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Is it me or does Hakw have an excellent "booth eye"?


It seems that as soon as the hitter makes contact, he already knows it's a base hit or if it's hit off the end of the bat or it's "oh, he just missed it", etc...John Rooney and Chip Carey yell "SWUNG ON, HIT DEEP.." on every other flyout. and are usually wrong not to mention late to call...whereas Hawk has a the eye of a, well, hawk.


He is a good one and Sox are lucky to have him. DJ is anotrher story altogether...

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I love Hawk and you're exactly right, DJ on the other hand needs to go.


I'd love a TV duo of Hawk and Farmer, but I wouldn't want to break up the tandem of Rooney and Farmer on the radio.

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Yeah, but what we take for granted is how easily Hawk reads game situations, whether hitting or baserunning, which is not easy to do from way up there in the booth...listen to most announcers, who are to enamoured with their own thoughts to keep up with the game and/or just don't have the eye.

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Is it me or does Hakw have an excellent "booth eye"? 


It seems that as soon as the hitter makes contact, he already knows it's a base hit or if it's hit off the end of the bat or it's "oh, he just missed it",  etc...John Rooney and Chip Carey yell "SWUNG ON, HIT DEEP.." on every other flyout. and are usually wrong not to mention late to call...whereas Hawk has a the eye of a, well, hawk.


He is a good one and Sox are lucky to have him.  DJ is anotrher story altogether...

I miss Wimpy. DJ has improved somewhat but I really liked listeing to the Hawk and the Wimperoo.

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Next time you see DJ take a close look at his eyes. He looks like he's been sucking on a 3 foot graphics bong for a few hours before gametime.



OMG, Dick, you've been reading my mind. I didn't want to say anything because DJ is a handsome man whom chicks obvisouly dig--he may have naturally sleepy eyes....But it sure looks like, from a high angle especially, he's puffin'.



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Good obs by Brando. I've VERY rarely seen Hawk misread something off the bat. And I hear a lot of people complain about "homer" announcers, and I'm sure some may have Hawk in mind when they speak of them, but if you look beyond the "we" and "YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS", he is actually VERY objective. He calls it the way it is (as much as he can -- he can't say too many bad things about the Sox since they employ him), good or bad. I also love his insight and the stories that he tells about some of the greats of the past. Makes it more than just a game -- sometimes it's a history lesson. :D


Hawk rules!

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I always say we are lucky as Sox fans for the most part for the announcers we have. I have often thought Hawk and Ed would make a good tandem, except I get the feeling that they would kill each other.


What about the postgame show? Bill Melton and DA are 10 times better than than Dave Otto and that bimbo...can't even compare.

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How is he "terrible"? Because he is twice as quick/accurate on the calls as most? Maybe bacause he doesn't strain for puns and doesn't feel the need to search for a new HR exclamation one-liner every week? Or that he doesn't care about out-emoting and out-yelling his peers? That Seattle cocksucker and others like him can stick their "baby...gramma coming home to roost!" comments you know where...


He is genuine, knowledgable, observant and cares deeply about this team...what else is there? Do you prefer he resemble other 90% p-b-p announcers in the majors: smarmy, incompetent and aiming at the lowest common denominator among the viewers?

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I loved it when that Maggs double that hit the yellow line, then the foul pole, then bounced out...



The two were ready to kill each other. :lol:

DJ kept badgering Hawk about the call, trying to rephrase the question each time anf presenting more and more outlandish scenarious...LMAO, Hawk was more confused at what DJ was trying to say than anything else.


If you want a classic Pissed Hawk moment....2001:


"Hawk, you said 'boner'...." in response to the former's archaic, harmless usage of the word...I thought Hawk was ready to kill him. I am talking dead air for minutes...I am still LMAO every time I think about it.

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How is he "terrible"? Because he is twice as quick/accurate on the calls as most? Maybe bacause he doesn't strain for puns and doesn't feel the need to search for a new HR exclamation one-liner every week?  Or that he doesn't care about out-emoting and out-yelling his peers?  That Seattle cocksucker  and others like him can stick their "baby...gramma coming home to roost!"  comments you know where...


He is genuine, knowledgable, observant and cares deeply about this team...what else is there? Do you prefer he resemble other 90% p-b-p announcers in the majors:  smarmy, incompetent and aiming at the lowest common denominator among the viewers?

Zero enthusiasm, and rarely describes what is going on on the field. There could be a huge play for the other team, and there's no enthusiasm. You have to have enthusiasm both ways. And when the sox are trailing it's a lost cause...you don't even konw what's going on.

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You have to have enthusiasm both ways





(Let incompetent hacks like Chip carey and Josh Lewis fake "objective" enhusiasm...he is a Sox announcer, no if ands or buts. I am able to get everything I need from his broadcasts and then some.)

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Yes, you definitely need to bring energy and enthusiasm to the game...not



Oh, please...whenever there is a huge Sox hit, he practically goes into cardiac arrest, I don't know what games you are watching...Now if it's the "bad guys", it's a different story altogether. Losing sucks and he is of the same mentality. Its all in the tone and inflection.


He says more "objective" things and praises the other team as much as anybody...and unlike that real homer, Steve Stone, it doesn't ring false.



Long live Hawk!

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I didn't want to say anything because DJ is a handsome man whom chicks obvisouly dig--he may have naturally sleepy eyes....But it sure looks like, from a high angle especially, he's puffin'.

But, we all KNOW that Hawk is the sexier in the broadcasting booth, as even DJ is physically attracted to him (DJ called Hawk 'sexy' in a broadcast early last year).



Hawkeroo is #1!!! He's the Dale Tallon of baseball. And his Hawkisms are the greatest!!!

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But, we all KNOW that Hawk is the sexier in the broadcasting booth, as even DJ is physically attracted to him (DJ called Hawk 'sexy' in a broadcast early last year).



Hawkeroo is #1!!!  He's the Dale Tallon of baseball.  And his Hawkisms are the greatest!!!

"Murcy!" alone often packs more intensity and genuine feeling than anything other mainstream, "regal" announcers can come up with...combined.


Hawk is just misunderstood, that's all. Hell, most people think that the only reason why he brings up his playing days is because he wants to bragg--nothing could be further from the truth if you take time to peruse his career stats and think about woefully self-deprecating context of his stories...LMAO.


So with that...Rawk on, Ken Harrelson, you awesome ol' school redneck you.

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Good obs by Brando.  I've VERY rarely seen Hawk misread something off the bat.  And I hear a lot of people complain about "homer" announcers, and I'm sure some may have Hawk in mind when they speak of them, but if you look beyond the "we" and "YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS", he is actually VERY objective.  He calls it the way it is (as much as he can -- he can't say too many bad things about the Sox since they employ him), good or bad.  I also love his insight and the stories that he tells about some of the greats of the past.  Makes it more than just a game -- sometimes it's a history lesson. :D


Hawk rules!

I agree, like when Jimenez didn't go home on that bloop hit in game 2 of the Twins game..you could tell he wanted to run down there and strangle him :lolhitting


This may get me shot saying this here, but I wish we had Steve Stone team up with hawk...

I think i would enjoy listening to those broadcasts. :headbang

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Oh, please...whenever there is a huge Sox hit, he practically goes into cardiac arrest, I don't know what games you are watching...Now if it's the "bad guys", it's a different story altogether.  Losing sucks and he is of the same mentality. Its all in the tone and inflection.


He says more "objective" things and praises the other team as much as anybody...and unlike that real homer, Steve Stone, it doesn't ring false.



Long live Hawk!

and unlike that real homer, Steve Stone, it doesn't ring false.


I agree he's a real homer, but he knows his baseball.

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