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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:00 AM)
Oh I know there's people on this board who despise me because I b**** so damn much and you know what? I love to read them b**** about me b****ing, there's some just so b****in' about it. WORDS ARE FUN.


And that is such bulls***, Flash b****es WAY more than I do. All that guy does is complain.

That's not the way he sees it. :D

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:02 AM)
Most of Flash's complaining is about our minor leagues. I don't even pay attention to that anymore. Will agree to disagree on Ozzie.

Fine then Fathom b****es more than I do plus he's very condescending. That's 2 strikes against him.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:02 AM)
Most of Flash's complaining is about our minor leagues. I don't even pay attention to that anymore. Will agree to disagree on Ozzie.

Complaints which have been validated by Williams himself (signature) and the restocking of our system this offseason.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:04 AM)
Fine then Fathom b****es more than I do plus he's very condescending. That's 2 strikes against him.


LOL. Fine Kalapse, you're in the top 5. And don't even try to tell me there's 3 other people in here besides Tizzle and Fathom that complain more than you.


QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:05 AM)
Complaints which have been validated by Williams himself (signature) and the restocking of our system this offseason.


Yet you still do it.

Edited by Jordan4life_2007
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"I knew coming to spring it was going to be pretty tough to make the club," Logan and Anderson echoed. "We traded for guys. We're not going to trade for guys and send them to Triple-A. They put me in a hole before I came to spring. I didn't let it bother me. I kept doing what I had been doing."



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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:08 AM)
LOL. Fine Kalapse, you're in the top 5. And don't even try to tell me there's 3 other people in here besides Tizzle and Fathom that complain more than you.

Yet you still do it.

Poppy Hidalgo (whose birthday no one acknowledged yesterday)

Hideaway Lights

southsideirish71 (mick bastard)

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:06 AM)
LOL. Fine Kalapse, you're in the top 5. And don't even try to tell me there's 3 other people in here that complain more than you.

When did I become a whiny b****? I'm pretty sure I was one of those jackasses telling people to f*** off if they didn't believe in '05, I can't really remember that far back. I blame the violence in movies that s*** rots the brain.


Just to appease you I shall post in the style of Soxfest for the remainder of Spring Training, this way no one can claim I have a negative opinion on subjects because I won't have one to begin with.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:09 AM)
Poppy Hidalgo (whose birthday no one acknowledged yesterday)

Hideaway Lights

southsideirish71 (mick bastard)

There you go. SSI71 is the biggest b****ER on this board, no one can deny that and I'm pretty sure Poppy Hidalgo is Ron Artest.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:09 AM)
Poppy Hidalgo (whose birthday no one acknowledged yesterday)

Hideaway Lights

southsideirish71 (mick bastard)


Poppy is dead to me. Hideaway has no credibility. I think we could go 162-0 and he would post the same garbage. SSIrish does go overboard with the "I wish our hitters would stop lifting and pulling" bit. I wasn't trying to single out Kalapse. We've had A LOT of people just crying and moaning or whatever. Look I know this is a message board. Voice your opinion. No problem. But why the doom and gloom every single day? Before a season has even started? You don't think I'm worried? s***, if all goes wrong, I think will finish 4th. But I can do that without making it look like the end of the world is near.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 06:15 AM)
Poppy is dead to me. Hideaway has no credibility. I think we could go 162-0 and he would post the same garbage. SSIrish does go overboard with the "I wish our hitters would stop lifting and pulling" bit. I wasn't trying to single out Kalapse. We've had A LOT of people just crying and moaning or whatever. Look I know this is a message board. Voice your opinion. No problem. But why the doom and gloom every single day? Before a season has even started? You don't think I'm worried? s***, if all goes wrong, I think will finish 4th. But I can do that without making it look like the end of the world is near.


It would be nice if more than a day went by when something overly negative didn't happen during this Spring Training.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:10 AM)
The stress this club has presented on certain posters' behaviors is humerous.

It's turning me into Billy Packer. Yesterday I pulled a handful of hair out of my shower drain, I've gained 35 pounds over the past 2 days and I killed a drifter this morning just to watch him die.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 06:18 AM)
It's turning me into Billy Packer. Yesterday I pulled a handful of hair out of my shower drain, I've gained 35 pounds over the past 2 days and I killed a drifter this morning just to watch him die.


Before you killed him, I hope you asked him if he could be a catcher (that sounds bad, I know) and/or a grinder (again, sounds bad).

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:18 AM)
It would be nice if more than a day went by when something overly negative didn't happen during this Spring Training.


Well, I think everyone can agree that you are the most/best pessimist on this board. :lol:

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:18 AM)
It would be nice if more than a day went by when something overly negative didn't happen during this Spring Training.


Well, I was speaking about the entire offseason. Going all the way back to the Freddy Garcia trade. Ever since then, it's just been one big bag of "Ozzie sucks. Kenny is unfit. We got ripped off in the B-Mac trade. We got ripped off in the Freddy trade. We're destined for 4th place. This guy sucks. That guy sucks. Ozzie is to blame because Toby got hurt" ect, ect, ect.


Like I said, I have no problem with anybody expressing their opinions and thoughts, positive or negative. There's just a certain way to go about it. But that's just me. I just can't wait for Monday to get here.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 06:27 AM)
Well, I was speaking about the entire offseason. Going all the way back to the Freddy Garcia trade. Ever since then, it's just been one big bag of "Ozzie sucks. Kenny is unfit. We got ripped off in the B-Mac trade. We got ripped off in the Freddy trade. We're destined for 4th place. This guy sucks. That guy sucks. Ozzie is to blame because Toby got hurt" ect, ect, ect.


