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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:03 PM)

Seems highly unethical. Should she resign from Senate? Can't wait to watch Hardball and Olbermann to find out the details

Why not? That seems to be the standard Democratic response to Republicans who may or may not be doing something wrong, so I guess it goes both ways.

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Gee, not much talk about Diane here, eh? Wonder if she will resign from her other committee assignments, such as the Committee on Rules & Administration? I guess we will not see the resignation from the Senate that the Democrats demand for every Republican they suspect of evildoing. Well, at least the NYTimes is demanding an investigation. Arianna Huffington has launched ads lambasting Feinstein. The left-wing blogosphere is an uproar over Feinstein's war profiteering. Oh wait, its a Democrat, so they're not.

Edited by Alpha Dog
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As soon as Every Republican who benefited finacially from the War in Iraq resigns, we'll talk. Including the President.


I don't like the fact that there are more politicians on the take any more than you do...but until people start joining me in the solution nothing will matter. Make the salary for Congressmen, Senators, Cabinet Secs, and the Pres in the millions per year so that they are competitive with some CEO salaries, and institute a public campaign financing system so that no one in Congress has to beg industry or any other interest group for campaign donations, and then let new people move in with time.


As long as money determines who is in power, the people in power will always be making money.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 30, 2007 -> 11:20 PM)
As soon as Every Republican who benefited finacially from the War in Iraq resigns, we'll talk. Including the President.


I don't like the fact that there are more politicians on the take any more than you do...but until people start joining me in the solution nothing will matter. Make the salary for Congressmen, Senators, Cabinet Secs, and the Pres in the millions per year so that they are competitive with some CEO salaries, and institute a public campaign financing system so that no one in Congress has to beg industry or any other interest group for campaign donations, and then let new people move in with time.


As long as money determines who is in power, the people in power will always be making money.

You might be better off removing the generous government pensions and eliminating any perks of the job, then you would get people who actually want to SERVE thier country, instead of the typical career politician. No reason the job needs to be full time for the senate and house. Half the crazy-ass laws we have are because the doufuses feel that they have to justify their jobs somehow, so since they are there, hey, let's pass some stupid, pain-in-the-ass bills! How about teleconferencing for votes? The public financing thing is interesting, but what how much do we give them? I have read a few different plans for that in the past, and there could be something to that part of it. As for your first part, I think the Dems have called for the resignation of just about everybody on the Republican side for just about anything. You missed my dig, probably intentionally, that the Dems scream for resignations at the slightest hint of anything not to their liking, but then refuse to do the same. So much for draining the swamp.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Mar 31, 2007 -> 04:37 AM)
You might be better off removing the generous government pensions and eliminating any perks of the job, then you would get people who actually want to SERVE thier country, instead of the typical career politician. No reason the job needs to be full time for the senate and house. Half the crazy-ass laws we have are because the doufuses feel that they have to justify their jobs somehow, so since they are there, hey, let's pass some stupid, pain-in-the-ass bills! How about teleconferencing for votes? The public financing thing is interesting, but what how much do we give them? I have read a few different plans for that in the past, and there could be something to that part of it. As for your first part, I think the Dems have called for the resignation of just about everybody on the Republican side for just about anything. You missed my dig, probably intentionally, that the Dems scream for resignations at the slightest hint of anything not to their liking, but then refuse to do the same. So much for draining the swamp.

Ye, because when the Dems do something "unethical", it's for a better justification then when the evil Republicans do it.


It's always different ™.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 31, 2007 -> 08:05 AM)
Ye, because when the Dems do something "unethical", it's for a better justification then when the evil Republicans do it.


It's always different .


And it's always the same with Republicans, just let it happen, never investigate, leave them in office, (if it's a Republican).

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I actually am OK with politicians at that level making a career of it, if they are effective. People make the military or other government work a career. Why not them?


But it staggers me that neither party can put together the momentum to take the high ground here. The Dems started strong on the first few things they did in Congress, but have since gone back to being what we all hate. If one party's leadership stood up and dropped the hammer on the scumbags around them, and stopped this pork barrel B.S., I'd think that would be a huge PR move that could help them at the polls (as long as it was properly marketed after the fact).

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 31, 2007 -> 09:53 AM)
I actually am OK with politicians at that level making a career of it, if they are effective. People make the military or other government work a career. Why not them?


But it staggers me that neither party can put together the momentum to take the high ground here. The Dems started strong on the first few things they did in Congress, but have since gone back to being what we all hate. If one party's leadership stood up and dropped the hammer on the scumbags around them, and stopped this pork barrel B.S., I'd think that would be a huge PR move that could help them at the polls (as long as it was properly marketed after the fact).


Actually that is only partially right. When we demand better from our own parties, it will happen faster. Look at the threads here, this is a fair example but there are better. The GOPerheads are attacking the Dems for doing the same thing the Reps have done, and some of the Demheads are defending and trying to draw distinctions.


What needs to happen, is Dems to stand up, write the Dem leadership and tell them if the party doesn't fix itself the party should not expect their continued support. If the GOP does the same thing, we can clean this up faster than each side defending the indefensible.

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