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Oh Imus...



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  1. 1. What is your reaction to "Imus Gate?"

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QUOTE(spawn @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:13 PM)
My God, when a dyed in the wool Democrat writes thte above, you know it's over the top. And it was racist. And it was mysogenisitc. Again, what did these women do to deserve this kind of treatment? My first month while going to school in Louisiana, I was acalled a n*****. I was 18 years old. It was the first time someone had called me that. It scarred me. It scars me to this day. Does that answer your question? it's only a word, but there is so much hatred and history behind it.


Great point. I'm scarred by all the black comedians that tell me I can't jump, dance, etc. call me honky and worse. FIRE THEM ALL. I'm scarred.


Can't have it one way. You want fairness and equality? Then start b****ing about the s*** that all entertainers spew out there. White guys get one chance now, black guys get millions and a free pass. Show me the fairness and equality in that?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:18 PM)
Great point. I'm scarred by all the black comedians that tell me I can't jump, dance, etc. call me honky and worse. FIRE THEM ALL. I'm scarred.


Can't have it one way.

And who said I approve of black comedians ridiculing white people? Where have I ever said that? I think you lower yourself if you have to degrade any group of people. And Imus got one chance? Are you kidding me? Imus has gotten a free pass for years! It's about time that chicken came home to roost.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:07 PM)

he called them a name. OMG! What if someone called you a name today? Would you be "scarred for life"? Thank God no one here has ever been called names. I'm getting just a little sick by people blowing this s*** all out of proportion. He called them a name. I suggest everyone here that thinks he's the antiChrist examine their lives and if they called anyone a name, punish themselves as bad as Imus is getting puinished. Hell, if it was that bad, it would be illegal, We have laws for everything else.


My God, when a dyed in the wool Democrat writes thte above, you know it's over the top.


It was done on a large national stage and was completely uncalled for.


According to you, what would the proper response have been then? I would imagine you've never had any nasty remarks made about you to a large national audience, but since you're so sure at what the proper response should be, what is it?


Now, I did not catch the supposed "scarred for life" statement, but from what I have seen and read, the coach and team have been very classy and respectful in their statements. And from what I've seen and read, it was imus that wanted to set up the meeting. I'm surprised they would be criticized for any sort of response that showed that hurtful remarks actually hurt and bother them.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:18 PM)
Can't have it one way. You want fairness and equality? Then start b****ing about the s*** that all entertainers spew out there. White guys get one chance now, black guys get millions and a free pass. Show me the fairness and equality in that?

The next time you feel a black comedian/entertainer has wronged the white race, feel free to post a thread. Or better yet, have someone in the white community make it an issue. The only reason this is even a story is because Jesse and Al decided to make it one, otherwise the country as a whole would've just looked the other way. So again, when you feel wronged by the black community, say something about it.

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QUOTE(spawn @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:21 PM)
And who said I approve of black comedians ridiculing white people? Where have I ever said that? I think you lower yourself if you have to degrade any group of people. And Imus got one chance? Are you kidding me? Imus has gotten a free pass for years! It's about time that chicken came home to roost.


Now, white guys get one chance. That is the current mood of this country. It's going to swing back to the center. It's b.s. that the double standard has gotten this far out of whack. There is a huge difference between these words and the real problems. Jason Whitlock is spot on with his comments. If someone can't handle being called a name without being scarred for life, they will have a long and difficult life.


Hoe could that same person handle rejection by someone they loved? They would be kicking the chair out from underneath themselves.


The Rev. Jesse Jackson called New York Hymietown. Insulted millions of Jews, scarred them for life, Yet no repercussions. I want everyone on a level playing field.


You will not be taken seriously with this hyperbole.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:30 PM)
The Rev. Jesse Jackson called New York Hymietown. Insulted millions of Jews, scarred them for life, Yet no repercussions. I want everyone on a level playing field.


You will not be taken seriously with this hyperbole.

