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Why Newt isn't running...




Gingrich: Why he's not running Posted: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 9:44 AM by Domenico Montanaro

Categories: 2008


The former speaker has an op-ed in Human Events this week explaining his decision not to run: "Some have asked why couldn’t I have explored the possibility of running and remain the Chairman of American Solutions. The fact is, because of the current, misguided and destructive campaign finance laws, as well as the willingness of some to make misguided allegations without knowing all the facts, if I had decided to explore being a candidate, it would have become necessary to sever my relationship with American Solutions to protect it from false allegations of being used as a devise to promote the feasibility of my candidacy, which is not permissible under the law."




“... But the law is the law whether I agree with it or not. With the success of American Solutions and the recognition that it will be a viable enterprise going forward, it became clear Saturday that I could not under the McCain-Feingold censorship law, the current law governing campaign finance, participate in leading American Solutions while exploring a candidacy because quite simply, under McCain Feingold, it would have been illegal. Moreover, I would have put American Solutions at risk for politically motivated attacks and endless investigations not based upon facts but based upon the desired political outcomes of those who seek to protect the status quo from citizen activists who desire real change.


“The whole purpose of a presidential race for me would be to bring new solutions and new ideas into the political arena.


“But under McCain-Feingold, I had to choose between being creative and being a candidate. I could raise money or raise ideas, but not both. ...


“A Final Note on McCain-Feingold. You’ve heard me say it before: The McCain Feingold censorship law should be repealed. It has actually made politics more focused on money....


“This cycle’s presidential campaign is a year longer than it should be because of the terrible burdens on fund raising created by McCain Feingold.”

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 10:15 AM)



How many times can he fit "McCain-Feingold" into that much text? Is he getting paid for every time he says it?


Of course, it makes perfect sense. That little piece accomplishes lots of things for him - makes McCain look bad (by saying the law is bad AND associating him with Feingold), makes his organization that much more high profile (most people I am sure hadn't even heard of it before), and provides the perfect excuse for not running.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 10:19 AM)


How many times can he fit "McCain-Feingold" into that much text? Is he getting paid for every time he says it?


Of course, it makes perfect sense. That little piece accomplishes lots of things for him - makes McCain look bad (by saying the law is bad AND associating him with Feingold), makes his organization that much more high profile (most people I am sure hadn't even heard of it before), and provides the perfect excuse for not running.


A lot of people equate freedom to spend your money however you want with freedom of speech. I don't really agree with that, but I do agree that since McCain-Finegold passed, the system has gotten WAY worse.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 09:38 AM)
A lot of people equate freedom to spend your money however you want with freedom of speech. I don't really agree with that, but I do agree that since McCain-Finegold passed, the system has gotten WAY worse.

Of course, the question in reply to that is...did the system get worse because of McCain Feingold or in spite of it? And if so, what part of that bill was it that did the job?

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 01:04 PM)
Official Ron Paul numbers nearly equal to McCain's fundraising:


Paul is really sneaking into this thing. The longer people stay distracted with everything else going on, he continues to creep up on people. He seems to have the most passionate following around. I doubt it will be enough though. All though this guy is a New Hampshire surprise away from breaking out.


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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 01:08 PM)
Paul is really sneaking into this thing. The longer people stay distracted with everything else going on, he continues to creep up on people. He seems to have the most passionate following around. I doubt it will be enough though. All though this guy is a New Hampshire surprise away from breaking out.

I really enjoy watching darkhorses go on a run. Richardson going from 1-2% to now double digits in key states, for example. Paul is also coming up, but he is going from not even registering on the rader to like 2 or 3% in IA and NH. He needs to start spending that money pretty quick if he wants a chance to make some noise.


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I wonder if it is easier or harder today for a dark horse to make a run. Money is certainly a bigger issue today, but you can do a lot via the internet, which is cheaper and more direct. Still capturing the imagination of the media is the biggest problem. With a limited number of column inches available, allocating space to the sixth or seventh candidate who is polling in the low single digits, probably doesn't make much sense. Forget about buying enough TV ads.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 01:42 PM)
I wonder if it is easier or harder today for a dark horse to make a run. Money is certainly a bigger issue today, but you can do a lot via the internet, which is cheaper and more direct. Still capturing the imagination of the media is the biggest problem. With a limited number of column inches available, allocating space to the sixth or seventh candidate who is polling in the low single digits, probably doesn't make much sense. Forget about buying enough TV ads.

Its harder financially and in some other ways. But I think the fact that campaigning started SO early this time gives the lower tier candidates a better chance - they can do a lot of their spending in a targeted way, whereas the bigger candidates are spending tons of money all the time, and may not be the hot candidate at the right time.


