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We already provide more "poverty assistance" then any other country on the planet, both through private and "public" means. But that's ok, it's another nanny project for the Democrats to use our money to help out everyone but who really needs it, I suppose.

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Are y'all saying we were stupid and signed a bad deal and now should not follow it :faints:


It seems we should have known that individuals were also contributing. That our corporations were also contributing.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 11:33 AM)
We already provide more "poverty assistance" then any other country on the planet, both through private and "public" means. But that's ok, it's another nanny project for the Democrats to use our money to help out everyone but who really needs it, I suppose.


The private assistances from American foundations like Gates Foundation, I'm pretty sure, are supposed to inspire us as individuals and also as a nation to do more to alleviate international poverty, hunger, disease, and inequity. But that's ok, as long as someone else is doing the good deed for us America can continue to shrink from its agreed upon obligations to the UN, I suppose.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 11:20 AM)
The private assistances from American foundations like Gates Foundation, I'm pretty sure, are supposed to inspire us as individuals and also as a nation to do more to alleviate international poverty, hunger, disease, and inequity. But that's ok, as long as someone else is doing the good deed for us America can continue to shrink from its agreed upon obligations to the UN, I suppose.


I propose that we take the direct financial adminitrative support the UN receives from us, and use that money for foreign aid. I'm sure the UN wouldn't have a problem with that.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 05:24 PM)
I propose that we take the direct financial adminitrative support the UN receives from us, and use that money for foreign aid. I'm sure the UN wouldn't have a problem with that.



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The Clintons are doins some world class spin on the super delegates...

"superdelegates" should be called "automatic delegates"

Ickes argued the "superdelegates" should be called "automatic delegates" instead, because the former makes it sound like they have “superpowers.” The DNC itself refers to them as “superdelegates” and as “unpledged” delegates.


"Automatic delegates don't have superpowers. Their vote isn't given any extra weight," Ickes said, explaining it was still a one-person, one-vote scenario, though they already get the opportunity to vote in primaries and caucuses like regular voters.


Has the Clinton campaign officially gone insane???? where do i start?

1) They are not "automatic", the can vote how they like. If anything, pledged delegates should be automatic delegates

2) They DO have "super powers". i saw the other night that a single super delegate is close to the equivalent of 9000 common voters. That's pretty super.

3) They get to vote TWICE. Once as a regular voter, once as a super delegate. That's pretty super.

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Ok, President Bill has officially fallen off his rocker...

Bill Blames Obama for other candidates dropping out....

Continuing his swing through eastern Texas last night, Bill Clinton continued to slam Obama's discounting of "fights" of the past, even saying that Obama's argument can be blamed for the elimination of Democratic candidates who have already dropped out of the race.


"If you fought you made somebody mad, and you got cut up," he said, parodying what he says is Obama's "explicit argument" against Clinton. "We just have to turn over a new leaf. And it is actually an advantage not to have any experience because then you never made anybody mad."


Clinton added that the strategy of equating experience with the taint of partisan injury "has been very effective in this campaign."


"It has already taken four candidates out, four good candidates out," he said. "And it would have taken Hillary out if she didn't have so much grassroots support and so much guts in the face of a lot of what has happened here. "


I am having a hard time following his logic here.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 03:58 PM)
Ok, President Bill has officially fallen off his rocker...

Bill Blames Obama for other candidates dropping out....

I am having a hard time following his logic here.



seriously...stick to message boards, bill.


Clinton added that the strategy of equating experience with the taint of partisan injury "has been very effective in this campaign."


because it makes a lot of sense.



4 candidates drop out...4 very good ones....and the one s***ty ones stays.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 09:24 AM)
I propose that we take the direct financial adminitrative support the UN receives from us, and use that money for foreign aid. I'm sure the UN wouldn't have a problem with that.

And if anyone actually bothers to do the math, they'll note that doing exactly as you say will move us from .1% of our budget going to foreign aid to having .103% of our budget going to foreign aid. Thus getting us that much closer to the goal.

