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D'Angelo Jimenez


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My baserunning and smarts were probably my best asset. I never had the "5 Tool Talent" so to speak but I was always one of the best cause I never did something stupid.


If a pitcher wasn't paying attention, I'd take an extra base.  Outfielder held onto the ball to long, you run when you wouldn't.  Almost never would I get thrown out.  I mean during a game (Less during major league baseball) you get opportunties when you catch a player sleeping and for me I'd always take advantage of them. 


Was also a good defensive player and a good pitcher.  Hitting was never my strong point.  I never learned how in the hell you hit opposite field.  Going opposite field for me was hitting it over 2nd base.  Also was a good bunter. 


Damn I wish I could still play all the time instead of just playing every once in a while.

I seem to be similar to the player you are/were


I miss playing baseball so much now. I'd do anything to be 12 again and be able to play some little league and high school ball again.

I'm with ya on that. I so want to create a team with my buddies and join a league.

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Im pretty aggressive too. Ive done some pretty cool things on the bases. One time the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher after the pitch and I took home. Stuff like that. Sometimes Im too aggressive tho. I ran thru a stop sign once and was almost gunned down at third. My coach didnt really mind since I was safe tho.


And as for hitting, Im a contact hitter who hits a lot of ground balls and takes a lot of stuff the other way. Im a good bunter as well...

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I've played like s*** this year, so I'm not too excited, but what roman just said brought up something I remember doing in little league. I was on 3B, and the pitcher really wasn't paying attention to me. He'd just pitch, and get back on the rubber, and pitch, and get back on the rubber. He'd turn away from me every time too. So the next pitch, he threw it in there, and I got my lead off of 3B. The catcher threw the ball back, he turned towards, 1B, and I sprinted home, and I was safe by a mile. That was killer.

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I've played like s*** this year, so I'm not too excited, but what roman just said brought up something I remember doing in little league.  I was on 3B, and the pitcher really wasn't paying attention to me.  He'd just pitch, and get back on the rubber, and pitch, and get back on the rubber.  He'd turn away from me every time too.  So the next pitch, he threw it in there, and I got my lead off of 3B.  The catcher threw the ball back, he turned towards, 1B, and I sprinted home, and I was safe by a mile.  That was killer.

Yeah it is cool when ya do something like that. Ya look up at the catcher and hes just like what the hell. What kind of a player are you wsf?


One thing I like to do on a close play at home is do kinda a stand up slide and nail the catcher. Dont sit all the way down and just let him have it. I had a teammate once who slid in at the plate, and the catcher, who was really small, jumped up and he just hit the guy and made him flip. That was cool. Unfortunately, Im a catcher too so if I piss someone off by nailin him at the plate, he might do the same thing to me...

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there is only one way to fix Jimenez' baserunning.


Manuel needs to approach him and tell him straight out that his baserunning is bad. he then needs to pinch run for him when the opportunity presents himself. for now, when Jimenez gets on in a close game in the 7th inning or later, pinch run Graffanino for him. I don't think a player will average speed will like the idea of a player with average speed replacing him on the bases. maybe that will get him to work harder.


manuel needs to be more aggressive with stuff like this though and keep on pounding it into Jimenez' head.

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SSP  (shortstop power) :lol: The sad thing is I am still hitting over .700.  Speed kills.

I could relate to that. I beat out an awful lot of infield singles. Or I atleast make it tough on them and make then hurry. And that causes them to make errors.


But I shouldnt be talking. I think the closest my team has come to the opposition this year is about three runs... :o

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speed and baserunning skils is the only strong aspect of my baseball ability. I can't hit, can't throw and I'm too inconsistent in the field. I can run the bases with the best of them though. like you said roman, you have speed, you can cause a lot of stupid errors to happen. that is why I don't understand why soo many players don't run out groundballs.

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Since we're all chiming in on our playing pasts, I'll throw my 2 cents into the diamond.


I only played LL 1 year because my mom was always afraid I'd get hurt , but I very much enjoyed it and still love playing ball when I can (which seems to be about once a year if I'm lucky). Like most, I played several positions (P, 2B, SS, CF, RF), but I'd say my favorite was either CF or SS. They seemed to have the most action. We played a 17 game "season", and we went 14-3 to win the "championship" (there were only 3 other teams, but hey, it was still fun). I quit after making the all-stars due to feeling pressure to play. It was no longer fun, and everyone around me was trying to make me play the next year and in HS when I got there, but to "rebel" I never played again. It's one of the very few regrets I have in my life. :(


Baseball rules.

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well, it wasn't great baserunning, but better than most of the guys on this team. the ball he hit was a double for sure, Daubach running home allowed him to move to third and then the bad throw brings him home. as long as you have speed and hustle, that run is easy.

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speed and baserunning skils is the only strong aspect of my baseball ability.  I can't hit, can't throw and I'm too inconsistent in the field. I can run the bases with the best of them though. like you said roman, you have speed, you can cause a lot of stupid errors to happen. that is why I don't understand why soo many players don't run out groundballs.

Exactly. I sprint on every ground ball. The SS picks it up and sees me flyin along and he thinks I gotta hurry so he throw it in the dirt and next thing ya know Im in scoring position. I doubt it will work in the bigs but it sure does at my level...

