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What the hell??? Why is the Wii so hard to find still?

Kid Gleason

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There are a crapload out there- seven million of them to be somewhat exact. It's been the best selling system ever in its first few months. That's why it's hard to get. You had to get one at launch if you wanted to easily get one. USually it's the other way around with video game consoles.

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Apr 19, 2007 -> 07:40 PM)
Because other people who want one are faster than you




I take it there is a limited number still? I mean, if I want a certain model DVD player, chances are the stores will have it. If they don't, they will say "come back next week". But that doesn't seem to be the case with these things.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 02:39 AM)


I take it there is a limited number still? I mean, if I want a certain model DVD player, chances are the stores will have it. If they don't, they will say "come back next week". But that doesn't seem to be the case with these things.

They do ship basically every week. Usually on Sundays. Problem is that they sell out too fast.



I would suggest going to your nearest retailer fairly early on a Sunday. Asking ahead on when a certain retailer will get their next shipment won't hurt either. That's about the only you'll be able to get your hands on one for now. They should meet demand around June though, and they'll be easy to pick up from then on.

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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They underestimated the demand. The key segment was retirees. This is the highest demand game console ever for that age range. Institution are purchasing them as part of their physical activity offerings.


I'm not certain if that is more a factor of the device and games available, the price point, or that these Seniors are starting to be from an age when tech isn't as foreign to them. Either way, Wii and Viagra is making being retired much more physical ;)


And isn't this really just a way to find more excuses to tell your daughter is it? Sorry, I'm thinking you have a daughter for some reason.

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I tracked the shipments on some online page, and it showed my local Target getting 12 in. This was early February. Sure enough, they opened at 1:30 PM on that Sunday, and I got to electronics at 1:40 PM, and got the last one left. Its crazy how fast these things sell.

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Thanks for the tips. What sold me on it was the boxing game. That thing is a decent little work-out. Shadow boxing is an awesome exercise to begin with, but take part of the shadow away and replace it with something, and it becomes enjoyable.


Tex, yes, I have a daughter. A son also. My daughter came inside, saw all of us playing and then went back out with her friends to play. When she got in, my sister-in-law had left with the game. My daughter thought WE (not Wii) had bought the game system, and was CRUSHED. That kind of helped decide for us to maybe get one. My wife was sold all ready, I was almost sold, my son was in love with it. The workout of the games helped me also decide. At this point in my life, I'll take any exercise I can get that doesn't require traveling a half hour to a gym.

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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 11:16 AM)
I've seen them all over the place. The PS3 too. Maybe it just depends on where you live.



I live in Harvard. You live in Rockford (or so it says over there to the left). I called every store in Rockford last night and got nothing. I think it is all in the timing. Now it's more of just the fun of the hunt. :)

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 12:48 PM)
I live in Harvard. You live in Rockford (or so it says over there to the left). I called every store in Rockford last night and got nothing. I think it is all in the timing. Now it's more of just the fun of the hunt. :)


I don't look for them every time I'm out but I've checked a couple of times and have seen them sitting on the shelves. Did you check all the EB games? There's like 3 or 4 of them. 2 Targets, 3 Wal-Marts, Best Buy, Circuit City...

Edited by Iwritecode
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QUOTE(knightni @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 11:24 AM)
I knew Wii would be bigger than the PS3.




Still too early to say that. Right now, niether have a wide selection of good games. And as it stands (I own both), I use the PS3 far more often than the Wii. Resistance: Fall of Man, Elder Scrolls IV > The Legends of Zelda, WarioWares: Smooth Moves.


Have to wait until both consoles get their big releases out. Nintendo already got one out in Twilight Princess, and, in my eyes it was a flop. PS3 is still waiting for Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto. When those three games come out...I have a feeling the Wii will drop off the map.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 04:36 PM)
Still too early to say that. Right now, niether have a wide selection of good games. And as it stands (I own both), I use the PS3 far more often than the Wii. Resistance: Fall of Man, Elder Scrolls IV > The Legends of Zelda, WarioWares: Smooth Moves.


Have to wait until both consoles get their big releases out. Nintendo already got one out in Twilight Princess, and, in my eyes it was a flop. PS3 is still waiting for Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto. When those three games come out...I have a feeling the Wii will drop off the map.


Have you seen Elder Scrolls IV on 360 as well? If so, which looks better, runs cleaner, or are they basically the same thing, just different systems?

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 05:37 PM)
Have you seen Elder Scrolls IV on 360 as well? If so, which looks better, runs cleaner, or are they basically the same thing, just different systems?


Basically the same game. The graphics were cleaned up/sharpened for the PS3 launch, and the load times are much faster. The game also comes with the expansion pack already built in for the PS3. But any way you look at it, if you have a powerful PC meant for gaming, that's where Oblivion should be played.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 06:02 PM)
Basically the same game. The graphics were cleaned up/sharpened for the PS3 launch, and the load times are much faster. The game also comes with the expansion pack already built in for the PS3. But any way you look at it, if you have a powerful PC meant for gaming, that's where Oblivion should be played.


kinda had to figure that - that's where all Elder Scrolls games are meant to be played. My PC is just teh sux0rz, so it would never work. Hell, I can barely have Windows Media (which seems to be a RAM hog), AIM, and IE up before it starts struggling a bit.

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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 04:09 PM)
I don't look for them every time I'm out but I've checked a couple of times and have seen them sitting on the shelves. Did you check all the EB games? There's like 3 or 4 of them. 2 Targets, 3 Wal-Marts, Best Buy, Circuit City...


Yeah, called 'em all. Funny thing is that the Circuit City on State told us they had one. So, my wife drove out there. When she got there the guy said they didn't have one and that they hadn't had one for a long time. Now, I hate Circuit City to begin with, but now I won't buy one from a CC even if they were cheaper than anyplace else. Bastards.



QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 07:47 PM)
Not my writing, so please excuse the grammar.


Yeah...I'll think about it. Thanks for the info though.

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Wii is a good party console. Have a bunch of friends over and swing away with the remotes. But for "gaming", it is the worst. xbox 360 is the best right now because of all the games it has already, but ps3 should eventually become no. 1 for gaming. Wii looks like it could get really boring. The only good game it seems they have also is the new Zelda game. But it is a cheap system.


Some games I am looking forward to for the ps3...





I have heard good things about the computer version and xbox version, and I hear it has great online play. And Sierra usually makes very good game. Comes out in 2 days.


Rainbow Six Vegas:



I love all Tom Clancy games, and this one looks flat out awesome. I can't wait. Comes out May 22.


Rogue Warrior:



I am a bit unsure about this game, but I have always wanted a massively multiplayer online game that wasn't with mystical crap, but with military guys, and such. It seems like your team picks a base, the other team picks a base, and the middle area would be completely random, and I read something that there would be like over 1000 possibilities. Comes out June 1.


Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2:



Practically the same reasons I want Vegas. This comes out June 26.


NCAA Football 2008:



Looks great, and I can't wait. Comes out around July 15.


Some other games that might be good: The Club, The Outsider, Lair, and Warhawk

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Apr 22, 2007 -> 04:08 PM)
The Wii is all about people outside the gaming demo. It's why it will crush 360 and the PS3.


That is also exactly why it appeals to me so much.


We also got one. They were mass released all over again. Took my wife about 5 stores to finally find one though, and even there is was the last one.


She let the kids buy a game to go with it. They chose one with weird looking rabbits. One of the objectives is to throw cows. Looks great to me!


This thing:



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