And when did Jackson make that comment? 1984. And he was wrong for it, and he apologized. Around the same time Imus was calling Patrick Ewing a "knuckle dragging moron", or calling the Knicks "chest thumping pimps". around that time Imus was calling award winning black journalist Gwen Ifil a "cleaning lady covering the White House". He also told Mike Wallace his comment about his producer being hired to tell n***** jokes that those remarks were off the record. He never apologized for that. Please spare me the "white men get one chance" b.s. It just doesn't fly. If Jackson were to make racist remarks now, he wouldn't get away wtih it anymore than Imus did. I'm sorry if the current mood of the country is to punish those who make racist comments in the media. Poor Michael Richards. Poor Mel Gibson. They didn't deseve to be persecuted for their racist remarks. they should've just been allowed to say what they did without reprucussions. People have looked the other way with this crap for too damn long. it's about time people started paying for the stupidity they spew.


As far as reprucussions...what, was Jesse supposed to lose his job? The man was running for President. He didn't win. Those comments certainly didn't help him. Seems like a level playing field to me.


One other thing to add...Isaiah Washington of Grey's Anatomy was slammed pretty hard for his homophobic remarks towards T.R. Knight. And he's black.

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QUOTE(spawn @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 03:39 PM)
If Jackson were to make racist remarks now, he wouldn't get away wtih it anymore than Imus did. I'm sorry if the current mood of the country is to punish those who make racist comments in the media.



I don't think that's true. "white people" (since we're grouping everyone now apparently) don't have two major douche-bags running all over the country calling every black person a racist.


Also, I think you're reverting to the same arguments that other people in the thread were complaining about. "X got away with it, why can't Y?"


But you're missing the bigger point of the thread, which is not that people condone his actions or agree with what he says. I think most, if not all of us, would agree that he should have been punished. But your two leading douche-bags and the douche-bag media have to make an unprofessional comment and spin it like someone just got caught whipping a black person in slavery. I'm fine with the guy being fired if that's what happens because he made poor judgments. But give me a break with this completely overblown 'oh my life is ruined' because some jackass on the radio made fun of me.


And I think in this case especially this situation is down right laughable. You're honestly telling me that the members of the b-ball team don't listen to music that says the same things, only worse? They don't even have to be fans, but I'm willing to be a lot of money that they've heard it before. And they didn't care. They didn't need to hold an hour long recruiting press conference.


This entire situation reeks of opportunism and absolutely nothing to do with racism.

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Lets say the womens national basketball was filled with white, blonde women. And if Jackson or Sharpton, or just any random black man on radio said "They looked like Cracker b**** bimbos", would there be any consequences for them? I highly doubt it... Just because whites enslaved blacks 400-200 years ago they must be considered racist if they even make the slightest comment about blacks, even if it wasn't meant to be taken that way.


I don't know what my point is right here, but I felt like doing some rambling...

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Scarred for life?? That is the most overblown b.s. And notice it wasn't the girls at first, it was people around them telling them they would be scarred for life.


Scarred for life is being a target of a suicide bomber for your religion.

Scarred for life is being poor and desperate and having family members dying of starvation.

Scarred for life is the genocide in Sudan.

Scarred for life because an idiot called you a name? You are one weak individual. Sorry if that is scarring you.


Some DJ calls your group a name and you're scarred for life? OMG, those girls will never find love, marry, have children, they are doomed, doomed to a scarred life. GMAFB. You mean to tell me there is no trash talking in college basketball? That must have really left scars.


Name one black person who has faced the same punishment?


Take away the double standard and treat me as an equal.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 04:58 PM)
Scarred for life?? That is the most overblown b.s. And notice it wasn't the girls at first, it was people around them telling them they would be scarred for life.


Scarred for life is being a target of a suicide bomber for your religion.

Scarred for life is being poor and desperate and having family members dying of starvation.

Scarred for life is the genocide in Sudan.

Scarred for life because an idiot called you a name? You are one weak individual. Sorry if that is scarring you.


Some DJ calls your group a name and you're scarred for life? OMG, those girls will never find love, marry, have children, they are doomed, doomed to a scarred life. GMAFB. You mean to tell me there is no trash talking in college basketball? That must have really left scars.


Name one black person who has faced the same punishment?


Take away the double standard and treat me as an equal.


^^^^ Can I get an amen?






(oops, is that ok for me to say?)

