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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 08:34 AM)
And it ain't like SHE made up that comment. She had a speech writer tell her that one. And so, that's PLAGARISM! rolly.gif

She had some more plagiarism going on last night...

She plagiarized her closing comments.

Clinton Tonight: "You know, whatever happens, we're going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we'll be able to say the same thing about the American people. And that's what this election should be about." - Democratic Debate, 2/21/07


John Edwards: "What's not at stake are any of us. All of us are going to be just fine no matter what happens in this election. But what's at stake is whether America is going to be fine." - Democratic Debate, 12/13/07


John Edwards: "I want to say this to everyone: with Elizabeth, with my family, with my friends, with all of you and all of your support, this son of a millworker's gonna be just fine. Our job now is to make certain that America will be fine." - Edwards Speech, 1/30/08



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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 09:16 AM)
I want to get all your thoughts on what I am about to say. It might be because I am an Obama supporter, but I am not sure, but.. does anyone else think a LOT of Hillary's answers are scripted and planned out? That Xerox line, some of her other answers, and of course the closing seemed VERY staged. While with Obama it seems like he is more just talking, not remembering a rehearsed script.



I am sure both candidates rehearsed many of their lines beforehand. This is politics afterall. But I do admit the Xerox line was one that was probably given to her by her staff. She didn't even look comfortable saying it.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 09:16 AM)
I want to get all your thoughts on what I am about to say. It might be because I am an Obama supporter, but I am not sure, but.. does anyone else think a LOT of Hillary's answers are scripted and planned out? That Xerox line, some of her other answers, and of course the closing seemed VERY staged. While with Obama it seems like he is more just talking, not remembering a rehearsed script.




She is the fakest of the lot now that Edwards and Romney are out of the race.

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Hillary is REALLY reaching now..

Note the last line: In Case You Missed It: “Obama once visited '60s ‘terrorists’.”


From the article they link to:

“Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence,” said Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton. “But he was an eight-year old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.”
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QUOTE(Jimbo's Drinker @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 11:12 AM)
I am sure the talk will be nothing like the one Obama had two days ago. HE had a sold out Reunion Arena rocking.

Well, technically, it wasn't "sold out" because the event was free... just sayin'. :D


Yea, the guy knows how to plagarize a speech and deliver it. ;)


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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
<!--quoteo(post=1578037:date=Feb 22, 2008 -> 08:34 AM:name=kapkomet)-->
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 08:34 AM)
<!--quotec-->And it ain't like SHE made up that comment. She had a speech writer tell her that one. And so, that's PLAGARISM! rolly.gif

She had some more plagiarism going on last night...

She plagiarized her closing comments.



How dare her....that just infuriates me. How could she sit up there and say that he is using someone else's words and then say the exact same thing Bill said?

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Reddy would say that the whole Clinton campaign has been plagarizing John Edwards. :lol:


But you know what? Ever since Clinton started that crap after JE dropped out, she has fallen faster then John Edwards himself did. Don'tcha think that the "poor me" s*** is not resonating with voters?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 12:07 PM)
Reddy would say that the whole Clinton campaign has been plagarizing John Edwards. :lol:


But you know what? Ever since Clinton started that crap after JE dropped out, she has fallen faster then John Edwards himself did. Don'tcha think that the "poor me" s*** is not resonating with voters?

The polls have shifted towards the least negative candidates in both races. If that doesn't wake her up, I don't know what will.

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The the whole family to see Obama. My daughter the Huckabee supporter, my son, the Ron Paul supporter, and myself. We got there early and wound up in about the 8trh or 9th row. Standing about 20' from Obama.


Couple impressions.


First off, one of our local politicians made a great slip of the tongue. He meant to say, Obama marched with the immigrants, instead he said he marched with the ignorants :lol: I laughed and thought of Kap.


Then a note to the campaign: If you are going to have someone introduce the candidate, make certain they know the candidates name. Unless I am mistaken, he is not Ba-rak-A Ob-ama or Ba-rak-O Ob-ama.


