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From cnn.com's political ticker:

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (CNN) – Hillary Clinton used her trademark laugh Thursday to deflect a question about the $800,000 her husband earned in 2005 giving speeches for a Bogota-based group that supports the Colombia free trade agreement — the same trade deal she currently opposes.


Asked by CNN if those earnings represented a conflict of interest given that she has dipped into her family's pocketbook to pay campaign bills, Clinton threw up her hands and laughed loudly for several seconds.


"How many angels dance on the head of the pin?," she responded, continuing to giggle. "I have really, uh, nothing to … I mean, how do you answer that?"


The New York senator explained there are different sides to the argument over trade, and re-emphasized her own opposition to the trade deal, assailing the Colombian government's "outrageous" record of "targeting labor leaders."


"I am against the Colombia free trade deal," she said. "It doesn't matter who talks to me. It doesn't matter any circumstances. I have been against it. I am against it. I will be against it absent the kind of changes in behavior that I have been calling for from the Colombian government."


Earlier in the press conference, describing her husband's advocacy for the trade deal, Clinton said: "Everyone is free to express their opinion."

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Is Bill Clinton "not inhaling" again? He says Hillary "misspoke" about her Bosnia trip because it was "late at night and she was exhausted" and "she immediately apologized".



Now, correct my memory.. I believe it was during the day on St. Patricks Day and it took a WEEK of main stream media coverage for her to "apologize" which was really just a statement by Wolfson saying she "misspoke". She never apologized.

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Here's another reason I like Obama. He hits the nail on the head with this speech:


"Parents if you don't parent, we can't improve our schools," he said. "You've got to parent. You've got to turn off the television set in your house once in a while, you've got to put the video game away once in a while."


Obama, who aspires to be the first black president, dwells a little longer on the subject with predominantly black audiences, as he did Thursday in this economically struggling city in the south shore of Lake Michigan.


"You should have a curfew in your house so your children aren't out in the streets all night. You should meet with the teacher and find out what the homework is and help that child with the homework. And if you don't know how to do the homework, don't be embarrassed, find someone to help you."


"Fathers, be fathers," he added. "Be a part of your child's life. Be a part of your child's life and try to make them proud.


"And the last thing is, if your child is misbehaving at school don't curse out the teacher. You know who you are. It's not the teacher's fault that your child is misbehaving. That's some home training."


The crowd reacted raucously and Obama laughed. "You know what I say is true, though. Don't blame the teachers, and the government and the schools if you're not doing your job."



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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 09:50 AM)
Here's another reason I like Obama. He hits the nail on the head with this speech:




what's interesting is that the "right" media tries to say he is this big government "Americans are incompetent" liberal, but they seem to ignore this that he really believes in personal responsibility and that goes back to his days as a community organizer in Chicago.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 07:14 AM)
Do they honestly think this "poor Hillary, look how she's misstreated" strategy is appealing? Americans hate whiners.

When Saturday Night live did their Obama/Clinton debate sketch and she referenced it, suddenly there was a week or two of the Media trying to "Vet" Obama and trying to find as many negative stories as they could about him to try to create some measure of balance. And on top of that, there's plenty of other times this campaign that Hillary has used the media's insane urge to pounce on her for anything off kilter to her advantage. She may well have won the New Hampshire primary and saved her campaign by waving the red cape at Matthews et al., and having them go absolutely nuts for 2 days. (TEARS! OMG! TEARS! WHAT DO WE DO! OMG!)

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 12:09 PM)
When Saturday Night live did their Obama/Clinton debate sketch and she referenced it, suddenly there was a week or two of the Media trying to "Vet" Obama and trying to find as many negative stories as they could about him to try to create some measure of balance. And on top of that, there's plenty of other times this campaign that Hillary has used the media's insane urge to pounce on her for anything off kilter to her advantage. She may well have won the New Hampshire primary and saved her campaign by waving the red cape at Matthews et al., and having them go absolutely nuts for 2 days. (TEARS! OMG! TEARS! WHAT DO WE DO! OMG!)



