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White Sox vs. Royals, 4/24/07 (W)


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QUOTE(danman31 @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 08:55 PM)
How does that improve our team? Dye>Baldelli

Who knows. I want Dye to stick around because if the Sox get rid of Dye this outfield will look absolutely horrendous. It is already pretty bad overall (luckily Erstad and Dye are both pretty good defensively, even if Dye is a bit slow).


And the idea of the club losing Dye and having both Sweeney/Anderson in the outfield with Erstad or Mack would make me absolutely vomit/cringe. That would be a flat out disaster. You'd think people would have learned there lesson after seeing BA struggle in his first full season but I guess not, people still seem to think you can just plug in a guy from the minors and expect him to produce like his minor league stats indicated. I got news for people...very rarely does that work, usually at best it takes guys a couple years to develop and even than there is a good chance they don't pan out or at least don't come close to reaching there minor league production.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 10:59 PM)
If the pitching keeps it up and if the offense becomes consistent, the Sox shouldn't have a problem winning this division.


That's a couple of big "ifs" though.


It's an easy formula

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 08:56 PM)
Not really -- the platoon began in the second game of the season, IIRC.

Platoon or not he was playing 4 games a week for the first half of the season and that is more than enough playing time to get into a rhythm.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 10:59 PM)
If the pitching keeps it up and if the offense becomes consistent, the Sox shouldn't have a problem winning this division.


That's a couple of big "ifs" though.


I feel much more confident in what this team can do now than I did during ST. Im sure most would agree

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 04:00 AM)
Who knows. I want Dye to stick around because if the Sox get rid of Dye this outfield will look absolutely horrendous. It is already pretty bad overall (luckily Erstad and Dye are both pretty good defensively, even if Dye is a bit slow).


And the idea of the club losing Dye and having both Sweeney/Anderson in the outfield with Erstad or Mack would make me absolutely vomit/cringe. That would be a flat out disaster. You'd think people would have learned there lesson after seeing BA struggle in his first full season but I guess not, people still seem to think you can just plug in a guy from the minors and expect him to produce like his minor league stats indicated. I got news for people...very rarely does that work, usually at best it takes guys a couple years to develop and even than there is a good chance they don't pan out or at least don't come close to reaching there minor league production.


Absolutely....I said it earlier tonight, but our outfield next year might look very ugly. The thing is, it will be much harder to make any improvements to our infield to make up for the loss of offense from the outfield we'd see.



Keep it down Javy....a few curves left up this inning.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 04:01 AM)
Platoon or not he was playing 4 games a week for the first half of the season and that is more than enough playing time to get into a rhythm.


Not really. When he started hitting well in the second half -- and it was clear his defense was helping the pitchers -- he was still platooned.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 10:59 PM)
Honestly, I completely agree. At times, I just think you blame Walk too much.


I blame both the players and the coaches. Its a system wide approach. Look at how we have drafted players for a long time. Football player types, s*** some of them played college football. Then we moved the fences in. turning it into one of the most homer friendly parks in baseball. You have a combination of meathead hitting approaches with guys who want to go on sportscenter. And you also have a system wide approach to hitting. I would like it first rebuilt at the minor league level, with guys who can work on a nice line drive swing. I would like to see baseball players drafted, not football players. I just get a kick out of how just about every pitcher goes low and away. And we have a hitting coach, and an assistant hititng coach who specializes in video. And we cannot prepare enough to beat some of these crappy pitchers who pitch away from contact.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 11:02 PM)
Absolutely....I said it earlier tonight, but our outfield next year might look very ugly. The thing is, it will be much harder to make any improvements to our infield to make up for the loss of offense from the outfield we'd see.

Keep it down Javy....a few curves left up this inning.


If we can win the World Series this year, I could care less about what this team would look like next year. I would need the year off, to focus on the bulls and the championship they will win next year.

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The other week I was listening to ron santo talk to whoever his partner is about "ice hot tamales" and how confusing they were while driving my car down I-55. It took every bit of will I had to keep myself from turning my car into the kankakee river. I realize I could have just turned off the radio but the memory would still be there.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 08:57 PM)
Baldelli had an OPS+ right around 120 last year. He plays better defense than Dye and runs the bases better.


It would hurt us a bit for the rest of the season -- I agree with that -- but we'd still be getting three+ years from Baldelli as opposed to the three months left of Dye.

I'm definitely not opposed to Baldelli, but I'm not about to trade Dye for him nor am I about to say that Dye won't be back with the organization. In fact, I think the odds of Dye returning are about 50/50 and I even feel the same way about Buehrle/Iguchi.


I think Contreras will be moved this off-season with Buehrle resigning (call it a hunch) but I do expect Buehrle to have one of his best years so that could make things difficult. However, when Crede is moved this off-season that will free up a bit of cash that can go to Dye/Buehrle (albeit not a ton).


But back to Baldelli, if the club wants to get him, they should give up some of its pitching prospects (not Gio/Danks) but some of the other crop (there is a ton of depth there, plus some pen depth and a few of those guys could translate into the Sox answer in the outfield and top of the order for a good long while).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 11:00 PM)
Who knows. I want Dye to stick around because if the Sox get rid of Dye this outfield will look absolutely horrendous. It is already pretty bad overall (luckily Erstad and Dye are both pretty good defensively, even if Dye is a bit slow).


And the idea of the club losing Dye and having both Sweeney/Anderson in the outfield with Erstad or Mack would make me absolutely vomit/cringe. That would be a flat out disaster. You'd think people would have learned there lesson after seeing BA struggle in his first full season but I guess not, people still seem to think you can just plug in a guy from the minors and expect him to produce like his minor league stats indicated. I got news for people...very rarely does that work, usually at best it takes guys a couple years to develop and even than there is a good chance they don't pan out or at least don't come close to reaching there minor league production.


honestly, id rather the sox stick with one of erstad/podsednik and trade the other, trade brian, sign Jones, and bring up sweeney to play RF


LF Erstad/Podsenik

CF Jones

RF Sweeney


ideally Cunningham continues to develop and by 09 starts in LF.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 08:58 PM)
I just worry about how Ozzie uses him. A great example of my concern is how he let him face a good LHP in 7th inning with a RISP in a tie game when he had Ozuna on the bench. The whole 6 million dollar option is scary also.

Frankly I'd agree about the option but I think if he gets 600 Ab's its because he's playing fantastically and in that case so be it.

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QUOTE(beautox @ Apr 24, 2007 -> 11:05 PM)
honestly, id rather the sox stick with one of erstad/podsednik and trade the other, trade brian, sign Jones, and bring up sweeney to play RF


LF Erstad/Podsenik

CF Jones

RF Sweeney


ideally Cunningham continues to develop and by 09 starts in LF.


Screw Jones. Get Ichiro. That fits a need more than Jones does. He can leadoff. He is a hard guy to strikeout. He hits lefties as well as righties. He can steal. And he plays good defense with a great arm.

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