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When we get back to honest, sincere dialog, we'll begin to make progress again. Drop the hyperbole and go with the truth. That is very insulting, insensitive, and crude comment. He should be suspended. He should lose his job when advertisers bail. Any business would do that. But don't give me the crocodile tears and scarred b.s. Don't give me two guys out front who I have not heard one of my friends say in twenty years represents them. The friends I have who I use as a barometer grew up in the 60s and 70s. They remember some s*** that no human should be subject to. They laughed that this would scar someone. They wish that was all they had to endure.


It's an insult to King and the other courageous leaders who faced real trial of biblical proportions to call this scarring and all the hyperbole I've listened to. Compare Rosa Parks, Linda Brown, Sojouner Truth, or Harriet Tubman, to any one of these players, and tell me who was really scarred for life. There is still so much to do to make America a level playing field for all, and if being called names is the worse of the problems, then you don't need my help anymore.

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Funny how out of this whole incident, the thing that seems to cause the most outrage from you is how one of the players reacted to the hurtful comments...


And just out of curiosity, how is it that decide how a person should react in these types of situations?

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 13, 2007 -> 05:41 PM)
Funny how out of this whole incident, the thing that seems to cause the most outrage from you is how one of the players reacted to the hurtful comments...


And just out of curiosity, how is it that decide how a person should react in these types of situations?


I may have repeated that one, but it was the entire reaction. The entire community was insulted, etc. Compare that to what we went through in the fifties, sixties, and seventies, and it sounds so silly.

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I haven't read all 8 pages of this thread, nor have I followed this whole thing in detail and I don't plan to. But unless I just absolutely missed something I think this is a huge overreaction. Would it have gotten the same reaction if he was talking about some girls team in Texas? Or was it because Rutgers is basically local to NY?


What this country needs to do is learn how to properly utilize the word WHATEVER. People say dumb things all the time. They say them in person, in business, on the airwaves. WHATEVER


America just needs to be able to roll their collective eyes and say WHATEVER and chalk stupid comments up to just that, stupidity. If they are listening to someone that makes comments they don't like, turn the station. Stop listening. Or just ignore it. The more issues like these get talked about, more people pay attention to it. If more people said WHATVER, 98% of the country would not have known he said it. The Rutgers girls basketball players while potentially being offended briefly would have moved on and said WHATEVER. Those that follow women's basketball would have forgotten all about it by the beginning of next basketball season and Imus would have gone on to say more stupid things.



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Something to keep in mind. People have asked why nothing has happened to Jesse or Al over the Duke case comments that were unfounded, or what would happen to them if they said something similarly racist. Thing is, they have. That's why they, like Imus, are assholes. So why was Imus fired, you ask?


Because he had a job to be fired from.


There is no firing Jackson or Sharpton because... what do you fire them from?


Just something to keep in mind. I wish they could be fired, but, they don't work for a major corporation.


Also, for all the complaints of manufactured or exaggerated outrage on the part of women on the Rutgers team or other people who are black... I'm seeing an equal amount of manufactured rage about "reverse" racism. I'm pretty sure racism still exists, in both directions, in this country. And yet, while this thread contains any number of people asking, "why is it OK for blacks to be racists?!??!?!!", I have seen zero posts from anyone saying that reverse racism is OK. So who is all the anger directed at? Jesse and Al? Because that's about as pointless as being angry at Imus. They're all shock jocks of one kind or another.

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It's has settled in with me on this simple fact. If what Imus said was this damaging, how did anyone survive No Black signs on pools, bathrooms, bars, hotels? Let's start a dialog on the lack of opportunities for blacks in higher management. Let's look at the average amount of money spent on educating our poor versus our wealthy in public schools. Why would we choose to waste this much time over a piss ant comment and make it seem like God himself made the comment?


If I was King, I'd be crying in my grave. These girls are harmed by these words? Damn, King would have them standing proud, standing tall, and telling Imus he "ain't getting in their heads". Instead we have some opportunist enablers telling them how it will harm them and the entire community. Sharpton and Jackson are handing them a damn crutch when they should be handing them a hammer and telling them to build something from that comment.


And I'll be honest, I was a huge fan of Jesse's in the seventies and eighties. If you have a chance to go back and read some of his campaign speeches he was dead on with many of the economic problems that would facing Americans in the coming decades. #1 was outsourcing being a bigger threat than foreign companies moving to America. Now he's a detriment. A one speech caricature of himself. I place him alongside Teddy Kennedy .

