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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 08:12 AM)
I'd love to see SS phased out. There is no way it happens, so there is no real point in even dreaming about it. Its on my list of government programs I could do without.


Also it would basically take a collapse of the US government before SS wouldn't get paid out. It isn't really much of a risk in reality.

So its a choice. We can leave the 97k cap and have SS make up a ridiculously large chunk of our spending, or we can lift the cap (making the tax less regressive) and not have SS be as much of a handicap later. Seems like a pretty clear choice to me.


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 01:52 PM)
When did we ever have personal responsibility for our retirement? We had company pensions and retirement benefits and people worked for these companies all their lives. You certainly are old enough to remember your grandparent's careers.

And how many Enrons are out there? People who invested for their retirement and then found the companies had not financed the plans properly? But conservatives like to ignore that stuff.


I'm all for personal responsibility in this, but conservatives like to think every investment is beautiful and pure. Some HS degreed service industry employee will suddenly become Warren Buffett with their retirements. Of course with all the old money republican companies on Wall Street looking to make a killing, it's the GOP saying, we'll take care of you, for a fee ;)

I'm not ignorant. I know what my grandparents did for a living very well. Something that my grandparents, and my parents taught me, is that *I* am responsible for ME. I don't count on companies taking care of me. I don't count on government taking care of me. I don't count on my children taking care of me when I'm old (although I would like to think I would raise her in a way that she would WANT to, but it is her choice). I don't count on handouts taking care of me. I have to work my ass off for what I get, and if I don't, I have to find another way to take care of myself. No one is going to do anything but me. If I make a mistake, it's on me, not my government because (dammit no healthcare, no retirement, no (insert entitlement here)).


If I choose to scoop s*** on the street for a career, I need to face the consequences of that choice. If I choose to invest in myself and get an education that will make me compete in the business world, then I have made a choice to better myself so I have the skills to compete in the market place. Why is that so damn hard to fathom today? Part of the answer is most people feel ENTITLED to something that's not theirs in the first place. Most of the kids nowadays EXPECT things to be handed to them because they are brought up that way. I am going to do my damndest to make sure my little girl has a work ethic to work hard in life because her hard work will result in being able to take care of herself.






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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 09:40 AM)
A couple generations ago people counted on their company pensions. Who has one now?? Does anyone here have a company pension? My Dad is retired on two of them. My grandmother retired with her Sears benefits. Do you think Sears still has a pension plan?



my bank has a pension that you're locked into after 5 years of service, in addition to a 401k.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 12:14 PM)
my bank has a pension that you're locked into after 5 years of service, in addition to a 401k.


So you are relying on your bank's pension plan and the companies in your 401k? Why aren't you self sufficient?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 01:24 PM)
So you are relying on your bank's pension plan and the companies in your 401k? Why aren't you self sufficient?


I was just saying, ASS :) You asked "Who has a pension these days?


I'm relying on a mix of things: my 401k, my spouses 401k, a potential pension, equity in a home one day, minimizing or eliminating any debt, and active savings methods.


I am, of course, much smarter and more prepared than most ;) I was a boy scout, first class. Dropped out after one of the guys killed his parents with a .22


true story.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 12:30 PM)
I was just saying, ASS :) You asked "Who has a pension these days?


I'm relying on a mix of things: my 401k, my spouses 401k, a potential pension, equity in a home one day, minimizing or eliminating any debt, and active savings methods.


I am, of course, much smarter and more prepared than most ;) I was a boy scout, first class. Dropped out after one of the guys killed his parents with a .22


true story.


Which, besides the killing his parents, is exactly what I wish everyone should do. But investing in the US seems like a nice bet to me. If we need all this debt to make our economy work with Republican Presidents, at least pay the interest to the SS fund.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 09:29 AM)
I'm not ignorant. I know what my grandparents did for a living very well. Something that my grandparents, and my parents taught me, is that *I* am responsible for ME. I don't count on companies taking care of me. I don't count on government taking care of me. I don't count on my children taking care of me when I'm old (although I would like to think I would raise her in a way that she would WANT to, but it is her choice). I don't count on handouts taking care of me. I have to work my ass off for what I get, and if I don't, I have to find another way to take care of myself. No one is going to do anything but me. If I make a mistake, it's on me, not my government because (dammit no healthcare, no retirement, no (insert entitlement here)).


If I choose to scoop s*** on the street for a career, I need to face the consequences of that choice. If I choose to invest in myself and get an education that will make me compete in the business world, then I have made a choice to better myself so I have the skills to compete in the market place. Why is that so damn hard to fathom today? Part of the answer is most people feel ENTITLED to something that's not theirs in the first place. Most of the kids nowadays EXPECT things to be handed to them because they are brought up that way. I am going to do my damndest to make sure my little girl has a work ethic to work hard in life because her hard work will result in being able to take care of herself.

I take it you hand deliver mail yourself since you don't use the post office. :lol:

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September 24, 2007 -- Chicago, IL -- U.S. Barack Obama today released the following statement on Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia University in New York today.


