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RIP Kurt Vonnegut


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This is truly sad for me. Everyone has a favorite writer, actor, filmmaker, singer...etc. that in someway inspires you. They become the foundation of that creative side of you.

Kurt Vonnegut was that man for me.

His humor, his insight, his wisdom shaped me at a young age and continues to shape me as a man.

He saw the horrors that man can do first hand and still found grand humor in life. I take those lessons everywhere I walk. He infused great essays on the decline of humanity with incredible humor and imagination.

He made you think how you lived your life and grateful you didn't live it like many in his books.

There was never more an original voice in Literature than his in the second half of the 20th century.

Now he is dead. So it goes...


If you have never read a book by him, start. Pick up Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse 5, Hocus Pocus, Timequake, Welcome to the Monkey House, The Sirens of Titan, etc.


Do so...Even if it was his fault that Thornton Melon got an F on his English paper. :D

Edited by RibbieRubarb
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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 12, 2007 -> 12:29 AM)
RIP Kurt, I never read anything you wrote.

I'm sure you would actually really dig his stuff. The science fiction elements of his novels, including the new worlds like Tralfamadore and the fluid realities he creates, are very Lovecraftian and I think the novels would be very much up your alley.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Apr 12, 2007 -> 03:34 PM)
One of my faves as well.


He's actually still alive on Trafalmadore in a display with Billy Pilgrim and Montana Wildhack, and he always will be.

Mmm mmm Montana! I love her body. . . .of work. :bang

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 12, 2007 -> 09:48 AM)


My girlfriend has had Slaughterhouse 5 sitting on the headboard for a while. Maybe I'll crack it open this weekend.

Wow, my girlfriend has had Slaughterhouse 5 sitting on the headboard too ;)

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Wow, didn't hear this until now. Truly a great loss to the literary circles. The man was a one of a kind writer and spread inspirations to many, many aspiring and established writers around him. I'm glad he got his last book out, which was more a memoir than it was a novel. It really spoke volumes about how great of a thinker Vonnegut was.


His style of writing is one of a kind. R.I.P. Kurt.

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