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"Borat-Gate" (stole the headline from Digg)

This also a description from a post on digg....

For anyone not wanting to read the article, it is admittedly a pretty long tale. Essentially, Bill and a canadian went to Kazakhstan (seriously) on what was supposed to be a philanthropic trip. Turns out Kazakhstan has some really large Uranium reserves, Bill was actually having a business meeting introducing his new friend (a murdering, civil-rights abusing dictator) and the whole bunch set up a start-up company to reap possibly billions. Shortly after, this dictator appears to have made a $100+million donation to the clinton foundation.


Various parts from the article...

Late on Sept. 6, 2005, a private plane carrying the Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra touched down in Almaty, a ruggedly picturesque city in southeast Kazakhstan. Several hundred miles to the west a fortune awaited: highly coveted deposits of uranium that could fuel nuclear reactors around the world. And Mr. Giustra was in hot pursuit of an exclusive deal to tap them.... Accompanying Mr. Giustra on his luxuriously appointed MD-87 jet that day was a former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.


Upon landing on the first stop of a three-country philanthropic tour, the two men were whisked off to share a sumptuous midnight banquet with Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev, whose 19-year stranglehold on the country has all but quashed political dissent.


Mr. Nazarbayev walked away from the table with a propaganda coup, after Mr. Clinton expressed enthusiastic support for the Kazakh leader’s bid to head an international organization that monitors elections and supports democracy. Mr. Clinton’s public declaration undercut both American foreign policy and sharp criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, Mr. Clinton’s wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

Within two days, corporate records show that Mr. Giustra also came up a winner when his company signed preliminary agreements giving it the right to buy into three uranium projects controlled by Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium agency, Kazatomprom.


Just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it last month. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s more recent and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, an exclusive club of wealthy entrepreneurs in which friendship with the former president has its privileges.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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The biggest piece of the pie...

Survey of 807 Likely Democratic Primary Voters

January 29, 2008


Election 2008: California Democratic Primary


Hillary Clinton



Barack Obama



John Edwards


Taken after Florida but before Edwards dropped out, according to Rasmussen.


Problem to remember...something like 20% of California (including me) is going to have already voted before super tuesday comes around, and it's pretty likely Clinton's early lead will carry through to a lot of those. So Obama needs to be more than slightly ahead on the day of the election to win it, more than likely.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 11:32 AM)
The biggest piece of the pie...


Taken after Florida but before Edwards dropped out, according to Rasmussen.


Problem to remember...something like 20% of California (including me) is going to have already voted before super tuesday comes around, and it's pretty likely Clinton's early lead will carry through to a lot of those. So Obama needs to be more than slightly ahead on the day of the election to win it, more than likely.

I don't agree on that assessment of the absentee voting. For one thing, remember the demographics... people who vote early are usually more involved politically, and have higher-end daytime jobs - thus probably more educated on the whole. The former factor, involvement, tends towards those not leading the pack. The latter, education level, according to the polls, tends to favor Obama pretty consistently.


I'd say the absentee thing would be pretty close to even, with a slight edge to Obama, all things considered.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 09:36 AM)
I don't agree on that assessment of the absentee voting. For one thing, remember the demographics... people who vote early are usually more involved politically, and have higher-end daytime jobs - thus probably more educated on the whole. The former factor, involvement, tends towards those not leading the pack. The latter, education level, according to the polls, tends to favor Obama pretty consistently.


I'd say the absentee thing would be pretty close to even, with a slight edge to Obama, all things considered.

Well, let's put it this way...it's a wildcard. Absentee ballots went out 2-3 weeks ago, before Obama's big boost started. So we have a variety of factors in play that could push them strongly one way or another.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
Well, let's put it this way...it's a wildcard. Absentee ballots went out 2-3 weeks ago, before Obama's big boost started. So we have a variety of factors in play that could push them strongly one way or another.

Definitely. Same in other states too, that allow early voting to everyone. Illinois, for example - where Clinton is actually an underdog and may have that edge.


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On another note, BO just broke another fundraising record. In 2007, John McCain's campaign took in $29 million. In 2004, Howard Dean's campaign took in $45 million total. Obama beat McCain's entire total from last year in January. $32 million in 1 month.


For reference, that total is 1/1000th of Shell Oil's profit in the 4th quarter of 2007.

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I dont know the FULL influence of early voting. However, Hillary has been pushing it hard in CA the last few days. I think she knows something.

I think early voting CLEARLY favors Clinton since she was the front runner. But, a late surge from Obama can make it pretty darn close.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 11:43 AM)
I dont know the FULL influence of early voting. However, Hillary has been pushing it hard in CA the last few days. I think she knows something.

I think early voting CLEARLY favors Clinton since she was the front runner. But, a late surge from Obama can make it pretty darn close.

You're damn straight she does.


