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Is Vista that bad?


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I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I got a new PC yesterday with Vista Home Premium and I love it. The only inconvenience is the compatibility and drivers with some things like printers and such, but other than that, I love it.


The Aero GUI is very nice, and the graphics/picture quality really are top-notch. I love how they redesigned the start menu, and the Gadget menu on the right side is phenomenal. Anyone got Vista and liked it? Seems like I'm the only one.

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I had a beta test of it and ran it. I liked it a lot. I just plan to wait a year until they fix the big bugs/glitches and drivers get updated.


This was a big OS upgrade from Windows, so it shouldn't be surprising that the field is behind, IMO.


It's not like Apple where all software is designed by Apple and they can upgrade pretty much seamlessly. Windows can't exactly force the "third party" to catch up. The market has to force it. Eventually it'll happen. I'd say in about a year.


It's too early to discount Vista at this point.

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I have been unable to get my wife's Vista machine on the home wireless network. It sees it, says the signal is excellent, but gives me an error when I try to connect. Somehow I need to establish a new node or access point but i've been unable to do that.


Stinks, because for all it's faults a laptop running XP never as issues connecting to the network.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 08:29 AM)
I just find it funny that they've managed to try to copy Mac OS but still came up short.


Since both companies are designing for the same human form, there should be similarities.


I like it. There is a learning curve.

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I have it on both of my computers and at first I liked it and the longer Ive had it the more annoying its getting. I got a new cpu the day Vista was released, which was by coincidence, and have had to download new drivers for almost everything. Im also having problems putting music on my MP3 players.


I do think once all of the bugs are worked out it will be a great OS but until then it can get frustrating.

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I got a new laptop with it on it, and it has worked pretty well. The main issue that I had was connecting to other computers through my home network. In order to connect to machines using other OSs (including XP), I had to install some Microsoft patch on those other machines because Vista uses a different type of communication to "talk" to other computers on the network.


After that initial frustration, it has worked out well.

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There are no drivers for anything and some important software doesn't work from xp to Vista. That is a huge downfall right now.


Besides that, businesses don't want to upgrade because it would be a big expense with hardware upgrades.


My personal opinion is it's borderline crap and okay. I don't like the fact that pretty much everything has been re-organized so stuff is not where it used to be, but I will get used to it.


The security is a joke and the networking sucks no matter which version you have.


The GUI is more like Mac OS.


You can add me to the list of people who have a damn hard time connecting to wireless internet. Connecting to the network is different from xp so you just have to make sure you give rights to everyone and turn off password protected sharing if you want to share something easily. Oh and transfer rates from Vista to xp and down is slowed down, but Vista to Mac or vice versa is instant!


Just like xp, wait until service pack 2 until everything is working how it's supposed to be.

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QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 01:58 PM)
There are no drivers for anything and some important software doesn't work from xp to Vista. That is a huge downfall right now.


Besides that, businesses don't want to upgrade because it would be a big expense with hardware upgrades.


My personal opinion is it's borderline crap and okay. I don't like the fact that pretty much everything has been re-organized so stuff is not where it used to be, but I will get used to it.


The security is a joke and the networking sucks no matter which version you have.


The GUI is more like Mac OS.


You can add me to the list of people who have a damn hard time connecting to wireless internet. Connecting to the network is different from xp so you just have to make sure you give rights to everyone and turn off password protected sharing if you want to share something easily. Oh and transfer rates from Vista to xp and down is slowed down, but Vista to Mac or vice versa is instant!


Just like xp, wait until service pack 2 until everything is working how it's supposed to be.

ya Im having some wifi issues as well. I have three laptops at my house that are all on the same wifi and it seems that Im always having to refresh pages when that connectivity issue page pops up.

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That's odd that everyone is mentioning the difficulties with the wireless internet connection. For me, it was pretty damn easy. Much easier, in fact, than what I had to go through with my sister's computer which runs XP.


As far as drivers, I only had to download 1 from a 3rd party, that being my HP printer. Everything else, from speakers, externals hard drive, external burner, and wireless PCI card have all been a snap. Even my iPod and iTunes was easy. Maybe I'm just lucky...

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 03:25 PM)
That's odd that everyone is mentioning the difficulties with the wireless internet connection. For me, it was pretty damn easy. Much easier, in fact, than what I had to go through with my sister's computer which runs XP.


As far as drivers, I only had to download 1 from a 3rd party, that being my HP printer. Everything else, from speakers, externals hard drive, external burner, and wireless PCI card have all been a snap. Even my iPod and iTunes was easy. Maybe I'm just lucky...


I've had the same thing as you with the drivers. No problem at all. I even had an old game that I needed to do a workaround in XP to run that took absolutely no workaround to run in Vista. I was shocked!


Based upon the Mac comments, I am not surprised at all about the iPod and iTunes set up.


I think the issues with wireless connections are between computers and sharing files with a different Windows OS. The internet connection was a snap, I just spent a couple of hours figuring out how to be able to transfer files from my XP box to the Vista box.

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It would cost me about $7000 in new software, just to get all my program s to RUN on Vista. They still don't have print drivers for most of my copiers and printers, so I would be dead in the water if it would be my only choice. I don't care how easy it is to use, it isn't $7000 easier than what I have now.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 12:07 AM)
I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I got a new PC yesterday with Vista Home Premium and I love it. The only inconvenience is the compatibility and drivers with some things like printers and such, but other than that, I love it.


The Aero GUI is very nice, and the graphics/picture quality really are top-notch. I love how they redesigned the start menu, and the Gadget menu on the right side is phenomenal. Anyone got Vista and liked it? Seems like I'm the only one.



No its not all that bad. its just not the end all and be all the Gates and company tell you it is from a stability/reliability/ and security bit. The only thing I can see that they ripped off of Mac is the new search tool. Its a rip of spotlight. The gui, similiar, but you could look at gnome or kde and say the same thing. Its less windows like and more nix like. We as a company are staying away from Vista until at least SP1 if possible. This is due to providers catchng up from a driver standpoint, and waiting till all the early adopters get all the major bugs reported to MS.


The new security features, neat, however not the magic pill that they claim it to be. The biggest joke from Microsoft is not the product, but the spin their company is doing in the "supposed" vendor neutral security reviews that claim that Microsoft is the most secure OS ever. Sure the objective security researcher is someone that either is a funded firm by MS, or someone that I have never ever ever heard of. Is it better than XP sure, is it ready to defend against Malware. No. You will still have the same issues. It will just take a bit for the hacker community to get their bots on Vista. The Ani vulnerability should show that Vista is the same security beast that XP was.


Religious operating system wars are silly. Here is the answer. Pick the best OS for you to do whatever you need. If that is an Apple so be it, if its a Microsoft machine sure, if its Free-BSD go for it. Just make sure your system is patched, that you are running antivirus and anti-malware, and that you be careful what you click on.


I like Apple because I am a Unix geek, and have gotten sick and tired of picking whatever goofy Linux/BSD fractured product that seems to be the flavor of the month. Apple gives me my Unix tools underneath the hood of a corporate ready OS. For me its the best fit. For you it might not be.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 03:25 PM)
That's odd that everyone is mentioning the difficulties with the wireless internet connection. For me, it was pretty damn easy. Much easier, in fact, than what I had to go through with my sister's computer which runs XP.


As far as drivers, I only had to download 1 from a 3rd party, that being my HP printer. Everything else, from speakers, externals hard drive, external burner, and wireless PCI card have all been a snap. Even my iPod and iTunes was easy. Maybe I'm just lucky...


That's been my experience. The only problem I've been having is with Firefox and Windows Media Player and CNN video.

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