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What is America?


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I dont think you can sum it up by comparing it to one single city in the whole country. The whole country is completely different.


Every city has things that make it unique and add to what makes this country great.


Sure some of the stuff that has happened over the past few weeks, months or years has been bad but overall this is by far the best place to live in the world.

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You know, I spent a week in France once. 5 days in the countryside (Bretagne), and 2 in Paris. Bretagne felt like France, and I had a wonderful time. Paris, on the other hand, was full of tourists and Parisians.


Same goes here. NY, LA, no way. Even Chicago not as much. Small town Iowa is more like it. But if I were recommending a trip to someone from elsewhere, I'd say some of each (city, small towns) would be the best picture.

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