And then, it backfired bigtime, thank goodness.


I hope that Obama wins PA and this thing is over.


Then the "vast right wing conspiracy" can then go into a full court press against Obama. ;)

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 05:06 PM)
How come Obama wants to have free trade with anti-American communist Cuba, but not pro-American capitalist Columbia?

Because "Free Trade" is tossed around so much it's totally lost its meaning? It basically has come to mean "Any agreement with any nation that has anything to do with trade in even the slightest detail".

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 07:13 PM)
Because "Free Trade" is tossed around so much it's totally lost its meaning? It basically has come to mean "Any agreement with any nation that has anything to do with trade in even the slightest detail".

That doesn't answer my question. You have Columbia, one of the larger purchasors of American construction equipment and stuff, who wants to buy more, being shunned by Obama because the unions HERE don't like Columbia. Kinda twisted logic, because if it doesn't pass, and then Columbia buys construction equipment from , say, Canada or Japan, then the union members here will be hurt when they are laid off. He complains about the violence facing unionists there, but that has dropped 80% since Uribe took over. So, what is the real reason that they opose this?

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 08:51 PM)
<!--quoteo(post=1609783:date=Apr 11, 2008 -> 08:25 PM:name=Athomeboy_2000)-->
QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 11, 2008 -> 08:25 PM)
<!--quotec-->I feel a little bitter ;)

FYI: Before this story takes a life of it's own, here is Obama's clarification....

Too late (on the story taking a life of it's own).


Let's connect some dots.


First, read Obama's book. There's some racial overtones in it. Subtle, but there. Now when I say that, I mean that Obama says that he's had a hard time because of his color in places in his life. I don't want to say he's "racist"... that's not my point, and I will get to my point in a minute.


Second, Michele Obama says she's "never been prouder of America" - now why was that again?


Third, the people that Obama associates himself with... the "weather underground", Rev. Wright for 20 years, etc.


Fourth, the comments over the weekend about people being "bitter"...


There's more, but I think a clear pattern is being established about who Obama really is. Any single one of these things, on their own, would be fine. But, when you put them all together, we find that Barack Obama is quite the eliteist, in my opinion. For all you people who want "inclusion" from your Democrat Party, Obama isn't really all that inclusive. He wants things his way, and all this talk of change, etc. is to change things to HIS way of thinking. He doesn't have room, in his mind, about thinking any other way. THIS is why this man is a dangerous candidate. He's more like George W. Bush then you people want to admit, except he's a liberal, so that makes it ok.


I never, EVER thought I would say this, but at least with Hillary Clinton, you know what you get (a pathological liar who will do exactly what the polls of America tell her to do). With Obama, generally, people have no idea how jaded this man could really be. If you start "connecting the dots", I think Obama has some serious issues that need to be vetted before this man could take the White House.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 12, 2008 -> 11:02 AM)
Third, the people that Obama associates himself with... the "weather underground"

Been listening to Hannity and Rush huh? ;)


Here's the problem with that. The ONLY connecting evidence is that he served on the same board of a foundation as he did. If that's the case. the entire board should be considered potential terrorists. People point to a statement by the Obama campaign that they are "friendly". Here's the problem. I cant tell you how many people i knew in High School or COllege that i completely detested, but I was friendly with because I had to be.


Beyond that, there is no connection.

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I wonder how much this "bitter" controversy is going to hurt Obama. All I've heard the last few weeks is that Obama's only chance to lose this nomination is if he says something stupid. You have to know Hillary knows this, and they won't let this fade into the background.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 12, 2008 -> 10:07 AM)
Been listening to Hannity and Rush huh? ;)


Here's the problem with that. The ONLY connecting evidence is that he served on the same board of a foundation as he did. If that's the case. the entire board should be considered potential terrorists. People point to a statement by the Obama campaign that they are "friendly". Here's the problem. I cant tell you how many people i knew in High School or COllege that i completely detested, but I was friendly with because I had to be.