Like I said, I have no problem with anybody expressing their opinions and thoughts, positive or negative. There's just a certain way to go about it. But that's just me. I just can't wait for Monday to get here.


I think a major motif with the criticism is that people feel like Ozzie is letting his personal feelings about players impact his personnel decisions. Between that and the whiny comments KW made about not extending his pitchers when their contracts are up, the vibe hasn't been great. I couldn't agree more with you though.....let's get to the games.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:30 AM)
I think a major motif with the criticism is that people feel like Ozzie is letting his personal feelings about players impact his personnel decisions. Between that and the whiny comments KW made about not extending his pitchers when their contracts are up, the vibe hasn't been great. I couldn't agree more with you though.....let's get to the games.


Hey, everybody knows how I feel about how Brian Anderon has been handled. Only Heads is a bigger BA jocker than me (I've had the same avatar and sig for like a year now. Could be time to change). But I don't think Ozzie went from World Series winning manager to incompetent in a matter of, what, a year? I think we should all just take a deep breath and be happy as f*** that the greatest team sport ever invented is set to begin in a few days.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:27 AM)
Well, I was speaking about the entire offseason. Going all the way back to the Freddy Garcia trade. Ever since then, it's just been one big bag of "Ozzie sucks. Kenny is unfit. We got ripped off in the B-Mac trade. We got ripped off in the Freddy trade. We're destined for 4th place. This guy sucks. That guy sucks. Ozzie is to blame because Toby got hurt" ect, ect, ect.


Like I said, I have no problem with anybody expressing their opinions and thoughts, positive or negative. There's just a certain way to go about it. But that's just me. I just can't wait for Monday to get here.

In my defense, I never really stated my opinion on the Garcia trade, not having him on the club in '07 was good enough for me so I guess I did like that trade (+1).


I never simply state "-soandso- sucks" because that is pretty lame, I'm not a big fan of his as a manager though so you got me there. (-1)


I like Kenny Williams and I think he is quite fit, the guy works out for like 3 hours a day. (+1)


I liked the BMac trade, hated the reasons behind it and the initial loss of McCarthy was bothersome but I did like the trade. (+1)


Even if all my worst fears are realized this season I still think the Sox will finish with a better record than the Twins, the worst the Sox can do in my mind is 3rd place. (+1)


Actually I think this guy is pretty good. (+1)


I don't know what the hell you're thinking, that guy is pretty terrible. (-1)


I do think Ozzie is mostly to blame for the hall injury so you got me there too. (-1)


+1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 = +2 . . . I guess I'm an optimist. :)

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:23 AM)
Well, I think everyone can agree that you are the most/best pessimist on this board. :lol:

If anyone wants that distinction they'll have to take it from my cold, lifeless....internet....fingers. Or something.


What do you like about Soxtalk? It's a website where I can keep track of Francisco Liriano's rehabilitation.


Soxtalk Awards 2006: Biggest Pessimist


Favorite Sox player JI JIM THOME


Favorite Sox minor leaguer Tim Linecum


Favorite Sox moment ALCS loss against Anaheim. It gave me an opportunity to criticize the ballclub.


Favorite Former Sox Player Brian Anderson



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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 06:34 AM)
Hey, everybody knows how I feel about how Brian Anderon has been handled. Only Heads is a bigger BA jocker than me (I've had the same avatar and sig for like a year now. Could be time to change). But I don't think Ozzie went from World Series winning manager to incompetent in a matter of, what, a year? I think we should all just take a deep breath and be happy as f*** that the greatest team sport ever invented is set to begin in a few days.


Honestly, I think 2005 made two very egotistical people (Ozzie and KW) even more arrogant than usual. However, if arrogance is the result of winning a world championship, then it was worth it. The more time passes, the more I appreciate that we capitalized on our golden opportunity to win it all.


QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 06:38 AM)
If anyone wants that distinction they'll have to take it from my cold, lifeless....internet....fingers. Or something.



Fantastic stuff Flash

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 12:37 AM)
In my defense, I never really stated my opinion on the Garcia trade, not having him on the club in '07 was good enough for me so I guess I did like that trade (+1).


I never simply state "-soandso- sucks" because that is pretty lame, I'm not a big fan of his as a manager though so you got me there. (-1)


I like Kenny Williams and I think he is quite fit, the guy works out like 3 hours a day. (+1)


I liked the BMac trade, hated the reasons behind it and the initial loss of McCarthy was bothersome but I did liked the trade. (+1)


Even if all my worst fears are realized this season I still think the Sox will finish with a better record than the Twins, the worst the Sox can do in my mind is 3rd place. (+1)


Actually I think this guy is pretty good. (+1)


I don't know what the hell you're thinking, that guy is pretty terrible. (-1)


I do think Ozzie is mostly to blame for the hall injury so you got me there too. (-1)


+1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 = +2 . . . I guess I'm an optimist. :)


Kalapse, you're one of the best posters here. I wasn't trying to attack you. You did kind of rile me up when you called me a "fascist" pig. lol. I wasn't even sure what that meant. I had to look it up. And I'm sure you were joking. Just caught me at a bad time. Everything is cool.

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