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Huckabee is now ahead of Sen. John McCain in Iowa and nearly tied with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, according to a Sept. 29 Newsweek poll conducted with 1,215 Iowa registered voters by Princeton Survey Research Associates International on Sept. 26-27.
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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 03:06 PM)

I found the actual poll results. Sure enough, among caucus-goers, he is at 12% in Iowa, right in the thick of it.


By the way, handy website right here for Republican polls, both national and state. Nice tracker. I'll put the Dem one in that thread.


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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 1, 2007 -> 11:27 AM)
The McCain campaign raised roughly $5 million in the 3rd quarter, but also holds $2 million in debt.


The Thompson campaign is saying they raised $8 million.


The Huckabee campaign seems to be saying it will not announce its numbers until the FEC releases them on October 15th.

Speaking of Huckabee, it seems there's a reason why they weren't releasing their financial numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if Kucinich beat him.

One of the biggest questions as the third fundraising quarter closed over the weekend was whether former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.) had been able to parlay his surprise second place showing at the Ames Straw Poll into a financial windfall that could boost him into the top-tier of the Republican race.


The Fix was handed the answer a few minutes ago -- and the news is decidedly mixed.


Huckabee will show roughly $1 million raised between July 1 and Sept. 30 with $600,000 left on hand, according to campaign manager Chip Saltsman.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 12:08 PM)
Paul is really sneaking into this thing. The longer people stay distracted with everything else going on, he continues to creep up on people. He seems to have the most passionate following around. I doubt it will be enough though. All though this guy is a New Hampshire surprise away from breaking out.


Closed Primaries could really end up hurting Paul. However, he's still got over $5 million on hand, which is almost certainly more than everyone but Rudy and Romney. Another interesting thing about Paul's Q3 numbers is that he more than doubled his Q2 totals, while all of the other major candidates saw a decline. The Paul campaign has set a $12 million dollar goal for the fourth quarter, which may be a bit of a stretch. If they are able to achieve that, though, he'd likely thrust himself into true contention with the frontrunners, considering that Romney led the pack with approx $10 million this quarter and is unlikely to match that in Q4.

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QUOTE(CubsSuck1 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 06:25 PM)
Closed Primaries could really end up hurting Paul. However, he's still got over $5 million on hand, which is almost certainly more than everyone but Rudy and Romney. Another interesting thing about Paul's Q3 numbers is that he more than doubled his Q2 totals, while all of the other major candidates saw a decline. The Paul campaign has set a $12 million dollar goal for the fourth quarter, which may be a bit of a stretch. If they are able to achieve that, though, he'd likely thrust himself into true contention with the frontrunners, considering that Romney led the pack with approx $10 million this quarter and is unlikely to match that in Q4.

Romney though can still match and beat everyone else's fundraising without trying, by tapping his own bank accounts.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 10:37 PM)
Romney though can still match and beat everyone else's fundraising without trying, by tapping his own bank accounts.


Um we aren't exactly talking about the middle class in this group... For some reason Ron Paul and Tancreto aren't listed here.




Net Worths...


Romney: expected to report $190 - $250 million

Clinton: expected to report at least $50 million

McCain: expected to report at least $15 million


Edwards: $22 - $62 million

Giuliani: $20 - $70 million

Richardson: $3.5 - $10.1 million

Brownback: $3.3 - $8.7 million

Dodd: $1.5 - $3.5 million

Hunter: $1 - $2.4 million

Obama: $456,000 - $1,140,000

Huckabee: $350,000 - $900,000

Biden: $62,000 - $428,000


For reference sake, the median income in the United States in 2005 was $46,326

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The John McCain 2008 Presidential Campaign is looking for interns and volunteers for positions available during the fall. Positions are available in the Arlington, VA Headquarters (Crystal City) as well as some of our satellite offices across Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Additional volunteer opportunities are available nationwide so all are welcome and encouraged to apply.


Interns/volunteers will work with staff on various projects essential to the campaign and play a significant role in building Senator McCain's grassroots efforts. Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter (with availability) to: internships@mccain08hq.com. Please also let us know if you have a particular area of expertise or are interested in working for a specific department within the campaign.








Bill Bloomfield, Director of Volunteers


[email protected]



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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 02:12 PM)
Net worth isn't median income.


Surprisingly it basically is.





The Fed said the net worth of the median American family -- the one smack in the statistical middle -- was $93,100 in 2004.


That is basically two persons annual median incomes, which would be what a typical American household would have.

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