"I would not have extended an invitation to give President Ahmadinejad another platform for his hateful rhetoric. Adolph Hitler was the worst mass murderer in the history of the world, and Ahmadinejad's denial of his crimes is offensive to Jews, to Americans, and to all people of goodwill.


But this is America, and we should never be afraid to confront the ranting lies of dictators like Ahmadinejad with the power of truth and the strength of our own values. What Ahmadinejad will learn while he's here is that America is united in rejection of his hateful views, and in opposition to the Iranian government's support of terrorism and pursuit of nuclear weapons."


Source: Barack Obama campaign


questioner, speaking via debate sponsor YouTube, asked whether, in the spirit of “bold leadership,” the candidates would “meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration…with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries.” Obama had a ready answer.


“I would,” he said without hesitation. “And the reason is that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding principle of this administration — is ridiculous. Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire. And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward.”


With those words, Obama seemed to commit himself to talks with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bashar al-Assad, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il — separately, without precondition. He even said it was “a disgrace that we have not spoken to them.” But after the debate, speaking to reporters in the spin room, Axelrod claimed Obama didn’t mean any such meetings would actually take place.


So its OK, as long as no else one hears it? I guess Obama must just be smarter than everyone else who couldn't resist his charming hateful rhetoric.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 01:50 PM)

So its OK, as long as no else one hears it? I guess Obama must just be smarter than everyone else who couldn't resist his charming hateful rhetoric.

I actually agree with him on all those quotes.


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Evan Bayh was just on MSNBC talking about his Hillary endorsement, it was the usual stuff you would expect in that situation. The interesting part was they had a little blurp about rumors starting to circulate around Demo circles of a Hill/Bayh ticket...


I did not hear if they actually asked Bayh about it or not.

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This quote, from Mrs. Bill Clinton, on "This Week with . . . [Georgie Pordgy]":

The question:

Stephanopoulos said, "Can you pledge that all US troops will be home over the course of your first term as president?"


Her answer:


You know, I'm not going to get into hypotheticals and make pledges because I don't know what I'm going to inherit, George, I don't know and neither do any of us know what will be the situation in the region, how much more aggressive will Iran have become, what will be happening in the Middle East, how much more of an influence will the chaos in Iraq have in terms of what's going on in the greater region, will we have pushed Al-Qaeda in Iraq out of their strongholds with our new partnership with some of the tribal sheiks, or will they have regrouped and retrenched?


Now what the hell is this? I mean, this sounds like George W. Bush... now how can that be? This woman is a snake in the grass, I'll tell you.


You Dems out there should be very afraid of this woman. For all the bluster that is out there on Iraq, THIS is the reason why funding and all of that has not been cut off.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 02:28 PM)
This quote, from Mrs. Bill Clinton, on "This Week with . . . [Georgie Pordgy]":

The question:

Her answer:

Now what the hell is this? I mean, this sounds like George W. Bush... now how can that be? This woman is a snake in the grass, I'll tell you.


You Dems out there should be very afraid of this woman. For all the bluster that is out there on Iraq, THIS is the reason why funding and all of that has not been cut off.

If she makes statements like that regularly, she is going to talk herself down the polls in a hurry. I don't think there is much question that the Dems want a nominee who will get us out of Iraq in some way, shape or form. Add this to her huge negatives and her energizing effect for the GOP, and I'll say again that the DNC will probably try everything they can to get other candidates to where they can give her a run for the money. The Dems have a real shot at a majority in both houses and the Presidency, and even though Hillary leads most national polls for the nomination, she is probably the candidate least likely to beat the GOP.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 07:32 PM)
If she makes statements like that regularly, she is going to talk herself down the polls in a hurry. I don't think there is much question that the Dems want a nominee who will get us out of Iraq in some way, shape or form. Add this to her huge negatives and her energizing effect for the GOP, and I'll say again that the DNC will probably try everything they can to get other candidates to where they can give her a run for the money. The Dems have a real shot at a majority in both houses and the Presidency, and even though Hillary leads most national polls for the nomination, she is probably the candidate least likely to beat the GOP.

Well, you notice that the media is NOT picking this up. I wonder why?


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An aide to Clinton's campaign tells ABC News that they expect to have raised between $17 and $20 million in the third quarter fundraising period between July 1 and Sept. 30, and suggested the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will raise over $30 million, thanks in large part to online donations.


a high-ranking Obama aide tells ABC News that they're likely to land in the $17-$19 million range -- and that they expect Clinton to hit $35 million for the quarter.
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 02:52 PM)
It's called the joy of beating expectations. You get the press to report what you were expected to do and everyone's proud of you for beating it. Like when George W. Bush graduated high school. :lol:


I do understand what they are doing, I just found it funny they were both so obscenely off of each others numbers. Its not like they were a million or two off, both were giving difference of near 20 million dollars... Like they don't know what the other is doing, or what they are doing.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 07:57 PM)
Actually, I think they will, if they haven't already. she is a front-runner, and they quote her stuff all the time, even when she is self-contradictory.

It's been two days. They're not picking it up.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 03:34 PM)
ABC is where I saw it. But, it's not being talked about.

The more clicks the articles get, the more the rise on the page. That's the way those sites work, at least in part. I guess people don't want to read about it. Its there to be read.


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