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QUOTE(iamshack @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 11:00 PM)
Not sure if this has been posted, but the Clinton's loaned Hillary's campaign $5 million today.

Quick question:

It says she LOANED her campaign the money. How does that compare to Mitt Romney? I though he just gave his campaign money. Hillary is loaning her money? Not ballsy enough to actually play with her real money?

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 09:15 AM)
Quick question:

It says she LOANED her campaign the money. How does that compare to Mitt Romney? I though he just gave his campaign money. Hillary is loaning her money? Not ballsy enough to actually play with her real money?

The government of Kazakhstan wants interest on their money. They don't just give it away.



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Quick update. With things pretty much settled in terms of delegates, RealPolitics has the current standings in PLEDGED delegates as of today as:


Obama: 851

Clinton: 845


All the supers are able to do what they want later, so, their count doesn't mean a ton right now. But the supers are currently, by RP's count:


Clinton: 211

Obama: 128


Which puts the total, including those flexible supers, at:


Clinton: 1056

Obama: 979


Very close race indeed. No polls out yet in the upcoming Feb primaries the next couple week. There will be tomorrow I'd bet, for the 2/10 states. But early indications are that the rest of Feb favors Obama, and then there is the money situation. Plus Edwards, Gore and Richardson still out there having not yet endorsed anyone. This thing is far from over.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 09:26 AM)
Quick update. With things pretty much settled in terms of delegates, RealPolitics has the current standings in PLEDGED delegates as of today as:

Obama: 851

Clinton: 845

According to MSNBC, I have this count (all pledged delegates to date):

Obama: 838

Clinton: 834

Edwards: 26

Unknown (delegates that have yet to be assigned from Super Tuesday): 127

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SurveyUSA publishes a poll for Washington, the biggest prize of the Feb 9-10 primary weekend (97 delegates for the Dems at stake in WA, 40 for the GOP). But, strangely enough, Washington is apparently doing a caucus on the 9th, then a primary on the 19th. I have no idea what that does for delegates... I assume the primary is the binding one, so... the caucus is just a preview? Weird. Anyway, poll results...



Obama: 53%

Clinton: 40%



McCain: 40%

Romney: 26%

Huckabee: 17%

Paul: 9%


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Blow me up if this is a really stupid question but could Al Gore want to be a VP with Obama because he really thinks there is an opportunity to have a say in politics and worldwide without having to run for president? Hence holding off on an endorsement until he sees the gravatational draw of the Obama candidacy.......


I am pretty ignorant to politics compared to those in this forum BTW.

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QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 12:27 PM)
Blow me up if this is a really stupid question but could Al Gore want to be a VP with Obama because he really thinks there is an opportunity to have a say in politics and worldwide without having to run for president? Hence holding off on an endorsement until he sees the gravatational draw of the Obama candidacy.......


I am pretty ignorant to politics compared to those in this forum BTW.

Could be. That's not an ignorant thought at all. My guess is he wants to be part of an administration, but continue his work - so he likely wouldn't be a VP. Some sort of non-cabinet post, SubSecEnvironment or something that they'd make up. That's just my guess, though.


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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 11:25 AM)
I'll believe this when I see it.



oh I just wet myself. lol


Seriously, Gore knows the Clintons as well as anyone having worked with them for 8+ years. He knows their slimmyness and problems.


I know some would rather see him work around the world, but I would LOVE to see him as Secretary of Energy. He's be the "Anti-Cheney". While Cheney and his chronies pushed pro-oil, Gore would push pro-alternative energy. Not to mention his "street cred" with the youth of America and environmentally conscious people.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 11:33 AM)
oh I just wet myself. lol

Seriously, Gore knows the Clintons as well as anyone having worked with them for 8+ years. He knows their slimmyness and problems.

I know some would rather see him work around the world, but I would LOVE to see him as Secretary of Energy. He's be the "Anti-Cheney". While Cheney and his chronies pushed pro-oil, Gore would push pro-alternative energy.


I actually like that idea.





BRB ... going to take my temperature.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 09:33 AM)
Could be. That's not an ignorant thought at all. My guess is he wants to be part of an administration, but continue his work - so he likely wouldn't be a VP. Some sort of non-cabinet post, SubSecEnvironment or something that they'd make up. That's just my guess, though.

At least based on his other recent behaviour, my guess is the opposite...that Al has realized there's some value to not being a figure in this campaign, to just sort of being this god-like figure outside of politics that everyone has to pay some level of attention to. Even half the Republicans started saying anthropogenic climate change is real, and he's been a big part of that.

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Rasmussen Reports: Obama and Clintons tied at 44%


Interesting Point:

I have long said, "If you aren't for Hillary, you are against her". Well, look at the stats. She has been consistently 35-45%. However, Obama has been in the mid to high 20s. Over the past 2 months, Obama has been pulling MANY of the undecideds and other candidates. He has jumped to 44%. Where is Hillary? Still where she was 3 months ago.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 01:14 PM)
Rasmussen Reports: Obama and Clintons tied at 44%


Interesting Point:

I have long said, "If you aren't for Hillary, you are against her". Well, look at the stats. She has been consistently 35-45%. However, Obama has been in the mid to high 20s. Over the past 2 months, Obama has been pulling MANY of the undecideds and other candidates. He has jumped to 44%. Where is Hillary? Still where she was 3 months ago.


Yes, it's looking better for Obama every day. Hillary's gotta get her groove on.

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