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A top Hillary Clinton adviser on Saturday boldly predicted his candidate would lock down the nomination before the August convention by definitively winning over party insiders and officials known as superdelegates, claiming the number of state elections won by rival Barack Obama would be “irrelevant” to their decision.


so, when someone told me that my "raspy lesbo" voice comment was going to motivate people to vote for Hillary, I think someone in the Clinton camp heard me and shot back with THIS gem.



So no matter what the people of America say...the elite left will pick the candidate THEY want.



nicely put, DBag.

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Black voters are heavily represented in the 94th Election District in Harlem’s 70th Assembly District. Yet according to the unofficial results from the New York Democratic primary last week, not a single vote in the district was cast for Senator Barack Obama.


That anomaly was not unique. In fact, a review by The New York Times of the unofficial results reported on primary night found about 80 election districts among the city’s 6,106 where Mr. Obama supposedly did not receive even one vote, including cases where he ran a respectable race in a nearby district.

Read the rest

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 04:32 PM)
hmmm.... voter issues in a hillary state. I'd never have thought it!

I've read reports that said there were Hillary districts that screwed up somewhat too. Although BO probably will be the beneficiary of a delegate or two after everything is actually totaled up there.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 03:28 PM)
And if anyone actually bothers to do the math, they'll note that doing exactly as you say will move us from .1% of our budget going to foreign aid to having .103% of our budget going to foreign aid. Thus getting us that much closer to the goal.


Before I jump to any conclusions here, what is your point?

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Of course, YAS, we all know that it is solely the United States government's responsibilities to do all and be all for all people, including to those who are not citizens of our country. Furthermore, all advances toward socialistic policies should be met with the upmost of open arms because it advances the thoughts of taking care of everyone for all things. No matter what percent of GDP, .103 or .1 or whatever it is, we need to do more. Clearly, if left to our own devices, we cannot cure everything on the planet earth, because it's SOLELY our responsibility.



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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 09:50 PM)
Of course, YAS, we all know that it is solely the United States government's responsibilities to do all and be all for all people, including to those who are not citizens of our country. Furthermore, all advances toward socialistic policies should be met with the upmost of open arms because it advances the thoughts of taking care of everyone for all things. No matter what percent of GDP, .103 or .1 or whatever it is, we need to do more. Clearly, if left to our own devices, we cannot cure everything on the planet earth, because it's SOLELY our responsibility.


Thanks for straightening me out. I keep forgetting.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 03:00 PM)
Quite simply, that the cost of those U.N. Dues people make a big deal about is the equivalent of about 2 F-22's a year.


At $300 million a pop, and having never flown a single combat sortie since their debut, I propose we stop building these dinosaur Cold War holdovers rather than renewing the contracts year in and year out.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 03:09 PM)
At $300 million a pop, and having never flown a single combat sortie since their debut, I propose we stop building these dinosaur Cold War holdovers rather than renewing the contracts year in and year out.


dinosaur? dude they are stealth fighter jets, not really a primitive technology. they are totally badass too.

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Obama couldn't make it down here so he's sending Ted Kennedy on Wednesday. I have an appointment at 2, I'm hoping to be done in time to see him. Hillary is also suppose to be in the neighborhood.


Great article in my local paper on how Texas allocates delegates. http://www.themonitor.com/articles/delegat...democratic.html


The supers down here seem to be in line with Hillary.



One aspect of campaigning in Texas that would seem to benefit the Obama campaign is the caucus that begins once the primary closes March 4 — a caucus that many Texas voters don’t even realize exists.


Those who vote are invited to attend their precinct’s caucus and have a say in how 67 of the 193 pledged delegates who go to the Democratic National Convention in August will vote.


The remaining 126 pledged delegates will be selected at the state convention June 6-7 from each of Texas’ 31 state senate districts — delegates for each candidate are determined by the popular vote in each district.


Texas also has 35 superdelegates, for a total of 228 delegates.


So basically the statewide total isn't used to determine delegates won, it's district by district.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 10:12 PM)
Thanks for straightening me out. I keep forgetting.


In the good old days we had the Soviet Union also giving aid around the world and we needed to stop that because it would spread communism. So we helped all sorts of nations. Now that we do not have that threat, we can build a wall and let them die! It's fun to be a conservative. :headbang

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