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Whatcha Readin'?


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I started a personal goal to read two to three books per month. So far in 2007, I've read:


The Joke's Over Ralph Steadman: Fun book from Steadman's perspective about what it was like to be with HST during all the craziness of three decades of booze/drug fueled Gonzo writing.


Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X: Really interesting book about a major civil/human rights leader in American history.


Screwjack - Hunter S. Thompson: A few HST short stories.


Passionate Declarations - Howard Zinn: Zinn is awesome for issues based history and is very inspiring for a real, substantive coverage of history.


Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim - David Sedaris: Ah, Sedaris and humor. Laughs guaranteed.


The Massacre at El Mozote - Mark Danner: A massacre in El Salvador that became a microcasm of the Cold War.


Catch-22 - Joseph Heller: Holy crap. I can't believe I never read this book before in my life. I could not put it down. Heller's dark sarcasm and points were incredible.


Shame of the Nation - Jonathan Kozol: If you think Brown v. Board did a lot to fix apartheid education in America, think again. Kozol challenges educators and the public to get serious about the very obvious apartheid education in America and the funding disparities in American schools.


Currently, I'm reading Mao by Jung Chang. I am not incredibly well versed in Chinese history so I figured it'd be a good read. She really does an excellent job with the work making it interesting to read and also truly covering the horrors of the Chairman.


So...what are you all reading?

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Cormac McCarthy's "The Road."


As I explained within the catch everything thread, ignore everything you may associate with Oprah's book club and her often estrogen induced selections. This book is about a father and soon traveling south across a post-apocalyptic American landscape.

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Marvel Essentials Ghost Rider vol. 1

Marvel Essentials Spider-Man vol. 1


and will be getting later this week:


Marvel Essentials Daredevil vol. 2

Marvel Essentials Daredevil vol. 3


I'm into "highbrow" type of stuff.

Edited by Kid Gleason
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Just finished reading the play "A Love Song for Ulster" by Bill Morrison. It was ok.


For more fun stuff, I'm currently in the middle of Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth. I'm a huge Follett fan, and I've read most of his stuff. However, it always seems if people have read one book so far it's this one, so I figured I'd give it a try. It's ridiculously long, though -- 980 something pages, I think. I'm currently at about 613.

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Hear me out before you judge me.


A few years ago I read "A Shark Never Sleeps" the Drew Rosenhaus auto-biography because I was in school working towards becoming a sports agent and he was the most famous one out there.


Now, its written through the eyes of a guy who is totally in love with himself and he is constantly patting himself on the back. But if you can see through all that and take it for what it is its really pretty interesting.


It talks about the route he took to become what he is and the ways he got most of his big name athletes to sign for him. I also think its interesting because it gives you a different perspective of some of his earlier clients like Michael Irvin and Cortez Kennedy.


If you have any kind of interest in the sports agency field I would recommend it.

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Kind of tackling both Sula by Toni Morrison and Veeck as in Wreck at the same time right now. Sula's for class, and I haven't gotten far enough into it to get to the point, but I know of National Suicide Day by now (!!! woo), and Veeck as in Wreck is a book I've gotten about 3/4 done before, but have never finished nor taken anything out of it. It's a little better this time around.

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this year ive read conversations with god books 1,2, and 3.... the power of now.... the voice of knowledge..... choke.....over comming adiction..... the prophet.... enders game..... no fear, no death...... and im going to dtart on either the elagant universe, the universe in a single atom, a new earth, theres a spiritual solution to every problem, or island.


i too have been reading a lot =)

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I'm trying to get through Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I'm about finished with the first book, but I'm not impressed at all yet. Some of his scenes seem pretty "hollywood" if that makes any sense. But it was pretty badass when he left that town and the way King depicted how the Gunglinger can manhandle that gun.


I've snuck a peak at book 2 and it looks better.

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Catch-22 - Joseph Heller: Holy crap. I can't believe I never read this book before in my life. I could not put it down. Heller's dark sarcasm and points were incredible.


Impossible to read that without thinking of M*A*S*H. I love that book.


I am reading Arthur Ransoms' Swallows and Amazons, my Sailing Director recomended it so that I would have an idea of his inspirations for the program he will be running for me this summer. So far very cool.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 01:02 AM)
I'm trying to get through Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I'm about finished with the first book, but I'm not impressed at all yet. Some of his scenes seem pretty "hollywood" if that makes any sense. But it was pretty badass when he left that town and the way King depicted how the Gunglinger can manhandle that gun.


I've snuck a peak at book 2 and it looks better.


Book 2 is the s***. Hang in there, "The Gunslinger" is the weakest...


I'm currently reading


"The World is Flat," by Thomas L. Friedman.


You all should read it.

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QUOTE(hi8is @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 12:17 PM)
i cant wait for the new chuck palaniuck book to come out next month, its gonna be great


Yeah, I've read them all, I think "Choke" is the best thus far... something about the anal beads lodged in his rectum... I swear you could feel the pain.

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