Just remember, NH was going to be an Obama win... just like Obama's catching up now...




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Teddy Kennedy went on El Pioin's radio show today, advertising for BO in the L.A. area to the nation's largest radio audience.


Here's an interesting one for the economic policy wonks out there. Paul Volcker, the guy who was the Fed before Greenspan and who is probably best known for ending the inflation crisis in the early 80's, endorsed Obama today.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 02:27 PM)
Stupid question, could Hillary choose Bill as her VP running mate?

No. I read this somewhere based on Constitutional law... although they could challenge it. It would be something that is very unlikely.

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It's somewhat unclear, and there would be a lot of question regarding that.


Here's the amendment

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.


Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.


Because the primary role of the Vice President, outside of being President of the Senate is to handle the day to day duties of the Presidency should the current President be unable to fulfill his/her role, this amendment can be seen as a method to prohibit his election to the VP role too, because he's elected through the same method.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 08:11 PM)
Obama just took a MASSIVE leap in massachcets...

Obama moves to within 6 points.

CLinton 43, Obama 37


RealClearPolitics Previous Polls...

SurveyUSA.... 01/22 - 01/23....586 L....59-Clinton.... 22-Obama.... 11-Edwards.... Clinton +37.0

Closed the gap by 31 POINTS in less than week.

Survey USA, the one you're using for the comparison there, just re-polled Mass, and found Hillary holding a 24 point lead still.

Clinton 57% (-2)

Obama 33% (+11)

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Under the heading of BIG endorsements, The Atlantic suggests that Gore may endorse Obama. They note that Gore and Obama talk regularly, and Obama has oddly left Tennessee, a significant SDOGPEIT prize, off his current travel itinerary.




Seperately, under the heading of UNWANTED endorsements... Ann Coulter says she would vote for Hillary over McCain because Hillary is "more conservative" and "would be stronger on the war on terror".


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 10:11 AM)
Under the heading of BIG endorsements, The Atlantic suggests that Gore may endorse Obama. They note that Gore and Obama talk regularly, and Obama has oddly left Tennessee, a significant SDOGPEIT prize, off his current travel itinerary.




Seperately, under the heading of UNWANTED endorsements... Ann Coulter says she would vote for Hillary over McCain because Hillary is "more conservative" and "would be stronger on the war on terror".

It's true. When's the last time McCain worked with the Republicans on ANYTHING?


Tell the truth, that's why a lot of you people are looking at voting for him, because he acts more like a Democrat then the Democrats do.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
It's true. When's the last time McCain worked with the Republicans on ANYTHING?


Tell the truth, that's why a lot of you people are looking at voting for him, because he acts more like a Democrat then the Democrats do.

I think his stance on the Iraq war and the proclamation that there will be more wars will sink him in the election.

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In a resounding vote today, MoveOn.org Political Action's members nationwide voted to endorse Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination for President. The group, with 3.2 million members nation-wide and over 1.7 million members in Super Tuesday states, will immediately begin to mobilize on behalf of Senator Obama. The vote favored Senator Obama to Senator Clinton by 70.4% to 29.6%.


Senator Obama accepted the endorsement stating:


""In just a few years, the members of MoveOn have once again demonstrated that real change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up. From their principled opposition to the Iraq war - a war I also opposed from the start - to their strong support for a number of progressive causes, MoveOn shows what Americans can achieve when we come together in a grassroots movement for change. I thank them for their support and look forward to working with their members in the weeks and months ahead."


Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org's Executive Director, issued the following statement on the group's endorsement:


"Our members' endorsement of Senator Obama is a clear call for a new America at this critical moment in history. Seven years of the disastrous policies of the Bush Administration have left the country desperate for change. We need a President who will bring to bear the strong leadership and vision required to end the war in Iraq, provide health care to every American, deal with our climate crisis, and restore America's standing in the world. The enormity of the challenges require someone who knows how to inspire millions to get involved to change the direction of our country, and someone who will be willing to change business as usual in Washington. Senator Barack Obama has proved he can and will be that President."


"With 3.2 million members nationwide and over 1.7 million members in states that vote next Tuesday, we'll be able to immediately jump into action in support of Senator Obama's candidacy. We've learned that the key to achieving change in Washington without compromising core values is having a galvanized electorate to back you up. And Barack Obama has our members 'fired up and ready to go' on that front.

No idea how big of a boost it could be, but at this point, in a Dem primary, it sure doesn't hurt. That's a lot of infrastructure working for you, even if it's only a few days.
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
It's true. When's the last time McCain worked with the Republicans on ANYTHING?


Tell the truth, that's why a lot of you people are looking at voting for him, because he acts more like a Democrat then the Democrats do.

Well now that's just ridiculous. He's got prototypically GOP positions on probably 75% of the issues. That doesn't make him anything like "more democrat than the democracts".


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