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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 07:18 PM)
Hmm....didn't Richardson say that he might endorse by the end of the week?

was this planned? or is this a recent decision? If it wasnt planned prior to today... it's Richardson.

"a special rally in the Witter Fitness Center Gymnasium at the Santa Fe Community College"

special seems like an odd choice of words for a regular event. I havent kept up with the Obama events page to know how they word their events.

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my entirely biased and bold opinion is that whomever John Edwards endorses will win. And if he endorses no one, Hillary will win. Obama getting that 10-15% in all those states would really put him over the top in some and i think catapult him to the lead. The same is true the other way around, so even though John dropped out, he STILL has the kingmaking ability.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 05:21 PM)
was this planned? or is this a recent decision? If it wasnt planned prior to today... it's Richardson.

"a special rally in the Witter Fitness Center Gymnasium at the Santa Fe Community College"

special seems like an odd choice of words for a regular event. I havent kept up with the Obama events page to know how they word their events.

If that was what was happening, I think it'd be useful, but I think that the couple weeks since he dropped out have muted the effect if that was the case.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 07:32 PM)
If that was what was happening, I think it'd be useful, but I think that the couple weeks since he dropped out have muted the effect if that was the case.

Latino Latino Latino.

One word is all you need. Obama needs just a FRACTION of the Latino Clinton supports to gain ground. I believe the polls in CA say if the latino vote were removed, Clinton and Obama would be tied in CA.

Obama needs a bump. A Richardson endorsement gets the media to talk about a slap to the face fo Hillary right before the primaries and before Hillary can respond.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 07:09 PM)
Listen mister poopy-pants... for one thing, weren't you saying back in the fall we should all get used to the idea of it being Giuliani and Clinton? Second, this things is not anywhere near over, unless Edwards and Gore suddenly endorse Hillary - heck, Obama is in the lead in pledged delegates and all the polls show momentum swinging his way. Third, even if Obama's chances were almost zero (and they aren't that low yet), why on earth would we stop wanting it to happen?


I know you are very familiar with history and all, but take a closer look - every so often, big things change. The torch gets passed off. And that might happen here.

*smells pants* Damn, it stinks. :lol:


I don't recall saying anyone would win the GOP nomination (I honestly don't remember, I could have, but I don't remember saying it), but I have certainly said since oh, about 2005 that Hillarity is going to be our next president.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 07:08 PM)
*smells pants* Damn, it stinks. :lol:


I don't recall saying anyone would win the GOP nomination (I honestly don't remember, I could have, but I don't remember saying it), but I have certainly said since oh, about 2005 that Hillarity is going to be our next president.

No you wouldn't have. You stole that nickname from me!

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 07:35 PM)
Latino Latino Latino.

One word is all you need. Obama needs just a FRACTION of the Latino Clinton supports to gain ground. I believe the polls in CA say if the latino vote were removed, Clinton and Obama would be tied in CA.

Obama needs a bump. A Richardson endorsement gets the media to talk about a slap to the face fo Hillary right before the primaries and before Hillary can respond.

A Richardson endorsement of Obama would be pretty big, and very unexpected, given his history with the Clintons. It provides for Obama...


--New Mexico - Richardson is very popular in his home state, and it would pretty much hand the state to the endorsee

--Big boost with the Latino vote

--Regional boost in AZ and CO

--Probably a good help in CA, between the Latino vote and Richardson maybe doing some campaigning

--For those in the know, that he'd endorse Obama after working for the Clintons, says a LOT


He's no Gore or Edwards, but he'd definitely be a boost.


All that said, even with the coincidences in schedule, and hints abounding, I kind of doubt Richardson endorses Obama. I hope I'm wrong.



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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 10:11 PM)
Obama just took a MASSIVE leap in massachcets...

Obama moves to within 6 points.

CLinton 43, Obama 37


RealClearPolitics Previous Polls...

SurveyUSA.... 01/22 - 01/23....586 L....59-Clinton.... 22-Obama.... 11-Edwards.... Clinton +37.0

Closed the gap by 31 POINTS in less than week.

You can thank Ted Kennedy's endorsement for that one.


Here is a scary thought. Staying close on SDOGPEIT would be a win for Obama, but with the polls shifting so dramatically now, Obama may actually have a shot at truly WINNING SDOGPEIT. An outside shot mind you, but still a shot. If that happens, Obama becomes the clear front-runner.


In order to pull that off though, I think Obama probably needs Richardson and/or Edwards to endorse him this week.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 07:08 AM)
You can thank Ted Kennedy's endorsement for that one.


Here is a scary thought. Staying close on SDOGPEIT would be a win for Obama, but with the polls shifting so dramatically now, Obama may actually have a shot at truly WINNING SDOGPEIT. An outside shot mind you, but still a shot. If that happens, Obama becomes the clear front-runner.


In order to pull that off though, I think Obama probably needs Richardson and/or Edwards to endorse him this week.

I think that endorsements don't mean s*** anymore... they just don't carry the weight they used to.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 07:41 AM)
I think that endorsements don't mean s*** anymore... they just don't carry the weight they used to.


Pretty much every second that Obama is on television, at least outside of debates he wins supporters and his numbers go up. At the very least Edwards, or other endorsements would ensure hours of positive media for Obama.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
Who here just can't stand the idea of the trend continuing?




If Hillary wins this I'll be crushed.

If she wins and gets 2 terms that would mean a Bush or Clinton in the Executive branch from 1980 through 2016. That's ridiculous.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 08:38 AM)
Look further up in the thread at the Massachussetts poll results. 31 points in 4 days? Ted Kennedy says hello.

Another poll back up the Teddy swing...

Western NE College... 01/20 - 01/26... 151 LV... 43... 15... 8... Clinton +28.0


Interesting point..... This poll had 151 voters.. the one showing obama within 6 had 1023 voters!!!

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More new Dem polls of interest...


Georgia - Insider Advantage (1/30)

Obama: 52%

Clinton: 36%


Tennessee - Insider Advantage (1/30:

Clinton: 59%

Obama: 26%


Clinton spent a couple days in Tennesee recently, and got some major endorsements there. Looks like she'll probably cruise there and in AR to take the mid-South. But, Obama looks very strong in the deep south, having won SC big, having a big lead in GA and a previous poll lead in AL.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 09:47 AM)
Clinton spent a couple days in Tennesee recently, and got some major endorsements there. Looks like she'll probably cruise there and in AR to take the mid-South. But, Obama looks very strong in the deep south, having won SC big, having a big lead in GA and a previous poll lead in AL.

My predictions....

Close One Way or the Other (Delegates might be tied):


New Mexico






Obama Wins:






Clinton Wins:

New York

New Jersey












North Dakota

American Samoa


Unknowns are states with no recent polls or where edwards had very strong support.

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