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I played in an AS tournament in Poland. We started 3-0 but we had clubhouse problems and lost the last three games. They found empty beer bottles in our dorm and one of our coaches was thrown out. Still, we got to see Poland and play some baseball. It was fun. And that stadium was nice as crap! The baseball complex was just beautiful. It really was a lot of fun...

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Exactly. I sprint on every ground ball. The SS picks it up and sees me flyin along and he thinks I gotta hurry so he throw it in the dirt and next thing ya know Im in scoring position. I doubt it will work in the bigs but it sure does at my level...

The thing I want to know is when do players get taught that not running out is ok. Whenever I played if you didn't run out a ball you were benched. I don't know anything but playing at full speed because it makes things happen.


In college I never see players, at least not on Fullerton, not run out every play and I'm assuming if they don't they get benched (Unless they are injured or something) yet in the majors it happens.


I'd stick to that same philosphy. If your in shape, your not going to injure yourself running hard down the line. Its just something called hustle.

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Damn, look what talking about my slow ass started. LOL


And for clarification, I knew how to run the based, I just didn't have the speed to do so. Unfortunately, at strange times, I didn't want to acknowledge my lack of speed, therefore running into easy outs and driving coaches nuts. :D

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too many people are naturally lazy when it comes to that or, like many times, spend too much focus on where they hit the ball and lose focus on running hard.


as far as the coaches. I think there are a lot of bad coaches who don't stress stuff like that and I think too many are hesistant or afraid to tell a talented player making money to do stuff like that.


I could see a player doing that once in a while as I even watch the ball at times, losing focus, but just because you hit the ball to the shortstop doesn't mean it is an easy out.


I coach baseball and I get on the players behinds all the time when they don't run stuff out, take a good lead.

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Roman, to get back to you about what kind of player I am, here's what I'll say.


I am basically your average player. Average baseball instincts, average throwing arm, average throwing speed, average power, average bat, average baserunner....average everything, except the fact that I know a s***load about the game. I'm a smart player. We got 1st and 3rd, and I'm on 1st, I'm gonna try to get the runner home by sacrificing myself. I'll try to get in the other pitchers head by clapping and yelling and hopping around. And I'll try a balk steal every now and then too. Every once in a while I'll make a nice play or I'll have a real nice hit. But nothing spectacular. Mainly a singles hitter, I'll steal bases, I'll make the routine plays, etc.


Right now, I'm struggling a ton though. My swing is f***ed up and I think because of that, I'm not taking a good attitude out on the field. Too pissed at myself, and I'm making a lot of dumb errors. I think I'm starting to swing better though, and hopefully my fielding will get better because of it.

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Roman, to get back to you about what kind of player I am, here's what I'll say.


I am basically your average player.  Average baseball instincts, average throwing arm, average throwing speed, average power, average bat, average baserunner....average everything, except the fact that I know a s***load about the game.  I'm a smart player.  We got 1st and 3rd, and I'm on 1st, I'm gonna try to get the runner home by sacrificing myself.  I'll try to get in the other pitchers head by clapping and yelling and hopping around.  And I'll try a balk steal every now and then too.  Every once in a while I'll make a nice play or I'll have a real nice hit.  But nothing spectacular.  Mainly a singles hitter, I'll steal bases, I'll make the routine plays, etc.


Right now, I'm struggling a ton though.  My swing is f***ed up and I think because of that, I'm not taking a good attitude out on the field.  Too pissed at myself, and I'm making a lot of dumb errors.  I think I'm starting to swing better though, and hopefully my fielding will get better because of it.

Whatever you do, leave your at bats in the dugout, NEVER bring em to the field. Don't think about hitting once you get to the field. It's not easy, but you gotta try it.

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Oh ya, I also drew a ton of walks.  I didn't have the talent, but was well educated in all the areas that could make up for it.

Lol....Little League...


I was a second baseman...I batted .100 for the year with an OBP of .650 and no errors...If I remember right I had like 20 walks, 2 hbp, and 25 sb...but I still sucked more than anyone on my team. :lol:

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Roman, to get back to you about what kind of player I am, here's what I'll say.


I am basically your average player.  Average baseball instincts, average throwing arm, average throwing speed, average power, average bat, average baserunner....average everything, except the fact that I know a s***load about the game.  I'm a smart player.  We got 1st and 3rd, and I'm on 1st, I'm gonna try to get the runner home by sacrificing myself.  I'll try to get in the other pitchers head by clapping and yelling and hopping around.  And I'll try a balk steal every now and then too.  Every once in a while I'll make a nice play or I'll have a real nice hit.  But nothing spectacular.  Mainly a singles hitter, I'll steal bases, I'll make the routine plays, etc.


Right now, I'm struggling a ton though.  My swing is f***ed up and I think because of that, I'm not taking a good attitude out on the field.  Too pissed at myself, and I'm making a lot of dumb errors.  I think I'm starting to swing better though, and hopefully my fielding will get better because of it.

Anytime your swing is f***ed up, go back to basics. Try and hit the ball hard up the middle. Or, as I used to tell the guys I coached, try and hit the pitcher right between the eyes with the baseball. (that gave them a laugh before going into the box) If you are trying to do that you are basically going to focus more on one very important thing... the baseball. Try it ... it works. Work on it in BP or at the cages. Hard up the middle.

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