Beyond that, there is no connection.

Actually, no. I haven't had a single minute to listen to any of that. But I did read an article about it a couple of days ago. I think that there's a little something there about Obama's mindset back at that point in time, and I think that it's another element about his character. Do I think it's wholly Obama? No. But, as I said with my post, when you take all these little instances and start adding them up, you get the real Obama, not this pomp and circumstance hoopla that everyone wants to think of him right now.


The man has some serious skeletons that no one wants to discuss. Perhaps Hillary Clinton will do it for us. If not, I'm sure there will be some "discussion" of it later.


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QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 12, 2008 -> 10:10 AM)
I wonder how much this "bitter" controversy is going to hurt Obama. All I've heard the last few weeks is that Obama's only chance to lose this nomination is if he says something stupid. You have to know Hillary knows this, and they won't let this fade into the background.

Here's something interesting. THis is just a snap shot, but on Digg a LOT of people came out of the woodwork to say "hell yea I'm bitter". Yes it's a narrow community. But interesting none the less. He might take a quck hit, but it might help him in the end. He can use bitterness as a talking point to gain some Penn voters.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 12, 2008 -> 11:02 AM)
Too late (on the story taking a life of it's own).


Let's connect some dots.


First, read Obama's book. There's some racial overtones in it. Subtle, but there. Now when I say that, I mean that Obama says that he's had a hard time because of his color in places in his life. I don't want to say he's "racist"... that's not my point, and I will get to my point in a minute.


Second, Michele Obama says she's "never been prouder of America" - now why was that again?


Third, the people that Obama associates himself with... the "weather underground", Rev. Wright for 20 years, etc.


Fourth, the comments over the weekend about people being "bitter"...


There's more, but I think a clear pattern is being established about who Obama really is. Any single one of these things, on their own, would be fine. But, when you put them all together, we find that Barack Obama is quite the eliteist, in my opinion. For all you people who want "inclusion" from your Democrat Party, Obama isn't really all that inclusive. He wants things his way, and all this talk of change, etc. is to change things to HIS way of thinking. He doesn't have room, in his mind, about thinking any other way. THIS is why this man is a dangerous candidate. He's more like George W. Bush then you people want to admit, except he's a liberal, so that makes it ok.


I never, EVER thought I would say this, but at least with Hillary Clinton, you know what you get (a pathological liar who will do exactly what the polls of America tell her to do). With Obama, generally, people have no idea how jaded this man could really be. If you start "connecting the dots", I think Obama has some serious issues that need to be vetted before this man could take the White House.

You've done a poor job of selling your point here IMO.


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Of course there is a pattern. He's black and grew up poor. So, he had less advantages in life than some others may have. That pattern isn't racism - its reality. What is more amazing to me is that, if you listen to what he says, he almost never blames it for anything. Further, he's very clear repeatedly that he had a great opportunity as an American to even have a life like his.


Its amazing to me that some people are still unwilling to acknowledge that growing up black is not the same as growing up white. Its reality. People have the same legal rights regardless of race - yes. People of all races have the opportunity to succeed - mostly (with the exception that there are still some hard core racists out there). But the climb up for someone poor in this country is a lot further than that of those in the middle or upper classes, and, guess what? The majority of blacks grow up on that lower end of the income spectrum. They have a tougher road to success. Denying that is being in denial of reality.


And yet, despite all this, you have NEVER heard Obama say in his books (I've read both) or his speeches (I've seen quite a few) that those people are entitled to something for nothing, or even something that others are not. Not once. What he says quite clearly is he wants the playing field to be level, and I agree with him*.


*caveat: I do not support any form of affirmative action or other quota or balance-based program, which is simply institutionalized bigotry. The playing field can be leveled substantially without giving people artificial advantages because of their race.


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Is he claiming that middle America embraces religion because they lost thier jobs and the economy is hard? it sounds an awful lot like he is saying that religion is the opiat of the masses, and the only reason people focus on that, and gun rights, etc. is bacuse they are in hard economic times.

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