cease to exist.


QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:39 AM)
I'm not defending Ozzie or the move, but we did see this movie last year. Maybe they're not confident in his ability to get major leaguers out yet? Maybe they want him to get a little more run down at Charlotte? It's not out of the question.

How is Andy Sisco and his non-existent control any more of a sure thing to get major league hitters out? At least Logan has had some sort of success retiring hitters over the past 15 months. I don't really see how Sisco making the team and Logan going to Charlotte benefits anyone involved (Sisco, Logan or the Sox.)

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:43 PM)
Well technically we have no control over any of this s*** at any time during the season so we should really cut out b****ing and moaning for any time of year.


If we weren't aloud to b**** and moan I'm pretty sure I'd cease to exist.


It'll atleast be more justified to curse the team to hell if they fail to perform. What if the team starts 20-8? Then everybody can play the "I always had faith. I was just worried. I'll eat my crow" card.


QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:44 PM)
How is Andy Sisco and his non-existent control any more of a sure thing to get major league hitters out? At least Logan has had some sort of success retiring hitters over the past 15 months. I don't really see how Sisco making the team and Logan going to Charlotte benefits anyone involved (Sisco, Logan or the Sox.)


Like I said, I'm not defending the move. But we saw Logan do the same exact thing last year, then fall on his face come regular season. And atleast with Sisco, he has had some success at this level.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:46 AM)
It'll atleast be more justified to curse the team to hell if they fail to perform. What if the team starts 20-8? Then everybody can play the "I always had faith. I was just worried. I'll eat my crow" card.

If I can't b**** then what should I post? I don't have much else to say at the moment, this team isn't giving me much to go with on the positive side of things.


And I don't believe in "what if's" so take that you fascist pig.


QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:48 AM)
Like I said, I'm not defending the move. But we saw Logan do the same exact thing last year, then fall on his face come regular season. And atleast with Sisco, he has had some success at this level.

Technically what you just did is defend the move.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:48 PM)
It'll atleast be more justified to curse the team to hell if they fail to perform. What if the team starts 20-8? Then everybody can play the "I always had faith. I was just worried. I'll eat my crow" card.

I'll gladly eat crow.


I was wrong in 2005 and admitted it.


It's not that I expect failure so I can point and say, "I knew it." It's just how I feel regarding this ballclub. Too many question marks in the wrong league, in the wrong division. All of which have to be resolved from the beginning considering our tough schedule.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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"The way we looked at it, we needed someone in the bullpen who could go two or two-plus [innings] if we need him," Guillen said. "Boone Logan will be back with the White Sox, and hopefully when he gets back here, he will be here for good."


As expected, the Sox optioned Floyd because John Danks won the competition for the fifth spot in the rotation.


Guillen unsuccessfully sought out Sisco, who had a 7.20 ERA, after the game, but he sent an oral warning to him in his postgame media session.


"That's why I was looking for Sisco, to let him know he didn't pitch that well to think he made the ballclub," Guillen said. "I think this year I have people to grab in the minor leagues."


Several scouts praised Logan's performance, but the Sox are likely to keep him in case Sisco falters.


"I knew coming to spring it was going to be pretty tough to make the club," Logan said. "We traded for guys. We're not going to trade for guys and send them to Triple-A. They put me in a hole before I came to spring. I didn't let it bother me. I kept doing what I had been doing."


this season can't start soon enough

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:48 PM)
If I can't b**** then what should I post? I don't have much else to say at the moment, this team isn't giving me much to go with on the positive side of things.


And I don't believe in "what if's" so take that you fascist pig.


Look, nobody b****es on a daily basis more than you. I get that. That's just the way you are. But why such nonsense before the damn season has even started? It's fine to question. It's fine to have doubts. But after a while, it gets tired and annoying. And I'm more than sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.


QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:49 PM)
If I can't b**** then what should I post? I don't have much else to say at the moment, this team isn't giving me much to go with on the positive side of things.


Technically what you just did is defend the move.


No, I'm trying to look at it from Ozzie's point of view. You know, our manager? Or does his opinion not mean as much?

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 11:52 PM)
this season can't start soon enough

"I knew coming to spring it was going to be pretty tough to make the club," Logan said. "We traded for guys. We're not going to trade for guys and send them to Triple-A. They put me in a hole before I came to spring. I didn't let it bother me. I kept doing what I had been doing."


Spot f***ing on.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:54 AM)
Look, nobody b****es on a daily basis more than you. I get that. That's just the way you are. But why such nonsense before the damn season has even started? It's fine to question. It's fine to have doubts. But after a while, it gets tired and annoying. And I'm more than sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.

Oh I know there's people on this board who despise me because I b**** so damn much and you know what? I love to read them b**** about me b****ing, there's some just so b****in' about it. WORDS ARE FUN.


And that is such bulls***, Flash b****es WAY more than I do. All that guy does is complain.


Or does his opinion not mean as much?

Honestly, at this point I don't really have much respect for him anymore, basically in every way imaginable. I think he's earned it and he's lucky he did because no one is just handed my disrespect, the have to earn it on the playing field.


QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:56 AM)
Further down in the article.

Spot f***ing on.

I'm just going to go ahead and cross his name off now.


McCarthy, Tracey, Anderson, Logan


We'll never see him in a Sox uni again.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:00 AM)
Oh I know there's people on this board who despise me because I b**** so damn much and you know what? I love to read them b**** about me b****ing, there's some just so b****in' about it. WORDS ARE FUN.


And that is such bulls***, Flash b****es WAY more than I do. All that guy does is complain.

Honestly, at this point I don't really have much respect for him anymore, basically in every way imaginable. I think he's earned it and he's lucky he did because no one is just handed my disrespect, the have to earn it on the playing field.


Most of Flash's complaining is about our minor leagues. I don't even pay attention to that anymore. Will agree to disagree on Ozzie.

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