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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:06 AM)
Eh, don't read too much into that. That was pretty much a completely sarcastic reply to an earier post, no matter how badly you want it to be my racism showing.


I didn't think you'd go that far out on a limb, but there's always hope that people can come out and finally be more honest about how they really feel. :)

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:13 AM)
I didn't think you'd go that far out on a limb, but there's always hope that people can come out and finally be more honest about how they really feel. :)


Eh, I don't agree with assuming racism is the first cause of everything when someone involves mainly one group of people. Think about it, does anyone cry racism because almost all people convicted and tried for corporate crimes are white males? No, because almost all people who are in positions of power in corporations are white males. When the biggest group of people needing illegal identification in the country gets busted for an illegal ID ring, that doesn't make it racist automaticially either. The logic just blows my mind. Just because Mexicans were busted, doesn't mean they were automatically targeting Mexicans.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:20 AM)
Eh, I don't agree with assuming racism is the first cause of everything when someone involves mainly one group of people. Think about it, does anyone cry racism because almost all people convicted and tried for corporate crimes are white males? No, because almost all people who are in positions of power in corporations are white males. When the biggest group of people needing illegal identification in the country gets busted for an illegal ID ring, that doesn't make it racist automaticially either. The logic just blows my mind. Just because Mexicans were busted, doesn't mean they were automatically targeting Mexicans.


Do you seriously still not get that the problem people have with this is not who and why the arrests were made, but the manner in which it occurred? :unsure:


My main question continues to be why hundreds of innocent bystanders were not only unnecessarily hassled, but also, and more seriously, put at dangerous risk.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:41 AM)
Do you seriously still not get that the problem people have with this is not who and why the arrests were made, but the manner in which it occurred? :unsure:


My main question continues to be why hundreds of innocent bystanders were not only unnecessarily hassled, but also, and more seriously, put at dangerous risk.


There has been plenty of talk about who it was as well.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:41 AM)
Do you seriously still not get that the problem people have with this is not who and why the arrests were made, but the manner in which it occurred? :unsure:


My main question continues to be why hundreds of innocent bystanders were not only unnecessarily hassled, but also, and more seriously, put at dangerous risk.

Are they all really so innocent? If it was as widely known as Pratt lets on, then alot of them probably has some knowledge as to these illegal activities and just let them go on without reporting it to the police. If you are Mexican and here legally, I can never understand why you would want to help someone who is mexican come here illegally. is the color of your skin that big of a common denominator? I didn't defend the Enron crooks because they were white, so why should brown skin be an automatic reason for defense from legal hispanic residents?

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 09:37 AM)
And I repeat:


I still haven't heard valid reasoning for why mid-afternoon in a crowded mall was the best possible scenario for a full raid with a large number of heavily-armed officials detaining hundreds of innocent bystanders.


If the criminals were potentially armed and dangerous, why a crowded mall?


Their main center of operation was some basement apartment in the Southwest side. How about getting them there instead of taking any risks with such a large number of innocent bystanders?

You haven't heard a valid reason because one hasn't been released. The Chicago Sun Times didn't mention this incident, even one word, in today's edition. Yesterday it was buried 15 pages or so into the paper. You may never find an appropriate answer.


You obviously think differently, but I'm willing to give federal law enforcement officials the benefit of doubt.


Just imagine you're in a room discussing this case and strategizing how to detain several dozen individuals responsible for organizing an illegal documentation ring. Several of which have direct knowledge of murder done to eliminate competition. Don't you believe the thought crossed their minds that, one, these people may be armed; and two, detaining everyone in a mall may cause a problem? I don't even need sources to suggest with utmost certainty the options were studied and it was agreed upon that this was the most efficient way of capturing everyone.


There's so much information the public doesn't know. How if those 22 detained considered the Discount Mall a sanctuary and weren't heavily armed? What if it was the only location where everyone met? Again, I have to believe every necessary precaution was taken to ensure no innocent bystanders were hurt or suspects were lost. Last I checked, everything has worked out well.


I would like to know exactly how big this mall is, what time the raid was conducted, and for how long were bystanders detained? If these 150 people were held for five minutes, certainly they'd understand it was done only to capture those wanted for illegal activity. I don't believe for one second it'll emotionally scar them, either. Many of the shoppers probably witness, or have witnessed, their share of crime.


Anyone who brings up "well, would they have done this at Enron," think how those examples two are different. If any race of people were creating an illegal ring of documentation for illegals with the unfortunate side job of murdering rivals, nothing would have been different.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 07:50 AM)
So exactly what laws do people have to obey anymore?



None if you're illegal. If authorities enforce any laws against them, our wonderful congressman Gutierrez comes to their defense. ( Illegal holed up in a church comes to mind). He's a joke.


Yeah, illegals killing innocent young girls because they were drunk. that is o.k., they are not dead because the scum was here illegally, it is because he was drunk. If no A, then no B. Why don't the illegal apologists get that? GERALDO


QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 09:26 AM)
Eh, why not. We let 12 million people do whatever they want anyway, I guess a few more crimes won't hurt, right. After all they aren't white, so they shouldn't be subject to our laws.


If there is 1 illegal in this country, there are at least 20 million. The gov't. has been using the 12 million fiugre for how many years now?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 09:53 AM)
No thats great be proud!


Mexicans are better at this than anyone else. I mean who else gets to break laws and have people make excuses for them, while taking jobs and draining $40 billion from the US economy last year, which was sent to in cash Mexico, never to be spent in the US again. Can you think of anyone else who has a better set up? they must control a lot of TV and radio stations to convince everyone how great they are. But hey they are the greatest, and should be pround! Viva la Mexico! :notworthy


We are confusing two issues.


I believe it is fair to examine police tactics. If they planned this to intimidate AMERICANS HERE LEGALLY from their right to free speech, that is wrong and should be addressed. If they had a legitimate belief that their lives were at risk and that show of force was the best way to arrest these criminals while keeping honest innocent Americans safe, then I support them.


I never said, NEVER SAID, that those should not have been arrested, and what they were/are doing is OK.


Just because there are some Mexicans here illegally, doesn't mean that Americans who have Mexican ancestry should lose their rights and be treated like criminals. You obviously disagree.

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