Otherwise thirty minutes or so of the standard stump speech he has been giving. Probably tossed in a couple more Spanish phrases then normal, but everyone does. Talked a lot about education and the need for a VA Hospital in South Texas. We have over 50,000 Veterans living down here and in the winter is swells to over 75,000, yet our Veterans need to drive 5 hours to San Antonio to receive care.


Overall, he connected well with the audience, seemed as genuine as someone could be in this situation, and I would not mind seeing him get the Dem nominee.

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Ok, I need a quick check from someone.


According to news agencies, Hillary spent 5 million dollars on advisers and people are worried about her money management. I want to be fair, anyone know how much Obama spends on advisers? I want to be fair to both sides. I TEND to think Hillary's primary adviser Mark Penn is much more expensive than David Axelrod.

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Posting this article specifically for Kap. :)

AP survey: Superdelegates jump to Obama


WASHINGTON - The Democratic superdelegates are starting to follow the voters — straight to Barack Obama.


In just the past two weeks, more than two dozen of them have climbed aboard his presidential campaign, according to a survey by The Associated Press. At the same time, Hillary Rodham Clinton's are beginning to jump ship, abandoning her for Obama or deciding they now are undecided.


The result: He's narrowing her once-commanding lead among these "superdelegates," the Democratic office holders and party officials who automatically attend the national convention and can vote for whomever they choose.


As Obama has reeled off 11 straight primary victories, some of the superdelegates are having second — or third — thoughts about their public commitments.


Take John Perez, a Californian who first endorsed John Edwards and then backed Clinton. Now, he says, he is undecided.


"Given where the race is at right now, I think it's very important for us to play a role around bringing the party together around the candidate that people have chosen, as opposed to advocating for our own choice," he said in an interview.


Clinton still leads among superdelegates — 241 to 181, according to the AP survey. But her total is down two in the past two weeks, while his is up 25. Since the primaries started, at least three Clinton superdelegates have switched to Obama, including Rep. David Scott of Georgia, who changed his endorsement after Obama won 80 percent of the primary vote in Scott's district. At least two other Clinton backers have switched to undecided.


Entire arcticle





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It takes months after the campaign for a campaign to audit and fully itemize their expenses. It really is unfair to compare what one campaign codes something versus another. One might lump polling into the number. One may have an adviser as an independent contractor and he pays all his expenses, another may have one as an employee and he's getting his expenses paid and that may show up under airfare and hotel. Stuff like that.


Plus, I doubt it would change anyone's opinion about a candidate. If you knew Obama spent $100 million on advisers, would you suddenly switch parties and support Huckabee?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 03:13 PM)
Plus, I doubt it would change anyone's opinion about a candidate. If you knew Obama spent $100 million on advisers, would you suddenly switch parties and support Huckabee?

No, I just want to be fair. So people seem to be ripping Clinton for high priced advisors and lots of dough nuts.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 03:15 PM)
No, I just want to be fair. So people seem to be ripping Clinton for high priced advisors and lots of dough nuts.


When you are underperforming, there will be closer scrutiny. OBbviously her campaign has made mistakes. But to base support on who is spending less money on doughnuts, is probably a dosservice to our political process.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 03:24 PM)
When you are underperforming, there will be closer scrutiny. OBbviously her campaign has made mistakes. But to base support on who is spending less money on doughnuts, is probably a dosservice to our political process.

I think the ripping of their "doughnut spending" is a little stupid. People forget they have a LOT of people working / volunteering on the campaign. It's actually very nice of them to supply food for the workers.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 12:07 PM)
Reddy would say that the whole Clinton campaign has been plagarizing John Edwards. :lol:


But you know what? Ever since Clinton started that crap after JE dropped out, she has fallen faster then John Edwards himself did. Don'tcha think that the "poor me" s*** is not resonating with voters?


Actually Reddy would say that BOTH campaigns have plagarized John Edwards.



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