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Strom Thurmond


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theologically I can't agree with that because of God's grace -


but the man was a racist bastard so I thought your post was funny! :lol: I never saw that phrase before - but it was instantly understandable! nice job!


now back to grace and forgiveness, even for that jerk...

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theologically I can't agree with that because of God's grace -


but the man was a racist bastard so I thought your post was funny!  :lol: I never saw that phrase before - but it was instantly understandable!  nice job!


now back to grace and forgiveness, even for that jerk...

Damn, CW, is there anything that gets by you?



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One reason I remain a Christian (although admittedly not a very good one) is I like the ideas of forgiveness and redemption. Many old time southern politicians changed their stance on racial matters as they aged and the country changed. Only God knows if it was truly genuine and will judge accordingly. I recently moved to SC and I can tell you that they made a major big deal about Stroms passing. They cut Without a Trace in the middle of the show and did a half hour eulogy. In 1966 MLK said he never saw or experienced the hate he faced in Chicago when he organized and executed his open housing marches. Now Chicago has changed in a way I never thought possible at that time. There has been a sea change in attitudes about a number of things in my lifetime. I never had to purge myself of the residual racism affecting many because that is one thing my parents taught me well. We had all types of people over to the apt and visited them as well. On that they were way ahead of the curve, especially in 1950's Chicago. But I never embraced the hand wringing guilt that so many others refuse to give up. Old Strom was not, is not and never will be a big favorite of mine. His views in the 40's were that of his era, his part of the country, indeed maybe the entire country at the time. We've come a long way since then. Be happy for it and don't be so quick to heap the righteous indignation on.

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WHO is Strom Thurmond :huh:  :huh:

Former Senator. In the middle part of this century he was a segragationist. He became a little more moderate as the years went on, but will always be remembered as a segregationist.

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