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 15, 2007 -> 08:37 PM)
Not to really stir the pot... but...


do you really know King's history beyond the "history books"?


I'll go away now.


There was and is only one Jesus. ;)

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So where is the Roise outrage?




If the Left takes Imus, We’ll take Rosie


At some point in the next few days, Don Imus may be fired from his nationally syndicated radio show and television simulcast. He will become that radio guy who got fired for saying something racist. But that won’t be the real reason. Yes, his comments were deplorable, and, especially for a broadcaster of his experience, truly odd. He says it was a misfired joke, and he has apologized, several times, and seems genuinely sorry for letting such a joke cross his lips. But that’s not enough – the Left, true to form, wants him publicly and professionally destroyed.


The message of the ongoing Imus scandal is simple: Verbal offenses against anyone, other than conservatives or Christians or Jews, will be treated as crimes, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the judge and jury. Remember Trent Lott’s ill-fated tribute to Sen. Strom Thurmond or Rush Limbaugh’s criticism of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb? This is the political strategy of the Left—unite to destroy.


What Imus said was unacceptable. His employer was right to suspend him, and he was right to apologize to the Rutgers basketball team. But why is it that these consequences are only ever revisited when the Left and their cohorts in the media take umbrage? Let me explain.


I have received a great deal of criticism from Leftist bloggers for a passage in my book that reads “You see, I have learned something about liberals. They are much like communists. They believe they have to destroy you in order to win.” As I outline in my book, the Left is effective in using the bullying tactics inherited from their comrades. Intimidation and force are their only means because they refuse to accept public debate or the free market’s ability to simply turn the dial .


And let’s not forget about the Dynamic Duo calling for Imus’ resignation. They have their own past offenses, like the anti-Semitic slur used by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, when he referred to New York City as “Hymietown” in a conversation with reporters. His apology? Asking that we charge his head, not his heart. And the most eloquent Rev. Al Sharpton, who was convicted (read: FOUND GUILTY) of libel when he very publicly accused a white assistant district attorney of raping a young black girl, which never happened. They don’t apologize…they run for president of the United States.


And for the contextual icing on the cake, where are the repercussions for Rosie O’Donnell’s hateful, idiotic accusations that President Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks? And her ignorant parody of the Chinese language? Or her comparison of conservative Christians to Islamo-fascist terrorists? Why has ABC not suspended her from The View? Why has she not been frog-marched up to some radio show to apologize to 9/11 victims/Chinese-American activists/evangelical Christians?


What the Left is doing is not a fluke – it’s a concerted strategy. And it works. So if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s why I am calling on conservatives to use the available media (radio talk shows, blogs, letters to the editor) to protest and demand that Rosie O’Donnell be kicked off The View. Where are the demonstrations in front of ABC? Where are the boycott threats for The View’s advertisers, or its parent company, Disney? Who is holding Barbara Walters accountable for Rosie’s offenses? We can fight like the Left, too. If Don Imus falls to the pleas of political correctness, we’re taking Rosie O’Donnell down with him.


And that, my fellow conservatives, is how the Left wins. Now it’s our turn. Charge it to our heads, not our hearts.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 01:08 PM)
SS2K. Us conservatives are too busy raising our families and going to work to go downtown on a weekday for a protest to get on TV.


Is there anything that Conservatives would care enough about to go downtown and protest?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 01:21 PM)
Is there anything that Conservatives would care enough about to go downtown and protest?


I'm sure there are some things. Being called a nappy headed ho isn't one of them...


In general I think the right has a 'who cares' attitude with a lot of this politically correct crap. You say things you don't mean, I say things I don't mean, it shouldn't have been said but whatever, lets move on.


The thing that cracks me up the most is the double standard that these ubber-liberals follow. How are their actions any different from conservatives who are religious wacko's yelling about gays burning in hell? You say one stupid comment and you're burning in hell as a racist, sexist pig. You screw a guy in the ass and you're burning in hell as a homo. Don't you have a right to say what you want? Don't you have a right to sleep with who you want?


They're both f*cked in the head. The reason the left nut-jobs get their opinions justified is their status as celebrities.

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