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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 10:34 AM)
No, he is a little different then what we have dealt with over at least the last 30 years. He's making his platform to get away from all the "same 'ol same 'ol"... but when he gets there, he will fall into the same trap, and that is what makes it no different.


The net result is the same ol' crap.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 17, 2007 -> 06:42 PM)
The Clinton's are getting desperate. They're sending out the dogs (husband Bill, Bill Shaheen, and Sen. Bob Kerrey) then when the dogs get back they reprimand them publicly, but giving them treats once they get inside.

I am obviously on the Obama bandwagon now but my gosh, you'd think Karl Rove is part of the Clinton campaign. They disgust me.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Dec 18, 2007 -> 02:55 PM)
I am obviously on the Obama bandwagon now but my gosh, you'd think Karl Rove is part of the Clinton campaign. They disgust me.

Nice observation. And that's why I really hope she goes down this time. If she does, she's done. :)


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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 17, 2007 -> 06:42 PM)
The Clinton's are getting desperate. They're sending out the dogs (husband Bill, Bill Shaheen, and Sen. Bob Kerrey) then when the dogs get back they reprimand them publicly, but giving them treats once they get inside.


The master of the Swiftboat, they are...

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Two new Iowa polls out, both showing Obama leading. He has had a lead on each of the last 3 polls published, and 4 of the last 6 (along with a tie, and a Clinton +3). Also of note, Edwards seems to be picking up a little steam too. Results...


ABC/Wash Post, 12/13-17:


Obama: 33%

Clinton: 29%

Edwards: 20%

Richardson: 8%

Biden: 4%


Insider Advantage, 12/16-17:


Obama: 27%

Edwards: 26%

Clinton: 24%


Nothing new in NH this week, but, South Carolina has a new one out, showing a tie...


Rasmussen, 12/16:


Clinton: 33%

Obama: 33%

Edwards: 17%

Biden: 4%

Richardson: 2%


Most recent 2 week poll averages for each of the first 3 caucus/primary states actually being considered (ignoring Zogby and Fox polls)...


IA: Obama +3.5 over Clinton (6 polls)

NH: Clinton +1.0 over Obama (3 polls, I removed the Fox poll)

SC: Clinton +1.8 over Obama (5 polls)


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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 01:10 PM)
Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites



I'm really curious to know the answer to this question...if Obama makes it to the general, will he be able to do the same sort of "all negative ads and statements against me are dirty, underhanded tricks by my opponents" that seems to keep working to turn every attack on him into a ding in Hillary's armor.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 03:10 PM)
Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites



I cannot say how much I hope Obama wins Iowa.


An open letter...


Dear Mr. Richardson-


I think you are a great candidate, but you and I know you can't win. Please drop out, endorse Obama, and become his VP candidate. You'd be perfect, and your support would hand Barack the nomination.





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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 09:31 PM)
I cannot say how much I hope Obama wins Iowa.


An open letter...


Dear Mr. Richardson-


I think you are a great candidate, but you and I know you can't win. Please drop out, endorse Obama, and become his VP candidate. You'd be perfect, and your support would hand Barack the nomination.




He's going to endorse Clinton.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 05:07 PM)
He's going to endorse Clinton.

Given his history, I'd guess you are probably right. I am just hoping otherwise. I think he'd be a perfect VP for Obama.


Something else to consider... Edwards is the guy who, I think, is taking the most votes away from Obama. If Edwards drops out any time in January, and endorses either Clinton or Obama, its over - that person will have won the nomination.


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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 21, 2007 -> 12:11 AM)
Edwards will endorse Obama before Clinton. In fact, with the exception of Richardson, any other pres. candidate is gonna throw their support to the not Hillary option.

That depends on how strong Mrs. Bill Clinton comes out of the gates. If she's "popular" they all will endorse her, and if Obama is "popular", he will get the endorsements. Everyone likes a "winner."

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