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Randall Tobias Oversaw U.S. Foreign Aid Programs


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Randall L. Tobias, the deputy secretary of state responsible for U.S. foreign aid, abruptly resigned yesterday after he was asked about an upscale escort service allegedly involved in prostitution, U.S. government sources said.


Tobias resigned after ABC News contacted him with questions about the escort service, the sources said. ABC News released a statement last night saying Tobias acknowledged Thursday that he had used the service to provide massages, not sex.




I would have more respect if he said he used the service for sex. Clinton inhaled and Tobias used the service for sex. There are legit massage therapy services he would have called.

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Maybe nobody else was willing to give him the Happy Ending, and if that's as far as it went (being married and all), maybe he considers it part of the massage.



No sex? Tobias was at the White House on Wednesday being praised by George Bush, on Thursday he was contacted by ABC News about his connection to a prostitution ring, and on Friday he, "abruptly resigned...effective immediately." Yes, he was paying $300 a session for that pesky sciatic nerve problem.




At any rate, it sounds like Madame Pam can blow up dozens or even hundreds of careers is she plays hardball and calls them to testify in her federal case. Talk about having the goods on some powerful players. I'm surprised charges against her haven't been dropped in return for her burning the little black book. Then again, by already giving it to ABC maybe that's not an option anymore.


Glad I used the fake name "Gage Texsox". :P

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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10,000 to 15,000 customers?!? DC really must be a stressful place if all those folks need massages from Madame Pam's gals. :)


Palfrey's attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, said yesterday that he has been contacted in the past few days by five lawyers asking whether their client's phone numbers are on Palfrey's list of 10,000 to 15,000 customers from 2002 to 2006. Some have also asked about whether an accommodation can be made to avoid identifying their clients, which Sibley said he is not able to promise. ABC's "20/20" is mining that database of phone numbers, Sibley said, for a news report on the more notable of Palfrey's customers.


"I presume '20/20' crews running around with cameras has led to this flurry of activity," Sibley said. "That may cause some people to worry."

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Naturally, I had this posted a long time ago in the Dems only thread, but I'd like to add this little nugget.

As the Bush administration's so-called "AIDS czar," Tobias was criticized by some for emphasizing faithfulness and abstinence over condom use to prevent the spread of AIDS.


In a 2004 interview, Tobias explained his approach as "A and B and C. . . Abstinence works. 'Be faithful' works. Condoms work. They all have a role. But it's not a multiple choice, where there is only one answer."

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And it just gets better and better. I guess he didn't take his own oath.


Former U.S. AID director Randall Tobias, who resigned yesterday upon admitting that he frequented a Washington escort service, oversaw a controversial policy advocated by the religious right that required any US-based group receiving anti-AIDS funds to take an anti-prostitution “loyalty oath.”


Aid groups bitterly opposed the policy, charging that it “was so broad — and applied even to their private funds — that it would obstruct their outreach to sex workers who are at high risk of transmitting the AIDS virus.”


. . .

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