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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 06:51 PM)
I think it's over. Obama is going to beat Hillary, and probably win the White House. I don't think he is going to run a horrible campaign like Gore or Kerry. GW Bush pretty much handed the Dems this thing with the huge deficits he ran up and the Iraq war.

I hope you're right (there's that word again) but I've seen Hillary written off before and she isn't out yet. Not by a long shot. Her last true "Firewall" states were New Hampshire and Nevada, the last 2 she really needed to dominate other than the Super Tuesday ones, and she won both of those. Her next firewall is Texas and Ohio. If she wins both of those then it's on to Pennsylvania.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 09:21 PM)
I hope you're right (there's that word again) but I've seen Hillary written off before and she isn't out yet. Not by a long shot. Her last true "Firewall" states were New Hampshire and Nevada, the last 2 she really needed to dominate other than the Super Tuesday ones, and she won both of those. Her next firewall is Texas and Ohio. If she wins both of those then it's on to Pennsylvania.


That is true. But she is on such a big losing streak, she needs to stop Obama's momentum. I wonder if she will go on the attack again, it seemed to work a lot better than her current approach.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 09:28 PM)
That is true. But she is on such a big losing streak, she needs to stop Obama's momentum. I wonder if she will go on the attack again, it seemed to work a lot better than her current approach.

You mean the hang low Rudy 9ui11iani approach?

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 08:53 PM)
I have no doubt anymore that you are correct. It took me a while to get this feeling but I am certain he will be our next president. This is a true movement now. You cannot deny it.




No, it's just time for you Obama guys/gals to work harder, and donate more.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 09:47 PM)
Best spin of the evening, a Clinton representative: "We did what we set out to do this evening.. collect delegates" LMAO!

Seriously, if that is the best you have, dont even try.

Just went to Clinton's website. You would never know by looking at it that 3 primaries just took place today.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 09:38 PM)
Ignore every state for a month like Rudy did with Florida. She will go winless from Feb 5th through March 4th. At this rate she may not win anything on March 4th either.


Oh, yea that has been shown to be a really bad strategy. I was wondering if Clinton will try to mix things up again with some attacks on Obama, one last desperate attempt to get back in the race.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 03:48 PM)
If you use the results the Obama campaign have collected, Obama currently leads 1031-944 in pldged delegates. Assuming a 60-40 split in the 3 contests today... Obama potential jumps to 1132-1011.

I'll split WI 55-45 and Hawaii 60-40... 1185-1053.

Now lets move to Ohio and Texas. I'll split them 55-45 to Clinton... Obama - 1335 Clinton - 1236

Even if Hillary won the other March 4th states by 55-45, it would be... Obama - 1351 Clinton - 1256


Yes these are delegate counts and do not directly reflect voter percentages, but you get the idea.


Superdelegates are HUGE.

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QUOTE(AngelasDaddy0427 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 10:10 PM)
Hillary on CNN just said that she'll raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour... Lord no wonder the uneducated flock to her. What a pipe dream. That would cripple the economy and she knows it (unless of course she's a stupid as the people she counts on voting for her.) :stick


It is interesting that those that say $9.50 would cripple the economy also say removing illegals and allowong the free market to decide, knowing wages would leap forward, would not be a problem for the economy. I don't know. I'd like to see if that $9.50 is over 4 years, 8 years, 1 year, etc.

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Obama now leads in pledged and total delegates (including MI and FL), states won, popular vote (including MI and FL), and national polls. According to the "experts" Clinton will need to win by 60% or more in her firewall states. I think that would be very tough seeing that he will likely win 10 states in a row leading up to March 4th.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 09:14 AM)
I'm not a fan of Pelosi at all.




An endorsement when they were going to the polls in her state would have meant something. Really shows her true colors.


On an other note I thought I heard last night that Obama would beat McCain but McCain would beat Hillary. The Superdelagates will look hard at this.

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QUOTE(AngelasDaddy0427 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 10:10 PM)
Hillary on CNN just said that she'll raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour... Lord no wonder the uneducated flock to her. What a pipe dream. That would cripple the economy and she knows it (unless of course she's a stupid as the people she counts on voting for her.) :stick


proof that if Edwards endorses it'll be for Hillary.


That's straight out of Edwards' policy book. That EXACT amount. Combine that with her healthcare, her adopting his rhetoric, and her vowing to fight for the poor? It only makes sense.

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 10:39 AM)
proof that if Edwards endorses it'll be for Hillary.


That's straight out of Edwards' policy book. That EXACT amount. Combine that with her healthcare, her adopting his rhetoric, and her vowing to fight for the poor? It only makes sense.

I think so, too... but it depends on just how much momentum Obama has. He's not going to endorse a loser.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 07:27 AM)
It is interesting that those that say $9.50 would cripple the economy also say removing illegals and allowong the free market to decide, knowing wages would leap forward, would not be a problem for the economy. I don't know. I'd like to see if that $9.50 is over 4 years, 8 years, 1 year, etc.

Typically wage increases are phased in over several years. i would think 4 in this case. She says "I'll increase it to $9.5" and people hear "tomorrow, your pay goes up".

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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