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NH Poll... Clinton's lead shrinks from 23 points to 14 since the same poll in September. The biggest gainer, though, was Richardson. Now (change)...


Clinton 36% (-7)

Obama 22% (+2)

Edwards 13% (+1)

Richardson 12% (+6)


IA had been a dogfight for a while, but NH getting closer is a new development.


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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
If Mr. Obama wins Iowa...just watch what happens in NH.


Iowa decides everything.

I am calling this the Boulder Down a Hill primaries. Basically, if Hillary's boulder tops over the edge in Iowa (aka she wins Iowa) there is no way to stop a boulder rolling down a steep hill. however, if Obama wins Iowa... well, that boulder hasn't tipped over the edge yet and can be redirected or stopped.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 10:09 AM)
I am calling this the Boulder Down a Hill primaries. Basically, if Hillary's boulder tops over the edge in Iowa (aka she wins Iowa) there is no way to stop a boulder rolling down a steep hill. however, if Obama wins Iowa... well, that boulder hasn't tipped over the edge yet and can be redirected or stopped.

If Hillary wins either Iowa or NH, it's all over.


If Obama/Edwards win both of them, it's all over, and winning Iowa is the first step towards removing Hillary's NH lead.


If none of said things happen, it becomes a free for all before Super Tuesday.

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So living in a country doesn't qualify you to understand foreign policy, but being the wife of the President who won't disclose her records, does qualify as experience? Please. If anything I side with Barrack on this one, as living in another country really helps you understand the culture better, which goes a long way towards shaping policy towards countries and regions.




“I have traveled the world on behalf of our country - first in the White House with my husband and now as a Senator. I’ve met with countless world leaders and know many of them personally. I went to Beijing in 1995 and stood up to the Chinese government on human rights and women’s rights. I have fought for our men and women in uniform to make sure they have the equipment they need in battle and are treated with dignity when they return home.


“I believe I have the right kind of experience to be the next President. With a war and a tough economy, we need a President ready on Day One to bring our troops home from Iraq and to handle all of our other tough challenges.


“Now voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next President will face. I think we need a President with more experience than that. Someone the rest of the world knows, looks up to, and has confidence in. I don’t think this is the time for on the job training on our economy or on foreign policy.


“I offer my credentials, my experience, and qualifications which I think uniquely equip me to be prepared to hit the ground running on Day One. And I offer the experience of being battle tested in the political wars here at home. For 15 years, I have been the object of the Republican attack machine and I’m still here."

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I'm so f***ing sick and tired of this stupid Queen b**** running around talking about "For 15 years, I have been the object of the Republican attack machine and I'm still here." Even if it's her own party, it's the "Republican attack machine". Whatever, b****. GO THE f*** AWAY...

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 01:22 PM)
I'm so f***ing sick and tired of this stupid Queen b**** running around talking about "For 15 years, I have been the object of the Republican attack machine and I'm still here." Even if it's her own party, it's the "Republican attack machine". Whatever, b****. GO THE f*** AWAY...

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 01:22 PM)
I'm so f***ing sick and tired of this stupid Queen b**** running around talking about "For 15 years, I have been the object of the Republican attack machine and I'm still here." Even if it's her own party, it's the "Republican attack machine". Whatever, b****. GO THE f*** AWAY...


She does receive more than her share of negative energy from Reps. Look at the posts here. She has been a huge selling point by the GOP. Just listen to Rush and you see what gets the ratings, and it's attacking Hillary. The most misleading emails are about here. She is a lightening rod for negativity.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 02:18 PM)
She does receive more than her share of negative energy from Reps. Look at the posts here. She has been a huge selling point by the GOP. Just listen to Rush and you see what gets the ratings, and it's attacking Hillary. The most misleading emails are about here. She is a lightening rod for negativity.

Of course she gets more than the other candidates. It makes every bit of sense. For one thing, they GOP WANTS Clinton to win. She's still got absurdly high negatives, and she is more beatable than the other candidates in a general election via the currently favored methods of mudslinging. Also, she happens to be a favorite target because she is a CLINTON. So its really no surprise she gets so much attention from the political right.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 02:42 PM)
Of course she gets more than the other candidates. It makes every bit of sense. For one thing, they GOP WANTS Clinton to win. She's still got absurdly high negatives, and she is more beatable than the other candidates in a general election via the currently favored methods of mudslinging. Also, she happens to be a favorite target because she is a CLINTON. So its really no surprise she gets so much attention from the political right.


Agree 100%

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 02:27 PM)
So living in a country doesn't qualify you to understand foreign policy, but being the wife of the President who won't disclose her records, does qualify as experience? Please. If anything I side with Barrack on this one, as living in another country really helps you understand the culture better, which goes a long way towards shaping policy towards countries and regions.




Just for the record, HRC has authorized the release of her records.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 09:39 AM)


If ISU students participate with any sort of numbers, it certainly helps one guy.

