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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 11:50 AM)
I read something on that before and it just sounded like a really irresponsible use of the word "terrorist" by some people that want to get into scuzzbag politics.

Ayers was involved in bombing government buildings! how is that not terrorism?

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 11:49 AM)
But I guess it means nothing when you meet people and have a meeting with them, unless it's George W. Bush or Dick Cheney - then it's a news story worthy of digging up everything you can. Just sayin'.

I understand your point. What I am saying is that, to me, there is a difference between holding a secret meeting about energy policy by Dick Chaney and seeking an endorsement by a Chicago insider.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 12:52 PM)
Ayers was involved in bombing government buildings! how is that not terrorism?

That really defends on how flexible someone's definition of "terrorist" is. b/c then when you open it up that wide that'd mean the bombing in NYC not too long ago was a terrorist act. Which dilutes the meaning of it.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 12:53 PM)
I understand your point. What I am saying is that, to me, there is a difference between holding a secret meeting about energy policy by Dick Chaney and seeking an endorsement by a Chicago insider.

And I generally agree with the point you're making as well but the dilution of those points are dependant on what side you're on.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 04:40 AM)
They only really spend their time and money in a few key states anyway. Even with the Electoral College, many states are still ignored. In fact, it'd seem that a majority of the population is ignored since many of the most populous states are guaranteed to go one way or the other. Here's a map of where Kerry and Bush spent their time and money 6 weeks prior to the 2004 election:


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This could sting:

Hillary Clinton On Southern Working Class Whites In 1995: "Screw 'Em"


In January 1995, as the Clintons were licking their wounds from the 1994 congressional elections, a debate emerged at a retreat at Camp David. Should the administration make overtures to working class white southerners who had all but forsaken the Democratic Party? The then-first lady took a less than inclusive approach.


"Screw 'em," she told her husband. "You don't owe them a thing, Bill. They're doing nothing for you; you don't have to do anything for them."

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There's still a week to go, but my eyes seem to tell me there's an interesting dynamic developing amongst the pollsters. Today, we got 2 more margin of error polls, the Philadelphia Daily News has it 46/40 Clinton, Public Pollicy Polling has it 45/42 Clinton.


In other words, we're setting up a dynamic where basically it's Survey USA and the seemingly garbage ARG poll being the only ones saying Hillary has a 10+ lead, while all of the other polls, including the ones done by local pollsters, have it much closer, margin of error or less, sometimes with more undecideds (which hypothetically you'd expect to break more for Obama than Clinton since he's probably benefited from the "Challenger/Incumbent" effect more than she has, since people have known her for longer). Usually the local polls have done all right this race, but you can say the same about SUSA. Could change before Tuesday, but it's worth noting.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 02:40 PM)
There's still a week to go, but my eyes seem to tell me there's an interesting dynamic developing amongst the pollsters. Today, we got 2 more margin of error polls, the Philadelphia Daily News has it 46/40 Clinton, Public Pollicy Polling has it 45/42 Clinton.

Yea, i was gonna say that a while ago, but now you go me so much on that darn SurveyUSA bandwagon, I see myself caught in confliction. I see an overwhelming trend that this is close, but i see that SUSA has been accurite. I dont know what to believe!!! :crying :crying lol

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I'll be upfront and honest that politics is not my arena, but... Is it just me or is this debate frustrating as hell? I've watched the first half-hour and they still have yet to talk about actual policy issues, instead talking about the Bosnia/Reverend Wright bulls*** that's been beaten to a bloody pulp. I'm finding this very, very frustrating... They have 90 minutes to talk about issues and instead we see this crap.


Am I way off on this? Please, if I am, tell me I am...

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oh snap! Clinton called out Obama for serving on a board with a former "terrorist". Obama's response: well, Bill Clinton pardoned 2 members of the "weather underground" (the group this terrorist worked with). I think that's far worse than serving on a board with someone whom you disagree with.


Nice come back.




Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (CWSGuy406 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 07:40 PM)
I'll be upfront and honest that politics is not my arena, but... Is it just me or is this debate frustrating as hell? I've watched the first half-hour and they still have yet to talk about actual policy issues, instead talking about the Bosnia/Reverend Wright bulls*** that's been beaten to a bloody pulp. I'm finding this very, very frustrating... They have 90 minutes to talk about issues and instead we see this crap.


Am I way off on this? Please, if I am, tell me I am...

There are more important issues. the problem is they almost agree 100% on all the other stuff. The only difference is health care and they spent 15+ minutes on that in their last debate. Just re-air that and call it a day.

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QUOTE (CWSGuy406 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 05:40 PM)
I'll be upfront and honest that politics is not my arena, but... Is it just me or is this debate frustrating as hell? I've watched the first half-hour and they still have yet to talk about actual policy issues, instead talking about the Bosnia/Reverend Wright bulls*** that's been beaten to a bloody pulp. I'm finding this very, very frustrating... They have 90 minutes to talk about issues and instead we see this crap.


Am I way off on this? Please, if I am, tell me I am...

At pretty much every place I'm reading, I'm getting the exact same reaction, that they spent the first hour of the debate going through the Bitter stuff, the Wright stuff, the Flag pin, an on an on with the worthless trivialities.


The reaction I'm seeing is that there wasn't a clear winner, but there was a clear loser: the American people, because they're all dumber for having witnessed ABC's handling of this one.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 08:07 PM)
The reaction I'm seeing is that there wasn't a clear winner, but there was a clear loser: the American people, because they're all dumber for having witnessed ABC's handling of this one.

MSNBC has stated it this way: The first half was the "tabloid" segment. And rightly so.

Let's talk about Lindsey Lohan's drug and alcohol problem while we are at it.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 06:10 PM)
MSNBC has stated it this way: The first half was the "tabloid" segment. And rightly so.

Let's talk about Lindsey Lohan's drug and alcohol problem while we are at it.

I keep thinking..."Maybe this will be the bottoming out that finally winds up making the media take steps to reform". Then they manage to throw themselves a shovel.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 08:12 PM)
I keep thinking..."Maybe this will be the bottoming out that finally winds up making the media take steps to reform". Then they manage to throw themselves a shovel.


A big article in the Sun-times about a new Obama endorsement




this is important news, obviously.



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I wrote this to ABC News:


I just wanted to say how horribly insulted i was about tonight's debate. Nearly half the debate as about flag pins, bosnia, Rev Wright, Weather Underground and the like. Then the second half was rushed questions about gas, the economy, and Iraq. Little or no mentions of NAFTA, free trade, or other major issues concerning the American public.

This debate was a disgrace to the intellect of the American public.


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 06:16 PM)
A big article in the Sun-times about a new Obama endorsement




this is important news, obviously.

I'd be more than happy to never hear again about a celebrity endorsement of a candidate if I also didn't have to hear about all the other garbage that's clogged up the airwaves for the last few months.

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