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I just wish that DJ would really step out once in a while and let his "nasty side" come out once in a while - he's too nice and he's too subordinate. Instead of being known as "Hawk's sidekick" - how about making a name for yourself as well.


Step out once in a while and just rip someone a new asshole. I would respect the crap out of him if he would do that.

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Oh, please...whenever there is a huge Sox hit, he practically goes into cardiac arrest, I don't know what games you are watching...Now if it's the "bad guys", it's a different story altogether.  Losing sucks and he is of the same mentality. Its all in the tone and inflection.


He says more "objective" things and praises the other team as much as anybody...and unlike that real homer, Steve Stone, it doesn't ring false.



Long live Hawk!

and unlike that real homer, Steve Stone, it doesn't ring false.


I agree he's a real homer, but he knows his baseball.

Oh I agree, Steve Stone knows quote a bit about pitching....but compared to Kawk two things fly out:


1. It' almost seems like he is jealous of good non-Cub players/Cubs killers/White Sox even if he is extoling their virtues at the same time. He uses subtle techniques and still manages to come off semi-insincere. IMO. (Of coruse he is better than Chip That Could, it goes without saying)


2. As a former player, his analysis is surprisingly shallow, especially when talking about defnese, hitting and base-running.

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Yeah, but what we take for granted is how easily Hawk reads game situations, whether hitting or baserunning, which is not easy to do from way up there in the booth...listen to most announcers, who are to enamoured with their own thoughts to keep up with the game and/or just don't have the eye.

agreed very much!

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