Well get the vote out in Ames, Heads! I'd be happy with Obama and Paul winning Iowa. Paul ain't gonna happen, but, Obama is a real possibility.


Why is the Soc department doing this anyway? Where's my old Poli Sci department when they are needed? Tell that blowhard McCormick to get his rear in gear!


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Here is a thought for the day...


If Clinton continues to slip in the polls in IA and/or NH through December, with Obama leading or matching her, I can virtually guarantee she'll pull a nuke out of her back pocket. She's got something big on Obama saved up, I guarantee it. It may or may not even be true, or relevant, but its there. And if she sees a loss coming, she'll use it.


So... what might she have, do we think?


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 06:52 AM)
Here is a thought for the day...


If Clinton continues to slip in the polls in IA and/or NH through December, with Obama leading or matching her, I can virtually guarantee she'll pull a nuke out of her back pocket. She's got something big on Obama saved up, I guarantee it. It may or may not even be true, or relevant, but its there. And if she sees a loss coming, she'll use it.


So... what might she have, do we think?

You've seen/read "Disclosure"? Replace Demi Moore's character with Hillary Clinton and Michael Douglas's character with Barack Obama.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 02:52 PM)
Here is a thought for the day...


If Clinton continues to slip in the polls in IA and/or NH through December, with Obama leading or matching her, I can virtually guarantee she'll pull a nuke out of her back pocket. She's got something big on Obama saved up, I guarantee it. It may or may not even be true, or relevant, but its there. And if she sees a loss coming, she'll use it.


So... what might she have, do we think?

I've LONG said that there is going to be a (three or four days before) Christmas surprise pulled out on Obama...

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 11:45 AM)
I've LONG said that there is going to be a (three or four days before) Christmas surprise pulled out on Obama...

You don't pull that kind of stuff at Christmas. You do it within the next 2 weeks. People stop paying attention to the news somewhere between the 20th and 24th in a lot of families, because either you're traveling, you're getting time off work, you're stuck at a line in an airport, the kids are home from school so you're dealing with them, and so on. There's like a 1.5 week period where people just don't follow the news that closely (Heck, think about the reaction of this country to the tsunami, took us like 3 days to really start realizing how bad it was)...which is going to be an interesting variable with Iowa at January 3rd. It's possible that whatever we see in the polling data on Dec. 20th might be the last thing that matters in the race for that reason.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 02:49 PM)
You don't pull that kind of stuff at Christmas. You do it within the next 2 weeks. People stop paying attention to the news somewhere between the 20th and 24th in a lot of families, because either you're traveling, you're getting time off work, you're stuck at a line in an airport, the kids are home from school so you're dealing with them, and so on. There's like a 1.5 week period where people just don't follow the news that closely (Heck, think about the reaction of this country to the tsunami, took us like 3 days to really start realizing how bad it was)...which is going to be an interesting variable with Iowa at January 3rd. It's possible that whatever we see in the polling data on Dec. 20th might be the last thing that matters in the race for that reason.

I think there is another slot for that to occur, right before 1/3, during New Year's week. People in IA will be fed the info because Clinton's camp will feed it to them every day throughout the week, just as the vote is about to occur.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 08:48 AM)
Well get the vote out in Ames, Heads! I'd be happy with Obama and Paul winning Iowa. Paul ain't gonna happen, but, Obama is a real possibility.


Why is the Soc department doing this anyway? Where's my old Poli Sci department when they are needed? Tell that blowhard McCormick to get his rear in gear!


Heh, I've met McCormick.


I have Mansbach right now, and I've had Schmidt, who, for my money, is everyone's fav.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 27, 2007 -> 07:49 PM)
You don't pull that kind of stuff at Christmas. You do it within the next 2 weeks. People stop paying attention to the news somewhere between the 20th and 24th in a lot of families, because either you're traveling, you're getting time off work, you're stuck at a line in an airport, the kids are home from school so you're dealing with them, and so on. There's like a 1.5 week period where people just don't follow the news that closely (Heck, think about the reaction of this country to the tsunami, took us like 3 days to really start realizing how bad it was)...which is going to be an interesting variable with Iowa at January 3rd. It's possible that whatever we see in the polling data on Dec. 20th might be the last thing that matters in the race for that reason.

That's why I said BEFORE Christmas. My money is on the 18th or 20th (Tues-Thurs heading into the holiday weekend... you need enough time for it to hit before the Friday rush to the holiday weekend, but short enough that she doesn't get "caught".)


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After that ABC Poll showed Obama +4 in Iowa, people wondered if that was an outlier, since Clinton had been up in the 2 to 6 point range for a while. Well, another poll is out...


Clinton and Obama: 29%

Edwards 23%

Richardson 6%

Biden 4%


So, apparently, the trend seems pretty real. There has been a swing in the past month of probably 5 or 6 points towards Obama.


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